[Zope] Creating a ZCatalog to catalog the newly created objects using ZClasses

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Sun Jun 10 08:27:23 EDT 2007

--On 10. Juni 2007 13:21:34 +0100 kamal hamzat <hamzat at dnetsystems.net> 

> Hello,
> I was reading and following the zope book to Creating a ZCatalog to
> catalog the newly created objects using ZClasses while this message was
> displayed.
> "ZClasses are a deprecated feature and should no longer be used for new
> projects.  Instead use either through-the-web scripting with Zope Page
> Templates, PythonScripts etc. or write a Zope product."

Check the archive of the zope-dev list of April/May. There was long thread
startet by "Christopher Lozinski" around ZClasses...read there ...pretty 
much interesting..

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