[Zope] zeoctl logreopen doesn't work

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Wed Sep 13 04:03:48 EDT 2006

--On 13. September 2006 10:00:12 +0200 Gerhard Schmidt <estartu at ze.tum.de> 

> Hi,
> since i'm running my zeo.log at debug level in grows quite large. I've
> tried to rotate the log daily by renaming the zeo.log and call
> zeoctl logreopen.
> ./bin/zeoctl logreopen
> kill(6319, 31)
> signal 31 sent to process 6319
> But no new zeo.log is created and all log entries still go to the old
> file.
> How can I get zeo to create a new logfile without restarting the zeo
Likely a bug. File a bugreport!

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