[Zope] newbie root addressing questions

Terry Brown terry_n_brown at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 1 22:23:13 EST 2006

I'm buidling a site in /site/collected on a Zope

Using ZPT rather than DTML

So every page starts with


also, for the time being, the site's at
someurl.com/collected/, but in future might be
someurl.com/ so pages include things like

<link href="/collected/collected.css" rel="stylesheet"

so I'm wondering 

1) how I can make the site relocateable on the Zope
system, i.e. each file has 'root/site/collected' in
the initial macro call, can that be avoided, and

2) how can pages refer to their site's root when that
is currently /collected/ but might later become / ?

I found some discussion of DTML approaches, but I'm
hoping for something purely ZPT.

For (2) the main problem seems to be that if I put the
root path (/collected/ or /) in
/site/collected/rootpath it's hard to find from
/site/collected/gallery/ or
/site/collected/gallery/page1/ or some other


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