[Zope] Increment In PT?

José Henrique jhreis at gmail.com
Mon Jul 30 15:00:17 EDT 2007

I understood that 'bitems' was a sequence of dictionaries. Ex: ({'name':
'xyz', 'id': 1'},{'name': 'pex', 'id': 2},{'name': 'wei', 'id': 3}...).
If it's something different, you have to change the code to handle your
object properly.


2007/7/30, tonylabarbara at aol.com <tonylabarbara at aol.com>:
> It's complaining that:
> *Error Type: TypeError*
> *Error Value: string indices must be integers*
>  I tried back ticks and that still gave the same error.
> TIA,
> Tony
> <tal:loop repeat="item bitems">
>     <input type="hidden" tal:attributes="value item/name; name
> string:item_name_${repeat/item/number}">
>     <input type="hidden" tal:attributes="value item/id; name
> string:item_number_${repeat/item/number}">
> </tal:loop>
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