[Zope] Apache2 Rewrite: Too much traffic OR nothing

Flemming Bjerke flem at bjerke.dk
Wed Nov 22 09:57:53 EST 2006

onsdag 22 november 2006 14:28 skrev Jürgen Herrmann:
> Re: [Zope] Apache2 Rewrite: Too much traffic OR nothing
>  Fra: Jürgen Herrmann <Juergen.Herrmann at xlhost.de>
>  Til: zope at zope.org
> you should set "ProxyRequests Off"...

This helps, though, seemingly, it does not completely remove the problem:

from rewrite.log
[domain.siteparker.com/sid#8176be8][rid#8245430/initial] (1) go-ahead with 
proxy request 

(There is no index.php in my zope!)

from access.log
============ - - [22/Nov/2006:15:34:26 +0100] "GET 
http://domain.siteparker.com/index.php?dom=healthinesslive.com HTTP/1.0" 404 
348 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)"


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