[Zope] Tab completion in zopectl debug

Maurits van Rees m.van.rees at zestsoftware.nl
Tue Oct 17 19:43:50 EDT 2006


I have recently learned how to add tab completion to an interactive
python session and to pdb, thanks to Tom Lazar and to Jacob at
ParTecs.  More info with links on my first blog entry in three months:


At the end of that entry I ask a question: Can we add tab completion
to the zopectl debugger?  Or actually more general: can we load the
~/.pythonrc.py file when the zopectl debugger is started?  In that
file, the user can arrange tab completion or anything else he wants to
have available for interactive python sessions.

It is very easy to do: just add 'import user;' to the command line in
the do_debug function of $SOFTWARE_HOME/Zope2/Startup/zopectl.py.  For
details, see that blog entry.

I don't think there are security risks (but don't take my word for
it).  If someone can put malicious python code in that rc file, than
that someone could just as easily start a python session and enter the
malicious code there.

This would just be for convenience.  Would this be enough of a
convenience to put into the Zope source code?

Maurits van Rees | http://maurits.vanrees.org/ [NL]
            Work | http://zestsoftware.nl/
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