[Zope] Package recommendations (?) for minimal ZCA environment

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Mon Jan 28 15:12:58 EST 2008

sean.upton at uniontrib.com wrote:
> All:
> I figured I would survey this list for recommendations of zope packages
> that have minimal dependencies -- specifically for non-web, non-ZODB ZCA
> applications.  My criteria for this minimal environment:
> 1. No ZCML, ZODB, or zope.app.* dependencies.
> 2. Egg available in cheeseshop; svn is okay too (e.g.
> zope.cachedescriptors trunk does not require ZODB; PYPI egg does at the
> moment).  I will use zc.buildout and virtualenv for deployment
> environment.
> 3. Not specifically targeted at web applications only.
> Currently, I'm using zope.component, zope.interface, zope.schema,
> zope.datetime, zope.event, and a related but small set of dependencies
> installed from PYPI.
> Background: I'm working on a set of components for working with
> mass-media content that are to be generically useful across multiple
> environments, application frameworks (web and non-web), etc.  The core
> of these components depends on some zope 3 libraries, but my goal is to
> keep dependencies to a minimum.  
> A superset of this minimum framework would be used to deploy components
> to specific application environments including basic automation scripts
> to move content from one system to another, middleware applications
> exposing these components over XML-RPC, web applications in Z3, Django,
> and Plone/Z2.
> Any recommendations appreciated.  Maybe compiling a list like this is
> helpful for the community to reach out to non-Zope python developers too
> -- makes the technology more approachable.

Hi Sean!

Some of the ones that we've compiled (visible via http://svn.repoze.org or 

repoze.vhm (virtual hosting services)
repoze.retry (retry a request when an exception is encountered)
repoze.tm2 (transaction management, depends only on the 'transaction' module and 
zope.interface, see also http://repoze.org/tmdemo.html ... note that "repoze.tm" 
depends on all of ZODB, "repoze.tm2" depends on only the smaller packages but 
does the same thing, at the expense of not being compatible with ZODB 3.6)

You might also take a look at repoze.zope2 to service Zope/Plone requests via 
WSGI: http://static.repoze.org/misc/developingwithrepoze-zope2.pdf and check out 
repoze.org in general, as your goals seem to closely align with its.


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- C

> Thanks,
> Sean
> +----------------------------------------------------------+
>  Sean Upton                     The San Diego Union-Tribune
>  619.293.1451    Systems Applications Supervisor - Newsroom   
>                                      Information Technology
>  350 Camino De La Reina            
>  San Diego, CA 92108               sean.upton at uniontrib.com
> +----------------------------------------------------------+
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