[Zope] External Method unable to run Java jar executable using os.system()

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Tue Feb 13 05:14:27 EST 2007

--On 12. Februar 2007 07:34:09 -0800 Ridzwan Aminuddin <wanster at inbox.com> 

>          java -jar
> /var/lib/zope2.8/instance/plone-site/Extensions/test.jar
> it works perfectly
> But using the external method given above just gives me a blank output.
> I've also tried popen2:
>         from popen2 import popen2
>         outputTGT, inputTGT = popen2(command)
>         print outputTGT.readline()
> and still the jar is simply skipped and not executed.

You should see error messages on the console. Ensure
you are running Zope in the foreground (zopectl fg).

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