[Zope] Deleting a file in Python

Tim Nash thedagdae at gmail.com
Sat Aug 25 15:05:38 EDT 2007

I had to go to the zope cookbook today to get this script so I thought
I'd paste it here for you as well. It may help you. It is from this
url: http://zopelabs.com/cookbook/1037768468


##### to copy something from a folder

copy_info = some_folder.manage_copyObjects(('object_foo',

# The argument to manage_copyObjects is a tuple of object IDs which must exist
# in the folder where you call the method.
# The returned result is clipboard data, suitable for putting in a cookie.
# but we don't need cookies if we're copying and pasting in one
# script.
## If you WANT the clipboard in a cookie, maybe because you're
# going to paste it later in some other script, you need to
# pass in a REQUEST like so:

copy_info = some_folder.manage_copyObjects(('object_foo',
# The cookie is set in REQUEST.RESPONSE.

#### To cut stuff from a folder

copy_info = some_folder.manage_cutObjects(('object_foo',
# ... it's just like manage_copyObjects

#### To delete things completely - no cut, no paste, just gone


#### To paste the result of a cut or copy into a folder


########## A complete copy / paste example

# get the source and destination parent folders
dest_base = context.restrictedTraverse('/foo/bar/baz')
src_base = context.restrictedTraverse('/fool/bear/booze')

folds = src_base.objectItems('Folder') # where the objects to copy live
for src_id, src_obj in folds:
   # prepare the destination
      # we might have run the script already, or the destination
      # might just exist already.
      dest = getattr(dest_base, src_id)
      print 'folder exists already',
   except AttributeError:
      # make sure the destination is there.
      dest_base.manage_addProduct['OFSP'].manage_addFolder(src_id, '')
      dest = getattr(dest, s_id)
   print dest.absolute_url()

   # now the real work, actually quite easy
      copy_info = src_obj.manage_copyObjects(('stylesheet_properties',))
      print "  copied...",
      print "pasted!"
      print "...couldn't paste it there."

return printed

On 8/25/07, zozer at cercy.net <zozer at cercy.net> wrote:
> I'm reading the zope book, 2.6. And I've worked through the ZopeZoo
> tutorial in chapter 11. I want to make it possible to delete entries in
> the GuestBook via its web interface. It uses a python script to create the
> file with the line:
> context.manage_addProduct['OFSP'].manage_addFile(id,
>                                          title="", file=comments)
> I assume I could write something like:
> context.manage_deleteProduct['OFSP'].manage_removeFile(id)
> or maybe:
> context.manage_addProduct['OFSP'].manage_deleteFile(id)
> but I can't figure out where context.* is documented.
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