[Zope] Re: Tab completion in zopectl debug
Maurits van Rees
m.van.rees at zestsoftware.nl
Wed Oct 18 14:53:42 EDT 2006
Chris Withers, on 2006-10-18:
> Looks good, is there any way this can be done by putting more code in
> do_debug and not usering .pythonrc.py?
Sure. Instead of adding 'import user' in do_debug, you can add
print "Hello Chris, good luck with your debugging session!";
or anything else you fancy. Adding multiline statements probably
doesn't work that well. So 'import user' seems cleaner to me.
> In any case, this would be cool, please add a feature request + patch in
> the collector:
I'll experiment some more and listen to other reactions, but then I'll
look into adding some lines to the collector, yes, unless someone
beats me to it.
Maurits van Rees | http://maurits.vanrees.org/ [NL]
Work | http://zestsoftware.nl/
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