[Zope] Re: [Zope-Annce] Zope 2.8.9, Zope 2.9.7, Zope 2.10.3
Andreas Jung
lists at zopyx.com
Mon Mar 26 20:51:59 EDT 2007
--On 26. März 2007 16:49:30 -0400 Tres Seaver <tseaver at palladion.com>
> Hash: SHA1
> Marc Balmer wrote:
>> Andreas Jung wrote:
>>> I uploaded corrected versions of the Zope 2.9.7 and 2.10.3 tar-balls.
>>> The tar-balls released yesterday contained a bug that caused
>>> a startup failure when using "zopectl start".
>> don't do this again.
> Don't do what? I was about to agree, as I don't think re-releasing
> under the same version number was correct: the new releases should be
>,, or something similary (or bump to 2.9.8, 2.10.4).
Creating a new release takes me about 45 minutes for each release..time I
don't have this week before my vacation. So my decision should be acceptable
for the Zope world - perhaps not for the packagers...anyway things happen...
>> this bug is so obvious to catch that I have some serious doubts about
>> your software testing process. are you releasing totally untested code?
>> can we trust your releases in the future, will you change sth in your
>> process?
> The testing that gets done is not done from "released" tarballs, but
> from subversion checkouts. This was a bug in the process that created
> the tarball from a checkout, and not in the underlying Zope software
> itself. I *think* it also affected only those who build and install
> Zope as root, although I can't tell for sure, since the tarballs have
> been replaced. At any rate, I *never* build, install, or run Zope as
> root, and hence would never have noticed the problem, even if I were
> doing the releases myself.
I usually test the tar-balls but only using "zopectl fg" which did not show
any errors for the three releases.
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