[Zope] Zope2.12

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Fri Dec 25 06:40:57 EST 2009

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Jim Pharis wrote:


> I want to start developing new stuff using CA paradigms in Z2.

So *why* Zope 2?

The ZTK/Zope 3 modules provide a much cleaner
basis for new projects than the Zope 2 app-server. So what is
in Zope 3/ZTK missing? Why do you need a cruft of infrastructure
for your new project?

- -aj

> This seems like it should now be possible because Z2.12 itself is
> now built on ZTK. However, I'm running into problems. For example,
> zcml directives such as the one in
> zope.app.container-3.8.0-py2.6.egg/zope/app/container/browser/meta.zcml:
name="containerViews" aren't wired into Z2.12 it seems. Trying to
> use <browser:containerViews throws an 'Unknown directive' error.
> That's just 1 example. Well I could start wiring all this stuff
> myself, it seems like that should be done already.
> - Jim
> On Fri, Dec 25, 2009 at 5:51 AM, Andreas Jung <lists at zopyx.com
> <mailto:lists at zopyx.com>> wrote:
> Jim Pharis wrote:
>> What's my use case for developing Zope3ish/ZTKish in Zope2
>> instead of just using Zope3? All the preceived benefits of Zope3
>> now available in Zope2 well still being able to use all our Zope
>> 2 Products. I thought basing Zope2.12 on ZTK bridged the 2
>> worlds.
> Do you want to develop a minimal ZTK/Zope-3 based application? So
> you don't deal with the 10-year old code cruft of Zope 2 - or? What
> is in the Zope 3/ZTK modules not missing?
> -aj

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