[Zope] zope and sakai comparison

David Bear David.Bear at asu.edu
Mon Sep 11 13:35:25 EDT 2006

On Sun, Sep 10, 2006 at 10:06:33AM +0930, David Lloyd wrote:
> Sacscha,
> >>Our university has dump a lot of money into sakai. I don't know
> >>anything about it but I wonder if someone has compared sakai with
> >>zope?
> >
> >I don't know Sakai either, but a 30 seconds look at http://sakaiproject.org
> >makes me belive that you are compaing apples and oranges. Nowhere does
> >that website say that Sakai is an application server - which is what
> >Zope is.
> Sakai is a tool supported by many academic institutions (generally of 
> the University Level) to manage course, participants, teaches and 
> resources required to support that [eg. assessment tools, collaboration 
> tools].
> As you say, it is -not- an application server and in fact runs inside a 
> Java application server itself (its demo runs against tomcat but I'm led 
> to believe any Java compliant servlet container will run it).
> A better question for David to answer might be: why do you want to 
> compare Sakai with anything else, what is the actual reason for the 
> question?

yes. there is an agenda.

Our university dumps a lot of money and resources in to sakai.  I
wanted to understand why.

I think the reason is that there is a general terror of doing
something other than something based on java. So, I wanted to know if
there was a comparison of things provided by sakai and things provided
by zope.

It seems that terminology is the problem. I the alphabet soup of
termonology used to describe things really says very little about the
environment. What is an application server? What does it mean to
'support java'? What does it mean to say this is xml based? 

These are the kinds of things that really hide important operational
details about the environments they describe. 

sorry if this is not very clear. 

> If we know that, we might be able to find a comparable "apple" running 
> on Zope, or for that matter using any of the various web-based 
> frameworks that abound.

so, sakai might be said to be a bundle of java products, much like
plone might be said to be a bundle of zope products (not being strict
as the what 'product' means; ie plone is cmf and zope and .... etc. )?


David Bear
phone: 	602-496-0424
fax: 	602-496-0955
College of Public Programs/ASU
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 "Beware the IP portfolio, everyone will be suspect of trespassing"

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