[Zope] import ZGadflyDA.gadfly: Ext Method or Python Script?

Rakotomandimby Mihamina mihamina.rakotomandimby at etu.univ-orleans.fr
Thu Dec 27 05:54:27 EST 2007

Andreas Jung wrote:
>> I would like to learn about using Gadfly, on a very little application. 
> Consider using a *real* database. Gadfly is a toy and it will be removed
> in Zope 2.11.


> And of course you're right: it is a well known fact that PythonScript
> are restricted on imports and doing other stuff. That's why we have 
> *trusted code* in form of external methods, Zope products 

Okay. I tried on Gadfly in order to test my SQL statements.
But are Product's *.py files (those in the "Products" FS directory) also 
restricted that way?

> In addition: your code does not make much sense from the architectural 
> point of view. Zope has a DB abstraction layer with ZSQL methods.

I really want to use ZPT+Python on the thing I am developping.
Is there any hint to have:
   "ZQSL Methods" -> "Python Sscript" -> "ZPT"

Thank you for all.
I am going to have a look at the ZOpe book, as you said.

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