[Zope] Zope and Log File Analysis

Sascha Ottolski sascha.ottolski at lalisio.com
Thu Oct 19 06:34:28 EDT 2006

Am Mittwoch, 18. Oktober 2006 22:03 schrieb Doyon, Jean-Francois:
> The big problem I have is determining "file types" without having
> "file extensions", since many objects are name with a simple id that
> doesn't contain a typical file extension.
> This makes it supremely difficult to determine viewing statistics
> based on content type for example ... Or determining what should be
> concidered a "page view", and so on.

one not so elegant solution to log real page views only: create your own 
logger, and call it somewhere in you master template (probably close to 
the end of it so logging doesn't happen if there was an exception 
before that point).

Cheers, Sascha

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