[Zope] m2crypt in Zope 10

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Sat Jun 21 02:16:52 EDT 2008

--On 20. Juni 2008 23:26:07 -0600 Jonathan Salazar Santos 
<jonanx779 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everybody
> I am wondering, if there are some howto patching the zope 10 files
> specifically for $MYZOPEHOME/lib/python/ZServer/datatypes.py
> Because when I try to patch like: patch datatypes.py
> datatypes.py.patch, the result:
> patching file datatypes.py
> Hunk #1 FAILED at 72.
> 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file datatypes.py.rej

This issue is basically unrelated to Zope. A patch basically only applies 
_the_ version of a particular file that was used as basis for patch. If the 
file changed in between (new versions) then there is no guarantee that the 
patch program is able to apply the patch correctly. Solution: apply the 
patch _manually_.

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