[Zope] securing port 8080 behind apache

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Wed Jun 27 05:23:05 EDT 2007

--On 27. Juni 2007 10:20:11 +0100 Chris Hoy <Chris.hoy at hoyc.fsnet.co.uk> 

> Hi
> I have an a 2.9.6 instance of zope sitting behind apache all the requrest
> on port 80 work fine but what i would like to do is disable direct access
> to the 8080 port.
> I obviously still need access to the management console of zope but i
> would like to redirect the request via the apache say commin in on port
> 8090 and then being proxied to the localhost:8080 (this bit i can do)
> What i would like to do it get the zope to reject all request that don't
> come from the localhost

If you don't want that then bind port 8080 to localhost only (zope.conf -> 
ip-address directive).

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