[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Products3/sapdbDA/browser - __init__.py:1.1 configure.zcml:1.1 sapdbAddView.py:1.1

Stephan Richter stephan.richter@tufts.edu
Thu, 12 Dec 2002 08:46:33 -0500

On Thursday 12 December 2002 08:24, Christian Theune wrote:
> The other database adapters aren't tested anyway, but probably work,
> as it has mostly been an "edit and replace" work.
> (Is that a sign of refactoring?)

No, I do not think so. Based on how much you did, it shows it is trivial to 
write an Adapter. ;-) When Kapil, Albert and I were designing this, we 
checked to make sure there is as little repition as possible. I mean, look at 
the Adpater code yoiu wrote; this is all fairly DB-specific, even though some 
DB stuff is the same or similar, but you cannot assume this. Note also how 
minimal your browser view code is. Once this moves all into one package, I 
think the code will be tiny.

BTW, you might want to get rid of the print statements and make them log 

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training