[Zope] Re: Function reindexObject()

julian jules12af at aol.com
Thu May 31 03:53:47 EDT 2007

Thanks ;) but it's no really what I want sorry

I work like that :
|ZMI(zope 2.7)                    |
|                                 |
|Product : Document, my_product...| Export script
|                                 |--------------> A file with all data
|_________________________________|                of product (text)

________________________           Import script       |
|ZMI(zope2.9)          |<-------------------------------
|Product : Document,.. |           (reindexObject)
|                      |

So, the export script copy all data of a product in a text file (whit 
accessor : getID,etTitle, getText...). Each line of this file is the 
datas of a product, next lines are other products.

The import script run very well, I transform each line of the text file 
to a correspondant product as zope2.7. But I want put each new product 
in the same repertory as zope 2.7. So how say to each product in my 
import script where it must be copy.

This import script:
              id = self.generateUniqueId('J_product')
              self.invokeFactory('J_product', id)
              mct = getattr(self, id)


              ## add images ##
              im = recup_image(mesimages,compteur,"")
              if im != 'no_image':

              self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(mct,"publish", comment="")

My subject is reindexObject because I think it's this function that put 
the new Object (product) in ZMI. I don't know :s

Maybe I should make a line like that : 

repertory1 is where I want put the object (I have in my text file 
generated with export script, the url of each product).

So, It's nothing if nobody understand ;) but I would like.

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