[Zope] Uncaptured python exception

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Thu May 31 10:25:05 EDT 2007

--On 31. Mai 2007 10:12:35 -0400 Jon Emmons <jon.emmons at earthwavetech.com> 

> Oops, my bad.
> Python is 2.4.4. (not 3.4)  perhaps my python needs to be moved back a
> bit.
> I don't get any error in the error log from the zope admin, just this
> cryptic msg from the window that zope is running in.
> 2007-05-31 09:48:49 ERROR ZServer uncaptured python exception, closing
> channel <ZServer.HTTPServer.zhttp_channel connected
> at -0x49709f74 channel#: 202 requests:> (socket.error:(104, 'Connection
> reset by peer') [/usr/local/lib/python2.4/asynchat.py|initiate_send|219]
> [/home/zope/zope/lib/python/ZServer/medusa/http_server.py|send|417]
> [/usr/local/lib/python2.4/asyncore.py|send|332])

This indicates that the client closed the connection before completing
the request. Not a Zope issue - it's in fact no issue.

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