[Zope] Is there any way to turn off the publishing of external
methods to the web in Zope?
Dieter Maurer
dieter at handshake.de
Fri Jan 26 15:22:19 EST 2007
Mark, Jonathan (Integic) wrote at 2007-1-26 10:29 -0500:
>I have an external method which uses eval(). I would like to prevent anyone from calling this method from inside a URL, e.g., myzopesite/myexternalmethod?myvar=deletemyfiles()
>Rather, I wish for only Zope objects such as Python Scripts to be able to call this external method. Is there any way to turn off the publishing of external methods to the web in Zope?
When you do not want that a object is called from the Web, you
have too options: give it a non 'None' 'index_hmtl' (then this
'index_html' is called and can tell that this object must not be called
directly) or give it an empty '__doc__'.
The ZMI does not give you a way to do this, but you can
do it in an interactive Python interpreter accessing your storage
directly (under *nix: "bin/zopectl debug").
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