[Zope] Need some help to get rid of an InvalidObjectReference exception

Andrew Milton akm at theinternet.com.au
Wed Aug 20 08:27:25 EDT 2008

+-------[ chaouche yacine ]----------------------
| Ok here's how I did to finally fix it :
| * create a new Transient Object Container (sessionTOC) at root
| * create a new Session Data Manager (sessionDM), with the following settings :
| ** Id : sessionDM
| ** Transient Object Container Path : /sessionTOC
| ** Place SESSION in REQUEST object as : ZODBSESSION
| Now I can put ZODB objects in ZODBSESSION using something like : 
| context.REQUEST.ZODBSESSION.set("object",o)
| Thanks to all of you for your precious help.

Your main ZODB will grow everytime you add or remove something in
ZODBSESSION, you're essentially storing the same object twice in your

Andrew Milton
akm at theinternet.com.au

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