[Zope] What's the difference between 2.8.x and 2.9.x?

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-zope at yahoo.com.ar
Wed May 31 11:37:52 EDT 2006

At Wednesday 31/5/2006 07:22, Lennart Regebro wrote:

>> > after the annoucement of Zope 2.8.7 and 2.10.0.B1, I'm a bit confused
>> > about the difference between the 2.8 and 2.9 lines? Is it mainly Python
>> > 2.4 support?
>>doc/CHANGES.txt is your friend.
>And also, the announcements:

I'm confused too. I see new releases of 2.8x, 2.9x and 2.10x, and I 
dont understand the differences.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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