[Zope] is there a zope product for generating spreadsheets?

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Mon May 4 22:55:25 EDT 2009

On 04.05.09 23:07, Krishnakant wrote:
> hello all,
> I am right now browsing through the grok tutorial and found it to be
> really amaising.
> I had been confused a few days regarding how I can put my application
> into zope.  Thanks to all you who patiently answered my queries.
> Now I am wondering whether there is a product which can generate
> spreadsheet like output for some typicle data such as balance sheets or
> ledgers (with cell merging capability)?
> I would also like to know if there is some way I am make grok integrate
> open office in a way that I can generate open office spreadsheets and
> send it to a browser or open it in some way?

> I know there is a python library called odfpy which can fill up
> spreadsheets with data, but I don't know whether similar things are
> possible with zope.

Why shouldn't that work?! Zope 2, Zope 3 and Grok allow you to import
almost any Python package (as long as it makes sense). So where is the


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