[Zope] Re: Zope 2.8.9, Zope 2.9.7, Zope 2.10.3 released

Maurits van Rees m.van.rees at zestsoftware.nl
Mon Mar 26 16:29:21 EDT 2007

Andreas Jung, on 2007-03-26:
> I uploaded corrected versions of the Zope 2.9.7 and 2.10.3 tar-balls.
> The tar-balls released yesterday contained a bug that caused
> a startup failure when using "zopectl start".

Great, thank you!  I tested the new tar balls and they work fine now.

Any chance of doing this for 2.8.9 as well, as this has the same bug?

Maurits van Rees | http://maurits.vanrees.org/ [NL]
            Work | http://zestsoftware.nl/
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