[Zope] cannot import name SUPPORTS_WEBDAV_LOCKS

Ferhat Ayaz ferhatayaz at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 21 03:50:20 EDT 2006

> And it is a known fact that export/import is only
> support between
> *identical* Zope and Product versions...so basically
> your usecase
> is unsupported.

oh. Ok I didn't know this fact. thanks

Here is the traceback
2006-10-20T23:36:35 ERROR Zope.SiteErrorLog
Traceback (innermost last):
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 115, in publish
  Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 41, in call_object
  Module OFS.ObjectManager, line 609, in
  Module OFS.ObjectManager, line 626, in
  Module ZODB.ExportImport, line 75, in importFile
  Module transaction._transaction, line 312, in
  Module transaction._transaction, line 309, in
  Module transaction._transaction, line 737, in
  Module ZODB.Connection, line 1034, in savepoint
  Module ZODB.Connection, line 507, in _commit
  Module ZODB.ExportImport, line 143, in
  Module None, line 9, in ?
  Module None, line 12, in ?
ImportError: cannot import name SUPPORTS_WEBDAV_LOCKS

--- Andreas Jung <lists at zopyx.com> wrote:

> --On 20. Oktober 2006 13:07:29 -0700 Ferhat Ayaz
> <ferhatayaz at yahoo.com> 
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > after upgrading from Zope 2.9.4-final to
> Zope-2.10.0 I
> > have following problem while importing a Folder to
> > Zope-2.10.0 which I have exported from Zope
> > 2.9.4-final.

> -aj

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