[Zope] Re: MailTemplate multipart/alternative samples

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Mon May 14 19:51:43 EDT 2007

(CC'ing in the relevent mailing lists so that this gets archived there)

Giovanni Coi wrote:
> After installing your MailTemplates product (working well with the
> code from the readme.txt example section ) I need
> some help.

Glad they worked well so far :-)

> May I have some hints/sample how to use MailTemplates for
> obtain a multipart/alternative message?
> For example the first part plain/text e and the second one
> text/html and no file attachment.

Sure, what I'd do is use the template to generate the html and render 
that to a message:

  msg = container.my_html_mail.as_message(
             mfrom='from at example.com',
             mto='to1 at example.com',
             subject='Your requested file',

Then I'd add a Mimetext object with the plain text version:

from email.mime.text import MIMEText

And finally send the message:


Of course, the "fun" bit is generating the plain text version of the 
message from the html version.

You might try stripogram for that:


...but your milleage may vary (a lot!)



Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting
            - http://www.simplistix.co.uk

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