[Zope] How to get REST friendly urls from sql database

Gaute Amundsen gaute at div.org
Wed Feb 21 06:19:21 EST 2007

On Tuesday 20 February 2007 16:37, Andreas Jung wrote:
> --On 20. Februar 2007 16:30:43 +0100 Gaute Amundsen <gaute at div.org> wrote:
> > Hi.
> >
> > Normally a url to an article in our CMS system would look roughly like
> > this: http://www.dom.tld/aritcles/25245
> >
> > Where 25245 would be an object of some metatype, say 'article'.
> >
> > Now what if I wanted to get the data for that page from an sql server
> > instead,  I would expect to end up with a url like this:
> >
> > http://www.dom.tld/aritcles/index_html?id=25245
> >
> > Now, having recently read the Roy Fielding paper, and expecting to do
> > some  caching, I would much prefer to have it the first way, even when I
> > have to  get the data out of a DB.
> >
> > Anybody have any ideas on how this might be done?
> How about Apache rewrite rules or a script called index_html that fetches
> the object by its ID? That's pretty much boring straight-forward stuff :-)
> -aj

I was certain that the "index_html" way required the "?" preceding the 
arguments to work. Easy enoug to test. Will do.

Hm.. but rewrite rules would be better I guess.
I was actually considering that solution for something else*, just before 
posting this..  D'oh!

(* the task of having the same objects appear under different urls in 
different states )



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