[Zope] custom Lexicon developpement problems

Jonathan dev101 at magma.ca
Wed May 2 07:21:45 EDT 2007

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Winterflood, Jonathan" <jonathan.winterflood at capgemini.com>
To: <zope at zope.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 4:50 AM
Subject: [Zope] custom Lexicon developpement problems

Hi all,

With the goal of allowing the use of wildcards anywhere in a ZCTextIndex 
query, and also ignore accentuated characters, I am developping a custom 
Lexicon, Splitter and CaseNormalizer.
These are packed into a Product

The more permissive globbing rules work fine, and the accent-bashing 
ToAsciiCaseNormalizer too (this looks like a good alternative to indexing a 
method that would remove the accents from the field we're interested in 
<suggested on a CPS list>)

Hovever, I'm having problems creating indexes that use them:
I created the lexicon and indexes via the catalog.xml file, but the 
'indexed_attr' fields are ignored (therefore, creating indexes on multiple 
fields isn't possible).
In the ZMI, in portal_catalog, I cannot select the lexicon for use when I 
add a ZCTextIndex

Does anyone know how to go about these problems?

Dieter's Manageable Indexes product may be of some use:



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