[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zope/interfaces - __init__.py: configuration.py: event.py: i18n.py: publisher.py:
Jim Fulton
Mon, 23 Dec 2002 14:32:59 -0500
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/src/zope/interfaces
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv19908/zope/interfaces
Added Files:
Tag: NameGeddon-branch
__init__.py configuration.py event.py i18n.py publisher.py
Log Message:
Initial renaming before debugging
=== Added File Zope3/src/zope/interfaces/__init__.py ===
# This file is necessary to make this directory a package.
=== Added File Zope3/src/zope/interfaces/configuration.py ===
# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.0 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
"""Configuration directives that have subdirectives
$Id: configuration.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
from zope.interface import Interface
class INonEmptyDirective(Interface):
def __call__(context,**kw):
"""Compute subdirective handler
context -- an execution context that the directive may use for
things like resolving names
kw -- a dictionary containing the values of any attributes
that were specified on the directive
Return an ISubdirectiveHandler.
"""Configuration directives that do not have subdirectives
$Id: configuration.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
from zope.interface import Interface
class IEmptyDirective(Interface):
def __call__(context,**kw):
"""Compute configuration actions
context -- an execution context that the directive may use for
things like resolving names
kw -- a dictionary containing the values of any attributes
that were specified on the directive
Return a sequence of configuration actions. Each action is a
tuple with:
- A discriminator, value used to identify conflicting
actions. Actions conflict if they have the same values
for their discriminators.
- callable object
- argument tuple
- and, optionally, a keyword argument dictionary.
The callable object will be called with the argument tuple and
keyword arguments to perform the action.
"""Psuedo-directive (or meta-meta directive) to handle subdirectives
$Id: configuration.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
from zope.interface import Interface
class ISubdirectiveHandler(Interface):
"""Handle subdirectives
Provide methods for registered subdirectives. The methods are
typically IEmptyDirective objects. They could, theoretically be
INonEmptyDirective objects.
Also provide a call that can provide additional configuration
def __call__():
"""Return a sequence of configuration actions.
See IEmptyDirective for a definition of configuration actions.
This method should be called *after* any subdirective methods are
called during the processing of the (sub)directive whose subdirectives
are being processed. It may return an empty list.
=== Added File Zope3/src/zope/interfaces/event.py ===
# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.0 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
Revision information:
$Id: event.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
from zope.interface import Interface
class IEvent(Interface):
"""The Base interface for Events"""
Revision information:
$Id: event.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
from zope.interface import Interface
class IEventFilter(Interface):
"""Interface for predicates used to filter events."""
def __call__(event):
"""Return true if event passes, or false."""
Revision information:
$Id: event.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
from zope.interface import Interface
class ISubscribable(Interface):
"""Objects that broadcast events to subscribers."""
def subscribe(subscriber, event_type=IEvent, filter=None):
"""Add subscriber to the list of subscribers for the channel.
subscriber must implement ISubscriber.
event_type, if supplied, is the event interface
about which subscriber should be notified, and must implement
IEvent. The subscriber will be notified of all events of this
event_type and of subclasses of this event_type.
The default value, IEvent, as the parent type, is effectively a single
catch-all event type that will pass all event types to the subscriber.
filter, if supplied, must implement IEventFilter; subscriber
will be notified of events only if they pass.
A subscriber may subscribe more than once, even if it has
already been subscribed with the same event type and
filter. In this case the subscriber will receive multiple
calls to its notify method.
If the subscriber implements ISubscriptionAware, this function
will call the subscriber's subscribedTo method.
def unsubscribe(subscriber, event_type=None, filter=None):
"""Unsubscribe subscriber from receiving event types from this
If event_type is None, the default value, the subscriber is
unsubscribed completely for all event types from this
subscribable (and its parents, if the subscribable is a placeful
service). The filter argument is ignored in this case. If no
subscriptions for this subscriber are present, no error is
If event_type is supplied, this method will unsubscribe the
subscriber from one subscription exactly matching the
event_type/filter pair given (the default filter being None).
If other subscriptions are present they will remain. If the
subscription cannot be found and the subscribable is a placeful
service, the unsubscription request is passed to parent
services. Raises Zope.Exceptions.NotFound if subscriber wasn't
subscribed as expected.
If the subscriber implements ISubscriptionAware, this function
will call the subscriber's unsubscribedFrom method for each
individual unsubscribe.
def listSubscriptions(subscriber, event_type=None):
"""Returns an iterator of the subscriptions to this channel for
the subscriber. If event_type is supplied, the list is limited
to that exact event_type. If the subscribable is a placeful
service, the list will include subscriptions to parent services.
The subscriber is matched via equality (not identity). No
subscriptions returns an empty iterator. Each subscription is
represented as a tuple (event_type, filter)."""
Revision information:
$Id: event.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
from zope.interface import Interface
class ISubscriber(Interface):
"""Interface for objects which receiving event notifications."""
def notify(event):
"""ISubscribables call this method to indicate an event.
This method must not block!
This method may raise an exception to veto the event.
class IIndirectSubscriber(ISubscriber):
"""Interface for objects that handle subscriptions for another object."""
def __eq__(other):
"""Compare two indirect subscribers
Two indirect subscribers are the same if they reference the
same object.
Revision information:
$Id: event.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
class IEventChannel(ISubscribable, ISubscriber):
"""Interface for objects which distribute events to subscribers. """
Revision information:
$Id: event.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
from zope.interface import Interface
# these are method calls and not events because they are traditional messages
# between two objects, not events of general interest.
class ISubscriptionAware(Interface):
def subscribedTo(subscribable, event_type, filter):
"""Alerts the object that it has subscribed, via a call from
itself or from another object, to the subscribable. The
event_type and filter match the arguments provided to the
The subscribable must be appropriately placefully wrapped (note
that the global event service will have no wrapping)."""
def unsubscribedFrom(subscribable, event_type, filter):
"""Alerts the object that it has unsubscribed, via a call from
itself or from another object, to the subscribable. The
event_type and filter match the exact event_type and filter of
the deleted subscription, rather than, necessarily, the
arguments provided to the ISubscribable.unsubscribe.
The subscribable must be appropriately placefully wrapped (note
that the global event service will have no wrapping)."""
Revision information:
$Id: event.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
class IEventService(ISubscribable):
"""The EventService service is the 'root channel'.
Its subscribers include other channels.
It is also the 'default destination' for events
when they are generated.
def publish(event):
"""Notify all subscribers of the channel of event.
Events will often be propagated to higher level IEventServices;
This is a policy decision for the IEventService.
=== Added File Zope3/src/zope/interfaces/i18n.py ===
# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.0 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
"""Internationalization of content objects.
$Id: i18n.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
from zope.interface import Interface
class II18nAware(Interface):
"""Internationalization aware content object.
def getDefaultLanguage():
"""Return the default language."""
def setDefaultLanguage(language):
"""Set the default language, which will be used if the language is not
specified, or not available.
def getAvailableLanguages():
"""Find all the languages that are available."""
$Id: i18n.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
from zope.interface import Interface
class IReadMessageCatalog(Interface):
"""A catalog (mapping) of message ids to message text strings.
This interface provides a method for translating a message or message id,
including text with interpolation. The message catalog basically serves
as a fairly simple mapping object.
A single message catalog represents a specific language and domain.
Therefore you will have the following constructor arguments:
language -- The language of the returned messages. This is a read-only
domain -- The translation domain for these messages. This is a read-only
attribute. See ITranslationService.
When we refer to text here, we mean text that follows the standard Zope 3
text representation.
Note: The IReadMessageCatalog is the absolut minimal version required for
the TranslationService to function.
def getMessage(msgid):
"""Get the appropriate text for the given message id.
An exception is raised if the message id is not found.
def queryMessage(msgid, default=None):
"""Look for the appropriate text for the given message id.
If the message id is not found, default is returned.
def getLanguage():
"""Return the language this message catalog is representing."""
def getDomain():
"""Return the domain this message catalog is serving."""
def getIdentifier():
"""Return a identifier for this message catalog. Note that this
identifier does not have to be unique as several message catalog
could serve the same domain and language.
Also, there are no restrictions on the form of the identifier.
class IWriteMessageCatalog(Interface):
"""If this interfaces is implemented by a message catalog, then we will be
able to update our messages.
Note that not all methods here require write access, but they should
not be required for an IReadMEssageCatalog and are used for editing
only. Therefore this is the more suitable interface to put them.
def getFullMessage(msgid):
"""Get the message data and meta data as a nice dictionary. More
advanced implementation might choose to return an object with
the data, but the object should then implement IEnumerableMapping.
An exception is raised if the message id is not found.
def setMessage(msgid, message, mod_time=None):
"""Set a message to the catalog. If mod_time is None use the current
time instead as modification time."""
def deleteMessage(msgid):
"""Delete a message from the catalog."""
def getMessageIds():
"""Get a list of all the message ids."""
def getMessages():
"""Get a list of all the messages."""
class IMessageCatalog(IReadMessageCatalog, IWriteMessageCatalog):
"""Most message catalogs should support this interface.
"""Translation Service related Interfaces.
$Id: i18n.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
from zope.interface import Interface
class IReadTranslationService(Interface):
"""The Translation Service
This interface provides methods for translating text, including text with
When we refer to text here, we mean text that follows the standard Zope 3
text representation.
Standard arguments in the methods described below:
domain -- The domain is used to specify which translation to use.
Different products will often use a specific domain naming
translations supplied with the product.
A favorite example is: How do you translate "Sun"? Is it
our star, the abbreviation of Sunday or the company?
Specifying the domain, such as "Stars" or "DaysOfWeek" will
solve this problem for us.
msgid -- The id of the message that should be translated. This may be
an implicit or an explicit message id.
mapping -- The object to get the interpolation data from.
target_language -- The language to translate to.
context -- An object that provides contextual information for
determining client language preferences. It must implement
or have an adapter that implements IUserPreferredLanguages.
Note that one of target_language or context must be passed. Otherwise
a TypeError will be raised.
Also note that language tags are defined by RFC 1766.
def translate(domain, msgid, mapping=None,
context=None, target_language=None):
"""Return the translation for the message referred to by msgid.
Return None if no translation is found.
However, the method does a little more than a vanilla translation.
The method also looks for a possible language to translate to.
After a translation it also replaces any $name variable variables
inside the post-translation string.
Note: The TranslationService interface does not support simplified
translation methods, since it is totally hidden by ZPT and in
Python you should use a Domain object, since it supports all
the simplifications.
def getDomain(domain):
"""Get the domain for the passed domain name.
The domain supports the IDomain interface
class IWriteTranslationService(Interface):
"""This interface describes the methods that are necessary for an editable
Translation Service to work.
For a translation service to be editable its 'messages' have to support
the following information: id, string, domain, language, date
Most of the information will be natural, since they are required by the
translation service, but especially the date is not a necessary info
(in fact, it is meta data)
def getMessageIdsOfDomain(domain, filter='%'):
"""Get all the message ids of a particular domain."""
def getMessagesOfDomain(domain):
"""Get all the messages of a particular domain."""
def getMessage(msgid, domain, langauge):
"""Get the full message of a particular domain and language."""
def getAllLanguages():
"""Find all the languages that are available"""
def getAllDomains():
"""Find all available domains."""
def getAvailableLanguages(domain):
"""Find all the languages that are available for this domain"""
def getAvailableDomains(language):
"""Find all available domains."""
def addMessage(domain, msgid, msg, language, mod_time=None):
"""Add a message to the translation service.
If mod_time is None, then the current time should be inserted.
def updateMessage(domain, msgid, msg, language, mod_time=None):
"""Update a message in the translation service.
If mod_time is None, then the current time should be inserted.
def deleteMessage(domain, msgid, language):
"""Delete a messahe in the translation service."""
def addLanguage(language):
"""Add Language to Translation Service"""
def addDomain(domain):
"""Add Domain to Translation Service"""
def deleteLanguage(language):
"""Delete a Domain from the Translation Service."""
def deleteDomain(domain):
"""Delete a Domain from the Translation Service."""
class ISyncTranslationService(Interface):
"""This interface allows translation services to be synchronized. The
following four synchronization states can exist:
0 - uptodate: The two messages are in sync.
Default Action: Do nothing.
1 - new: The message exists on the foreign TS, but is locally unknown.
Default Action: Add the message to the local catalog.
2 - older: The local version of the message is older than the one on
the server.
Default Action: Update the local message.
3 - newer: The local version is newer than the foreign version.
Default Action: Do nothing.
4 - deleted: The message does not exist in the foreign TS.
Default Action: Delete local version of message/
def getMessagesMapping(domains, languages, foreign_messages):
"""Creates a mapping of the passed foreign messages and the local ones.
Returns a status report in a dictionary with keys of the form
(msgid, domain, language) and values being a tuple of:
foreign_mod_date, local_mod_date
def synchronize(messages_mapping):
"""Update the local message catalogs based on the foreign data.
class ITranslationService(IReadTranslationService, IWriteTranslationService,
"""This is the common and full-features translation service. Almost all
translation service implementations will use this interface.
An exception to this is the GlobalMessageCatalog as it will be read-only.
"""Translation Service Message Import Filter Interface
$Id: i18n.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
from zope.interface import Interface
class IMessageImportFilter(Interface):
"""The Import Filter for Translation Service Messages.
Classes implementing this interface should usually be Adaptors, as
they adapt the IEditableTranslationService interface."""
def importMessages(domains, languages, file):
"""Import all messages that are defined in the specified domains and
Note that some implementations might limit to only one domain and
one language. A good example for that is a GettextFile.
$Id: i18n.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
from zope.interface import Interface
class ILanguageAvailability(Interface):
def getAvailableLanguages():
"""Return a sequence of language tags for available languages
$Id: i18n.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
from zope.interface import Interface
class IUserPreferredLanguages(Interface):
"""This interface provides language negotiation based on user preferences.
def getPreferredLanguages():
"""Return a sequence of user preferred languages.
$Id: i18n.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
from zope.interface import Interface
class IDomain(Interface):
"""A translation domain.
Since it is often tedious to always specify a domain and a place for a
particular translation, the idea of a Domain object was created, which
allows to save the place and domain for a set of translations.
domain = translationService.getDomain('domain')
domain.translate('MyProductTitle', context)
def translate(msgid, mapping=None, context=None, target_language=None):
"""Translate the the source to its appropriate language.
See ITranslationService for details.
"""Translation Service Message Export Filter Interface
$Id: i18n.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
from zope.interface import Interface
class IMessageExportFilter(Interface):
"""The Export Filter for Translation Service Messages.
Classes implementing this interface should usually be Adaptors, as
they adapt the IEditableTranslationService interface."""
def exportMessages(domains, languages):
"""Export all messages that are defined in the specified domains and
Note that some implementations might limit to only one domain and
one language. A good example for that is a GettextFile.
$Id: i18n.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
from zope.interface import Interface
class INegotiator(Interface):
"""A language negotiation service.
def getLanguage(langs, env):
"""Return the matching language to use.
The decision of which language to use is based on the list of
available languages, and the given user environment. An
IUserPreferredLanguages adapter for the environment is obtained and
the list of acceptable languages is retrieved from the environment.
If no match is found between the list of available languages and the
list of acceptable languages, None is returned.
langs -- sequence of languages (not necessarily ordered)
env -- environment passed to the service to determine a sequence
of user prefered languages
# XXX I'd like for there to be a symmetric interface method, one in
# which an adaptor is gotten for both the first arg and the second
# arg. I.e. getLanguage(obj, env)
# But this isn't a good match for the iTranslationService.translate()
# method. :(
"""See IUserPreferredCharsets.
$Id: i18n.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
from zope.interface import Interface
class IUserPreferredCharsets(Interface):
"""This interface provides charset negotiation based on user preferences.
def getPreferredCharsets():
"""Return a sequence of user preferred charsets. Note that the order
should describe the order of preference. Therefore the first
character set in the list is the most preferred one.
=== Added File Zope3/src/zope/interfaces/publisher.py ===
# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.0 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
Revision information:
$Id: publisher.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
from zope.interface import Interface
class IPublisherResponse(Interface):
"""Interface used by the publsher
def setBody(result):
"""Sets the response result value.
def handleException(exc_info):
"""Handles an otherwise unhandled exception.
The publication object gets the first chance to handle an exception,
and if it doesn't have a good way to do it, it defers to the
response. Implementations should set the reponse body.
def internalError():
"""Called when the exception handler bombs.
Should report back to the client that an internal error occurred.
def outputBody():
"""Outputs the response to the client
def retry():
"""Returns a retry response
Returns a response suitable for repeating the publication attempt.
Revision information:
$Id: publisher.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
from zope.interface.element import Attribute
class IPublisherRequest(IPublicationRequest):
"""Request interface use by the publisher
The responsibility of requests is to encapsulate protocol
specific details, especially wrt request inputs.
Request objects also serve as "context" objectsm providing
construction of and access to responses and storage of publication
def supportsRetry():
"""Check whether the request supports retry
Return a boolean value indicating whether the request can be retried.
def retry():
"""Return a retry request
Return a request suitable for repeating the publication attempt.
publication = Attribute("""the request's publication object
The publication object, an IRequestPublication provides
application-specific functionality hooks.
def setPublication(publication):
"""Set the request's publication object
def traverse(object):
"""Traverse from the given object to the published object
The published object is returned.
The following hook methods on the publication will be called:
- callTraversalHooks is called before each step and after
the last step.
- traverseName to actually do a single traversal
def processInputs():
"""Do any input processing that needs to bve done before traversing
This is done after construction to allow the publisher to
handle errors that arise.
from zope.exceptions import Unauthorized
from zope.exceptions import NotFoundError
class PublishingException (Exception):
class TraversalException (PublishingException):
class NotFound (NotFoundError, TraversalException):
def __init__(self, ob, name, request=None):
self.ob = ob
self.name = name
def getObject(self):
return self.ob
def getName(self):
return self.name
def __str__(self):
try: ob = `self.ob`
except: ob = 'unprintable object'
return 'Object: %s, name: %s' % (ob, `self.name`)
class DebugError (TraversalException):
def __init__(self, ob, message):
self.ob = ob
self.message = message
def getObject(self):
return self.ob
def getMessage(self):
return self.message
def __str__(self):
return self.message
class BadRequest (PublishingException):
def __init__(self, message):
self.message = message
def __str__(self):
return self.message
class Redirect (PublishingException):
def __init__(self, location):
self.location = location
def getLocation(self):
return self.location
def __str__(self):
return 'Location: %s' % self.location
class Retry (PublishingException):
Raise this to retry a request.
def __init__(self, orig_exc=None):
self.orig_exc = orig_exc
def getOriginalException(self):
return self.orig_exc
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.orig_exc)
$Id: publisher.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
from zope.interface import Interface
class IPublishTraverse(Interface):
def publishTraverse(request, name):
"""Lookup a name
The request argument is the publisher request object.
Revision information:
$Id: publisher.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
from zope.interface import Interface
def IPublisher(Interface):
def publish(request):
"""Publish a request
The request must be an IPublisherRequest.
Revision information:
$Id: publisher.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
from zope.component.interfaces \
import IPresentationRequest
from zope.interface.element import Attribute
class IPublicationRequest(IPresentationRequest):
"""Interface provided by requests to IPublication objects
user = Attribute("""User object associated with the request
It is up to the publication object to set this
response = Attribute("""the request's response object
Return an IPublisherResponse for the request.
def close():
"""Release resources held by the request.
def hold(object):
"""Hold a reference to an object until the request is closed
def getTraversalStack():
"""Return the request traversal stack
This is a sequence of steps to traverse in reverse order. They
will be traversed from last to first.
def setTraversalStack(stack):
"""Change the traversal stack.
See getTraversalStack.
def getPositionalArguments():
"""Return the positional arguments given to the request.
def setViewSkin(skin):
"""Set the skin to be used for the request.
It's up to the publication object to decide this.
from zope.interface import Interface
class IPublication (Interface):
"""Object publication framework.
The responsibility of publication objects is to provide
application hooks for the publishing process. This allows
application-specific tasks, such as connecting to databases,
managing transactions, and setting security contexts to be invoked
during the publishing process.
# The order of the hooks mostly corresponds with the order in which
# they are invoked.
def beforeTraversal(request):
"""Pre-traversal hook.
This is called *once* before any traversal has been done.
def getApplication(request):
"""Returns the object where traversal should commence.
def callTraversalHooks(request, ob):
"""Invokes any traversal hooks associated with the object.
def traverseName(request, ob, name, check_auth=1):
"""Traverses to the next object.
If check_auth is set,
performs idenitification, authentication, and authorization.
Returns the subobject.
def afterTraversal(request, ob):
"""Post-traversal hook.
def callObject(request, ob):
"""Call the object, returning the result.
For GET/POST this means calling it, but for other methods
(including those of WebDAV and FTP) this might mean invoking
a method of an adapter.
def afterCall(request):
"""Post-callObject hook (if it was successful).
def handleException(object, request, exc_info, retry_allowed=1):
"""Handle an exception
- sets the body of the response, request.response, or
- raises a Retry exception, or
- throws another exception, which is a Bad Thing.
Note that this method should not leak, which means that
exc_info must be set to some other value before exiting the method.
Revision information:
$Id: publisher.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
from zope.interface import Interface
class IApplicationResponse(Interface):
"""Features that support application logic
def write(string):
"""Output a string to the response body.
Revision information:
$Id: publisher.py,v 2002/12/23 19:32:58 jim Exp $
from zope.interface.common.mapping import IEnumerableMapping
from zope.interface.element import Attribute
class IApplicationRequest(IEnumerableMapping):
"""Features that support application logic
user = Attribute("""User object associated with the request
This is a read-only attribute.
body = Attribute("""the body of the request as a string""")
bodyFile = Attribute("""the body of the request as a file""")
def __getitem__(key):
"""Return request data
The only request data are envirnment variables.
environment = Attribute(
"""Request environment data
This is a read-only mapping from variable name to value.