[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zodb/code - __init__.py:1.2 class_.py:1.2 function.py:1.2 interfaces.py:1.2 module.py:1.2 patch.py:1.2

Jim Fulton jim@zope.com
Wed, 25 Dec 2002 09:13:49 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/src/zodb/code
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv15352/src/zodb/code

Added Files:
	__init__.py class_.py function.py interfaces.py module.py 
Log Message:
Grand renaming:

- Renamed most files (especially python modules) to lower case.

- Moved views and interfaces into separate hierarchies within each
  project, where each top-level directory under the zope package
  is a separate project.

- Moved everything to src from lib/python.

  lib/python will eventually go away. I need access to the cvs
  repository to make this happen, however.

There are probably some bits that are broken. All tests pass
and zope runs, but I haven't tried everything. There are a number
of cleanups I'll work on tomorrow.

=== Zope3/src/zodb/code/__init__.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- /dev/null	Wed Dec 25 09:13:48 2002
+++ Zope3/src/zodb/code/__init__.py	Wed Dec 25 09:12:18 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# This file is necessary to make this directory a package.

=== Zope3/src/zodb/code/class_.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- /dev/null	Wed Dec 25 09:13:48 2002
+++ Zope3/src/zodb/code/class_.py	Wed Dec 25 09:12:18 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Persistent Classes."""
+from persistence import Persistent, PersistentMetaClass
+from persistence._persistence import UPTODATE, CHANGED, STICKY, GHOST
+from persistence.interfaces import IPersistent
+from zodb.code.function import PersistentFunction
+import new
+from types import FunctionType as function
+import time
+# XXX There is a lot of magic here to give classes and instances
+# separate sets of attributes.  This code should be documented, as it
+# it quite delicate, and it should be move to a separate module.
+__metaclass__ = type
+class ExtClassDescr:
+    """Maintains seperate class and instance descriptors for an attribute.
+    This allows a class to provide methods and attributes without
+    intefering with normal use of instances.  The class and its
+    instances can each have methods with the same name.
+    This does interfere with introspection on the class.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, name, instdescr):
+        self.name = name
+        self.instdescr = instdescr
+    def __get__(self, obj, cls):
+        if obj is None:
+            return self.clsget(cls)
+        else:
+            return self.instdescr.__get__(obj, cls)
+    def __set__(self, obj, val):
+        if obj is None:
+            self.clsset(val)
+        else:
+            if self.instdescr is None:
+                raise AttributeError, self.name
+            return self.instdescr.__set__(obj, val)
+    def __delete__(self, obj):
+        if self.instdescr is None:
+            raise AttributeError, self.name
+        return self.instdescr.__delete__(obj)
+    # subclass should override
+    def clsget(self, cls):
+        pass
+    def clsset(self, val):
+        pass
+    def clsdelete(self):
+        pass
+class MethodMixin:
+    def __init__(self, name, descr, func):
+        super(MethodMixin, self).__init__(name, descr)
+        self.func = func
+    def clsget(self, cls):
+        def f(*args, **kwargs):
+            try:
+                return self.func(cls, *args, **kwargs)
+            except TypeError:
+                print `self.func`, `cls`, `args`, `kwargs`
+                raise
+        return f
+class DataMixin:
+    def __init__(self, name, descr, val):
+        super(DataMixin, self).__init__(name, descr)
+        self.val = val
+    def clsget(self, cls):
+        return self.val
+    def clsset(self, val):
+        self.val = val
+    def clsdelete(self):
+        del self.val
+class ExtClassObject:
+    _missing = object()
+    def __init__(self, name, instdescr):
+        self.name = name
+        self.instdescr = instdescr
+    def __get__(self, obj, cls):
+        if obj is None:
+            return self.clsget(cls)
+        else:
+            return self.instdescr.__get__(obj, cls)
+    def __set__(self, obj, cls):
+        if obj is None:
+            return self.clsset(cls)
+        else:
+            if self.instdescr is None:
+                raise AttributeError, self.name
+            return self.instdescr.__set__(obj, cls)
+    def __delete__(self, obj, cls):
+        if obj is None:
+            return self.clsdelete(cls)
+        else:
+            if self.instdescr is None:
+                raise AttributeError, self.name
+            return self.instdescr.__delete__(obj, cls)
+class ExtClassMethodDescr(MethodMixin, ExtClassDescr):
+    pass
+class ExtClassDataDescr(DataMixin, ExtClassDescr):
+    pass
+# The next three classes conspire to make a PersistentFunction
+# behave like a method when found in a class's __dict__.
+class PersistentMethod:
+    """Make PersistentFunctions into methods."""
+    def __init__(self, klass, inst, func):
+        self.im_class = klass
+        self.im_self = inst
+        self.im_func = func
+    def __repr__(self):
+        if self.im_self is None:
+            kind = "unbound"
+        else:
+            kind = "bound"
+        return ("<persistent %s method %s.%s of %s>"
+                % (kind, self.im_class.__name__, self.im_func.__name__,
+                   self.im_self))
+    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        if self.im_self is None:
+            if not isinstance(args[0], self.im_class):
+                raise TypeError("unbound method %s() must be called "
+                                "with %s instance as first argument ("
+                                "got %s instead)" % (self.im_func.__name__,
+                                                     self.im_class.__name__,
+                                                     type(args[0]).__name__))
+        else:
+            return self.im_func(self.im_self, *args, **kwargs)
+class PersistentDescriptor:
+    def __init__(self, objclass, func):
+        self.__name__ = func.__name__
+        self.__doc__ = func.__doc__
+        self.__objclass__ = objclass
+        self._func = func
+        # Delegate __getstate__ and __setstate__ to the persistent func.
+        # The patch module will use these methods to update persistent
+        # methods in place.
+        self.__getstate__ = func.__getstate__
+        self.__setstate__ = func.__setstate__
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<descriptor %s.%s>" % (self.__objclass__.__name__,
+                                       self.__name__)
+    def __get__(self, object, klass=None):
+        if object is None:
+            return PersistentMethod(klass or self.__objclass__, None,
+                                    self._func)
+        else:
+            return PersistentMethod(klass or self.__objclass__, object,
+                                    self._func)
+# XXX is missing necessary for findattr?
+# None might be sufficient
+_missing = object()
+def findattr(cls, attr, default):
+    """Walk the mro of cls to find attr."""
+    for c in cls.__mro__:
+        o = c.__dict__.get(attr, _missing)
+        if o is not _missing:
+            return o
+    return default
+class PersistentClassMetaClass(PersistentMetaClass):
+    # an attempt to make persistent classes look just like other
+    # persistent objects by providing class attributes and methods
+    # that behave like the persistence machinery.
+    # the chief limitation of this approach is that class.attr won't
+    # always behave the way it does for normal classes
+    __implements__ = IPersistent
+    _pc_init = False
+    def __new__(meta, name, bases, dict):
+        cls = super(PersistentClassMetaClass, meta).__new__(
+            meta, name, bases, dict)
+        # helper functions
+        def extend_attr(attr, v):
+            prev = findattr(cls, attr, None)
+            setattr(cls, attr, ExtClassDataDescr(attr, prev, v))
+        def extend_meth(attr, m):
+            prev = findattr(cls, attr, None)
+            setattr(cls, attr, ExtClassMethodDescr(attr, prev, m))
+        extend_attr("_p_oid", None)
+        extend_attr("_p_jar", None)
+        extend_attr("_p_state", UPTODATE)
+        extend_meth("_p_activate", meta._p_activate)
+        extend_meth("_p_deactivate", meta._p_activate)
+        extend_meth("__getstate__", meta.__getstate__)
+        extend_meth("__setstate__", meta.__setstate__)
+        extend_attr("__implements__", meta.__implements__)
+        for k, v in dict.items():
+            if isinstance(v, PersistentFunction):
+                setattr(cls, k, PersistentDescriptor(cls, v))
+        cls._pc_init = True
+        return cls
+    def fixup(cls, mod):
+        for k, v in cls.__dict__.items():
+            if isinstance(v, function):
+                setattr(cls, k, PersistentFunction(v, mod))
+    def __getattribute__(cls, name):
+        # XXX I'm not sure I understand this code any more.
+        super_meth = super(PersistentClassMetaClass, cls).__getattribute__
+        # If we are initializing the class, don't trying to check variables
+        # like _p_state, since they may not be initialized.
+        if not super_meth("_pc_init"):
+            return super_meth(name)
+        if (name[0] == "_" and
+            not (name.startswith("_p_") or name.startswith("_pc_") or
+                 name == "__dict__")):
+            if cls._p_state == GHOST:
+                cls._p_activate()
+                cls._p_atime = int(time.time() % 86400)
+        return super_meth(name)
+    def __setattr__(cls, attr, val):
+        if not attr.startswith("_pc_") and cls._pc_init:
+            descr = cls.__dict__.get(attr)
+            if descr is not None:
+                set = getattr(descr, "__set__", None)
+                if set is not None:
+                    set(None, val)
+                    return
+        super(PersistentClassMetaClass, cls).__setattr__(attr, val)
+    def __delattr__(cls, attr):
+        if attr.startswith('_p_'):
+            if attr == "_p_changed":
+                # this means something special
+                pass
+            else:
+                return
+        super(PersistentClassMetaClass, cls).__delattr__(attr)
+    def __getstate__(cls):
+        dict = {}
+        for k, v in cls.__dict__.items():
+            if hasattr(v, '_p_oid'):
+                dict[k] = v
+        return dict
+    def __setstate__(cls, dict):
+        for k, v in dict.items():
+            setattr(cls, k, v)
+    def _p_deactivate(cls):
+        # do nothing but mark the state change for now
+        cls._p_state = GHOST
+    def _p_activate(cls):
+        if cls._p_state is None:
+            dm = cls._p_jar
+            if dm is not None:
+                # reactivate
+                cls._p_state = UPTODATE
+    # Methods below here are not wrapped to be class-only attributes.
+    # They are available as methods of classes using this metaclass.
+    def __getnewargs__(cls):
+        return cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, {}
+    def _p_newstate(cls, acls):
+        # Update a class's __dict__ in place.  Must use setattr and
+        # delattr because __dict__ is a read-only proxy.
+        # XXX This doesn't handle __methods__ correctly.
+        def getkeys(cls):
+            L = [n for n in cls.__dict__.keys()
+                 if not (n.startswith("__") and n.endswith("__"))]
+            d = {}
+            for elt in L:
+                d[elt] = True
+            return d
+        oldnames = getkeys(cls)
+        newnames = getkeys(acls)
+        for name in oldnames:
+            if not name in newnames:
+                delattr(cls, name)
+        for name in newnames:
+            setattr(cls, name, acls.__dict__[name])

=== Zope3/src/zodb/code/function.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- /dev/null	Wed Dec 25 09:13:49 2002
+++ Zope3/src/zodb/code/function.py	Wed Dec 25 09:12:18 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Persistent functions."""
+import dis
+import new
+import sys
+# in 2.3, this will be spelled new.function and new.code
+from types import FunctionType as function, CodeType as code
+from persistence import Persistent
+_STORE_GLOBAL = chr(dis.opname.index("STORE_GLOBAL"))
+def has_side_effect(func):
+    # will find this as an opcode or oparg
+    return _STORE_GLOBAL in func.func_code.co_code
+class CodeWrapper:
+    """Package a code object so that it can be pickled."""
+    nested = 0
+    def __init__(self, co):
+        consts = co.co_consts
+        nested = [(i, c) for i, c in zip(range(len(consts)), consts)
+                  if isinstance(c, code)]
+        if nested:
+            self.nested = 1
+            L = list(consts)
+            for i, c in nested:
+                L[i] = CodeWrapper(c)
+            consts = tuple(L)
+        # args stores the arguments to new.code in order
+        self.args = [co.co_argcount,
+                     co.co_nlocals,
+                     co.co_stacksize,
+                     co.co_flags,
+                     co.co_code,
+                     consts,
+                     co.co_names,
+                     co.co_varnames,
+                     co.co_filename,
+                     co.co_name,
+                     co.co_firstlineno,
+                     co.co_lnotab,
+                     co.co_freevars,
+                     co.co_cellvars]
+    def ascode(self):
+        if self.nested:
+            L = list(self.args[5])
+            for i, elt in zip(range(len(L)), L):
+                if isinstance(elt, CodeWrapper):
+                    L[i] = elt.ascode()
+            self.args[5] = tuple(L)
+        return new.code(*self.args)
+def get_code_args(co):
+    """Return args from code object suitable for passing to constructor."""
+class PersistentFunction(Persistent):
+    def __init__(self, func, module):
+        # Use _pf_ as the prefix to minimize the possibility that
+        # these attribute names will conflict with function attributes
+        # found in user code.  It would have been nice to use _p_
+        # since it's already an reserved attribute prefix, but the
+        # base persistent getattr function does not unghostify an
+        # object on refences to _p_ attributes.
+        self._pf_func = func
+        self._v_side_effect = has_side_effect(func)
+        self._pf_module = module
+        self._pf_code = {}
+        self._fixup_contained()
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<PersistentFunction %s.%s>" % (self._pf_module.__name__,
+                                               self._pf_func.func_name)
+    def _fixup_contained(self):
+        # The function object may contain other function objects as a
+        # default value for an argument.  These functions are
+        # converted to persistent objects, but are not updated in
+        # place when the containing module is changed.
+        new = {}
+        defaults = self._pf_func.func_defaults
+        if defaults is None:
+            return
+        for i in range(len(defaults)):
+            obj = defaults[i]
+            if isinstance(obj, function):
+                new[i] = PersistentFunction(obj, self._pf_module)
+        if new:
+            new_defs = list(defaults)
+            for i, pf in new.items():
+                new_defs[i] = pf
+            self._pf_func.func_defaults = tuple(new_defs)
+    # We need attribute hooks to handle access to _pf_ attributes in a
+    # special way.  All other attributes should be looked up on
+    # _pf_func.
+    def __getattr__(self, attr):
+        # If it wasn't found in __dict__, then it must be a function
+        # attribute.
+        return getattr(self._pf_func, attr)
+    def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
+        if not self._p_setattr(attr, value):
+            # the persistence machinery didn't handle this attribute,
+            # it must be ours
+            if attr.startswith('_pf_'):
+                self.__dict__[attr] = value
+                if attr == "_pf_func":
+                    self._v_side_effect = has_side_effect(self._pf_func)
+            else:
+                setattr(self._pf_func, attr, value)
+    def __delattr__(self, attr):
+        if not self._p_delattr(attr):
+            # the persistence machinery didn't handle this attribute,
+            # it must be ours
+            if attr.startswith('_pf_'):
+                del self.__dict__[attr]
+            else:
+                delattr(self._pf_func, attr)
+    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        # We must make sure that _module is loaded when func is
+        # executed because the function may reference a global
+        # variable and that global variable must be in the module's
+        # __dict__.  We can't use a PersistentDict because the
+        # interpreter requires that globals be a real dict.
+        self._pf_module._p_activate()
+        # XXX What if the function module is deactivated while the
+        # function is executing?  It seems like we need to expose
+        # refcounts at the Python level to guarantee that this will
+        # work.
+        try:
+            return self._pf_func(*args, **kwargs)
+        finally:
+            # If the func has a side-effect, the module must be marked
+            # as changed.  We use the conservative approximation that
+            # any function with a STORE_GLOBAL opcode has a
+            # side-effect, regardless of whether a a particular call
+            # of the function actually executes STORE_GLOBAL.
+            # XXX Is this sufficient?
+            if self._v_side_effect:
+                self._pf_module._p_changed = 1
+    def __getstate__(self):
+        # If func_dict is empty, store None to avoid creating a dict
+        # unnecessarily when the function is unpickled
+        # XXX new.function doesn't accept a closure
+        func = self._pf_func
+        func_state = func.func_defaults, func.func_dict or None
+        # Store the code separately from the function
+        code = func.func_code
+        # The code object is can only be reused in an interpreter
+        # running the same version of Python and with the same
+        # __debug__ value.  Store code in a dict keyed by these two values.
+        key = sys.version_info, __debug__
+        if key not in self._pf_code:
+            self._pf_code[key] = CodeWrapper(code)
+        return func_state, self._pf_code, self._pf_module
+    def __setstate__(self, (func, code, mod)):
+        self._pf_code = code
+        self._pf_module = mod
+        # recreate the code object
+        code = None
+        key = sys.version_info, __debug__
+        cowrap = self._pf_code.get(key, None)
+        if cowrap is None:
+            assert False, "not implemented yet"
+        else:
+            code = cowrap.ascode()
+        func_defaults, func_dict = func
+        func = new.function(code, mod.__dict__, func_defaults)
+        if func_dict:
+            func.func_dict.update(func_dict)
+        self._pf_func = func
+        self._v_side_effect = has_side_effect(func)

=== Zope3/src/zodb/code/interfaces.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- /dev/null	Wed Dec 25 09:13:49 2002
+++ Zope3/src/zodb/code/interfaces.py	Wed Dec 25 09:12:18 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+from zope.interface import Interface
+class IPersistentModuleImportRegistry(Interface):
+    def findModule(name):
+        """Return module registered under name or None."""
+class IPersistentModuleUpdateRegistry(IPersistentModuleImportRegistry):
+    def setModule(name, module):
+        """Register module under name.
+        Raises ValueError if module is already registered.
+        """
+    def delModule(name):
+        """Unregister module registered under name.
+        Raises KeyError in module is not registered.
+        """
+    from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute
+except ImportError:
+    class Interface:
+        pass
+    def Attribute(x):
+        return x
+class IPersistentModuleManager(Interface):
+    def new(name, source):
+        """Create and register a new named module from source."""
+    def update(src):
+        """Update the source of the existing module."""
+    def remove():
+        """Unregister the module and forget about it."""
+    name = Attribute("Absolute module name")
+    source = Attribute("Module source string")

=== Zope3/src/zodb/code/module.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- /dev/null	Wed Dec 25 09:13:49 2002
+++ Zope3/src/zodb/code/module.py	Wed Dec 25 09:12:18 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Persistent Module."""
+__metaclass__ = type
+import __builtin__
+# in 2.3, this will be spelled new.function
+from types import FunctionType as function
+import sys
+from persistence import Persistent
+from persistence._persistence import GHOST
+from zodb.code.class_ import PersistentClassMetaClass
+from zodb.code.function import PersistentFunction
+from zodb.code.interfaces import IPersistentModuleManager
+from zodb.code.interfaces \
+     import IPersistentModuleImportRegistry, IPersistentModuleUpdateRegistry
+from zodb.code.patch import NameFinder, convert
+from transaction import get_transaction
+# builtins are explicitly assigned when a module is unpickled
+import __builtin__
+# Modules aren't picklable by default, but we'd like them to be
+# pickled just like classes (by name).
+import copy_reg
+def _pickle_module(mod):
+    return mod.__name__
+def _unpickle_module(modname):
+    mod = __import__(modname)
+    if "." in modname:
+        parts = modname.split(".")[1:]
+        for part in parts:
+            mod = getattr(mod, part)
+    return mod
+copy_reg.pickle(type(copy_reg), _pickle_module, _unpickle_module)
+# XXX Is this comment still relevant?
+# There seems to be something seriously wrong with a module pickle
+# that contains objects pickled via save_global().  These objects are
+# pickled using references to the module.  It appears that unpickling the
+# object in the module causes the persistence machinery to fail.
+# My suspicion is that the assignment to po_state before trying to
+# load the state confuses things.  The first call to setstate attempts
+# to reference an attribute of the module.  That getattr() fails because
+# the module is not a ghost, but does have any empty dict.  Since
+# that getattr() fails, its state can't be unpickled.
+# Not sure what to do about this.
+class PersistentModule(Persistent):
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        self.__name__ = name
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__name__)
+    # XXX need getattr &c. hooks to update _p_changed?
+    # XXX what about code that modifies __dict__ directly?
+    # XXX one example is a function that rebinds a global
+    def __getstate__(self):
+        d = self.__dict__.copy()
+        try:
+            del d["__builtins__"]
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+        return d
+    def __setstate__(self, state):
+        state["__builtins__"] = __builtin__
+        self.__dict__.update(state)
+class PersistentPackage(PersistentModule):
+    # XXX Is it okay that these packages don't have __path__?
+    # A PersistentPackage can exist in a registry without a manager.
+    # It only gets a manager if someone creates an __init__ module for
+    # the package.
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        self.__name__ = name
+__persistent_module_registry__ = "__persistent_module_registry__"
+class PersistentModuleManager(Persistent):
+    __implements__ = IPersistentModuleManager
+    def __init__(self, registry):
+        self._registry = registry
+        self._module = None
+        self.name = None
+        self.source = None
+    def new(self, name, source):
+        if self._module is not None:
+            raise ValueError, "module already exists"
+        if "." in name:
+            parent = self._new_package(name)
+        else:
+            parent = None
+            self._module = PersistentModule(name)
+        try:
+            self._registry.setModule(name, self._module)
+        except ValueError, err:
+            self._module = None
+            raise
+        self.name = name
+        self.update(source)
+        if parent is not None:
+            modname = name.split(".")[-1]
+            setattr(parent, modname, self._module)
+    def update(self, source):
+        self._module._p_changed = True
+        moddict = self._module.__dict__
+        old_names = NameFinder(self._module)
+        moddict[__persistent_module_registry__] = self._registry
+        exec source in moddict
+        del moddict[__persistent_module_registry__]
+        new_names = NameFinder(self._module)
+        replacements = new_names.replacements(old_names)
+        convert(self._module, replacements)
+        self.source = source
+    def remove(self, source):
+        self._registry.delModule(self._module.__name__)
+        self._module = None
+    def _fixup(self, new, old, module):
+        # Update persistent objects in place, and
+        # convert new functions to persistent functions
+        # XXX should convert classes, too
+        for k, v in new.items():
+            if isinstance(v, function):
+                v = new[k] = PersistentFunction(v, module)
+            elif isinstance(v.__class__, PersistentClassMetaClass):
+                v.__class__.fixup(module)
+            # XXX need to check for classes that are not persistent!
+            old_v = old.get(k)
+            if old_v is not None:
+                # XXX the type test below works for functions, but may
+                # not work for classes or other objects
+                if (isinstance(old_v, Persistent)
+                    and type(old_v) == type(v)):
+                    state = v.__getstate__()
+                    old_v.__setstate__(state)
+                    new[k] = old_v
+    def _new_package(self, name):
+        parent = self._get_parent(name)
+        modname = name.split(".")[-1]
+        if modname == "__init__":
+            self._module = parent
+            return None
+        else:
+            self._module = PersistentModule(name)
+            return parent
+    def _get_parent(self, name):
+        # If a module is being created in a package, automatically
+        # create parent packages that do no already exist.
+        parts = name.split(".")[:-1]
+        parent = None
+        for i in range(len(parts)):
+            if parts[i] == "__init__":
+                raise ValueError, "__init__ can not be a package"
+            pname = ".".join(parts[:i+1])
+            package = self._registry.findModule(pname)
+            if package is None:
+                package = PersistentPackage(pname)
+                self._registry.setModule(pname, package)
+                if parent is not None:
+                    setattr(parent, parts[i], package)
+            elif not isinstance(package, PersistentPackage):
+                raise ValueError, "%s is module" % pname
+            parent = package
+        return parent
+class PersistentModuleImporter:
+    """An import hook that loads persistent modules.
+    The importer cooperates with other objects to make sure imports of
+    persistent modules work correctly.  The default importer depends
+    on finding a persistent module registry in the globals passed to
+    __import__().  It looks for the name __persistent_module_registry__.
+    A PersistentModuleManager places its registry in the globals used
+    to exec module source.
+    It is important that the registry be activated before it is used
+    to handle imports.  If a ghost registry is used for importing, a
+    circular import occurs.  The second import occurs when the
+    machinery searches for the class of the registry.  It will re-use
+    the registry and fail, because the registry will be marked as
+    changed but not yet have its stated loaded.  XXX There ought to be
+    a way to deal with this.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._saved_import = None
+    def install(self):
+        self._saved_import = __builtin__.__import__
+        __builtin__.__import__ = self.__import__
+    def uninstall(self):
+        __builtin__.__import__ = self._saved_import
+    def _import(self, registry, name, parent, fromlist):
+        mod = None
+        if parent is not None:
+            fullname = "%s.%s" % (parent, name)
+            mod = registry.findModule(fullname)
+            if mod is None:
+                parent = None
+        if mod is None: # no parent or didn't find in parent
+            mod = registry.findModule(name)
+        if mod is None:
+            return None
+        if fromlist:
+            if isinstance(mod, PersistentPackage):
+                self._import_fromlist(registry, mod, fromlist)
+            return mod
+        else:
+            i = name.find(".")
+            if i == -1:
+                return mod
+            name = name[:i]
+            if parent:
+                name = "%s.%s" % (parent, name)
+            top = registry.findModule(name)
+            assert top is not None, "No package for module %s" % name
+            return top
+    def _import_fromlist(self, registry, mod, fromlist):
+        for name in fromlist:
+            if not hasattr(mod, name):
+                fullname = "%s.%s" % (mod.__name__, name)
+                self._import(registry, fullname, None, [])
+    def __import__(self, name, globals={}, locals={}, fromlist=[]):
+        registry = globals.get(__persistent_module_registry__)
+        if registry is not None:
+            mod = self._import(registry, name, self._get_parent(globals),
+                               fromlist)
+            if mod is not None:
+                return mod
+        return self._saved_import(name, globals, locals, fromlist)
+    def _get_parent(self, globals):
+        name = globals.get("__name__")
+        if name is None or "." not in name:
+            return None
+        i = name.rfind(".")
+        return name[:i]
+class PersistentModuleRegistry(Persistent):
+    __implements__ = (IPersistentModuleImportRegistry,
+                      IPersistentModuleUpdateRegistry)
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__modules = {}
+    def findModule(self, name):
+        assert self._p_state != GHOST
+        return self.__modules.get(name)
+    def setModule(self, name, module):
+        if name in self.__modules:
+            raise ValueError, name
+        self._p_changed = True
+        self.__modules[name] = module
+    def delModule(self, name):
+        self._p_changed = True
+        del self.__modules[name]

=== Zope3/src/zodb/code/patch.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- /dev/null	Wed Dec 25 09:13:49 2002
+++ Zope3/src/zodb/code/patch.py	Wed Dec 25 09:12:18 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Patch references to auto-persistent objects in a module.
+When a persistent module is compiled, all classes and functions should
+be converted to persistent classes and functions.  When a module is
+updated, it is compiled and its persistent functions and classes are
+updated in place so that clients of the module see the update.
+The specific semantics of the convert and update-in-place operations
+are still being determined.  Here are some rough notes:
+- Classes and functions are not converted in place.  New objects are
+  created to replace the builtin functions and classes.
+- Every function object is converted to a PersistentFunction.
+- Every class is converted to a new class that is created by calling
+  the PersistentClassMetaClass with the name, bases, and dict of the
+  class being converted.
+- The conversion operation must preserve object identity.  If an
+  object created by a def or class statement is referenced elsewhere
+  in the module, all references must be replaced with references to
+  the converted object.
+Implementation notes:
+The conversion operation is implemented using a pickler.  It wasn't
+possible to use the copy module, because it isn't possible to extend
+the copy module in a safe way.  The copy module depends on module globals.
+What semantics do we want for update-in-place in the presence of aliases?
+Semantics based on per-namespace updates don't work in the presence of
+aliases.  If an update changes an alias, then the old binding will be
+updated with the state of the new binding.
+Semantics based on containing namespaces seem to work.  The outermost
+namespace that contains a name is updated in place.  Aliases are
+simple rebinding operations that do not update in place.
+The containment approach seems to have a problem with bound methods,
+where an instance can stash a copy of a bound method created via an
+alias.  When the class is updated, the alias changes, but the bound
+method isn't.  Then the bound method can invoke an old method on a new
+object, which may not be legal.  It might sufficient to outlaw this case.
+XXX Open issues
+Can we handle metaclasses within this framework?  That is, what if an
+object's type is not type, but a subclass of type.
+How do we handle things like staticmethods?  We'd like the code to be
+able to use them, but Python doesn't expose an introspection on them.
+What if the same object is bound to two different names in the same
+namespace?  Example:
+    x = lambda: 1
+    y = x
+If the module is updated to:
+    x = lambda: 1
+    y = lambda: 2
+What are the desired semantics?
+__metaclass__ = type
+from copy_reg import dispatch_table
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+import pickle
+from types import *
+from zodb.code.class_ import PersistentClassMetaClass, PersistentDescriptor
+from zodb.code.function import PersistentFunction
+from persistence import Persistent
+class Wrapper:
+    """Implement pickling reduce protocol for update-able object.
+    The Pickler creates a Wrapper instance and uses it as the reduce
+    function.  The Unpickler calls the instance to recreate the
+    object.
+    """
+    __safe_for_unpickling__ = True
+    def __init__(self, obj, module, replace=None):
+        self._obj = obj
+        self._module = module
+        self._replace = replace
+    def __call__(self, *args):
+        new = self.unwrap(*args)
+        if self._replace is not None:
+            # XXX Hack: Use _p_newstatefor persistent classes, because
+            # a persistent class's persistent state is a fairly limited
+            # subset of the dict and we really want to replace everything.
+            if hasattr(self._replace, "_p_newstate"):
+                self._replace._p_newstate(new)
+            else:
+                self._replace.__setstate__(new.__getstate__())
+            return self._replace
+        else:
+            return new
+class FunctionWrapper(Wrapper):
+    def unwrap(self, defaults, dict):
+        self._obj.func_defaults = defaults
+        self._obj.func_dict.update(dict)
+        return PersistentFunction(self._obj, self._module)
+class TypeWrapper(Wrapper):
+    def unwrap(self, bases, dict):
+        # XXX Add Persistent to the list of bases so that type (the
+        # base class of PersistentClassMetaClass) will create the
+        # correct C layout.
+        # We must maintain a linearizable MRO when adding Persistent
+        # to list of bases.  In particular, object is in Persistent's
+        # __bases__ to Persistent must occur before object in the
+        # new class's __bases__.
+        if not Persistent in bases:
+            if object in bases:
+                L = list(bases)
+                i = L.index(object)
+                newbases = bases[:i] + (Persistent,) + bases[i:]
+            else:
+                newbases = bases + (Persistent,)
+        return PersistentClassMetaClass(self._obj.__name__, newbases, dict)
+class Pickler(pickle.Pickler):
+    dispatch = {}
+    dispatch.update(pickle.Pickler.dispatch)
+    def __init__(self, file, module, memo, replacements):
+        pickle.Pickler.__init__(self, file, bin=True)
+        self._pmemo = memo
+        self._module = module
+        self._repl = replacements
+        self._builtins = module.__builtins__
+    def wrap(self, wrapperclass, object):
+        return wrapperclass(object, self._module, self._repl.get(id(object)))
+    def persistent_id(self, object, force=False):
+        if isinstance(object, Wrapper) or object is self._builtins or force:
+            oid = id(object)
+            self._pmemo[oid] = object
+            return oid
+        else:
+            return None
+    def save_type(self, atype):
+        if atype.__module__ == "__builtin__":
+            self.save_global(atype)
+        else:
+            self.save_reduce(self.wrap(TypeWrapper, atype),
+                             (atype.__bases__, atype.__dict__))
+    dispatch[TypeType] = save_type
+    dispatch[ClassType] = save_type
+    def save_function(self, func):
+        self.save_reduce(self.wrap(FunctionWrapper, func),
+                         (func.func_defaults, func.func_dict))
+    dispatch[FunctionType] = save_function
+    # New-style classes don't have real dicts.  They have dictproxies.
+    # There's no official way to spell the dictproxy type, so we have
+    # to get it by using type() on an example.
+    dispatch[type(Wrapper.__dict__)] = pickle.Pickler.save_dict
+    def save(self, object, ignore=None):
+        # Override the save() implementation from pickle.py, because
+        # we don't ever want to invoke __reduce__() on builtin types
+        # that aren't picklable.  Instead, we'd like to pickle all of
+        # those objects using the persistent_id() mechanism.  There's
+        # no need to cover every type with this pickler, because it
+        # isn't being used for persistent just to create a copy.
+        # The ignored parameter is for compatible with Python 2.2,
+        # which has the old inst_persistent_id feature.
+        pid = self.persistent_id(object)
+        if pid is not None:
+            self.save_pers(pid)
+            return
+        d = id(object)
+        t = type(object)
+        if (t is TupleType) and (len(object) == 0):
+            if self.bin:
+                self.save_empty_tuple(object)
+            else:
+                self.save_tuple(object)
+            return
+        if d in self.memo:
+            self.write(self.get(self.memo[d][0]))
+            return
+        try:
+            f = self.dispatch[t]
+        except KeyError:
+            try:
+                issc = issubclass(t, TypeType)
+            except TypeError: # t is not a class
+                issc = 0
+            if issc:
+                self.save_global(object)
+                return
+            try:
+                reduce = dispatch_table[t]
+            except KeyError:
+                self.save_pers(self.persistent_id(object, True))
+                return
+            else:
+                tup = reduce(object)
+            if type(tup) is StringType:
+                self.save_global(object, tup)
+                return
+            if type(tup) is not TupleType:
+                raise pickle.PicklingError("Value returned by %s must be a "
+                                           "tuple" % reduce)
+            l = len(tup)
+            if (l != 2) and (l != 3):
+                raise pickle.PicklingError("tuple returned by %s must "
+                                           "contain only two or three "
+                                           "elements" % reduce)
+            callable = tup[0]
+            arg_tup  = tup[1]
+            if l > 2:
+                state = tup[2]
+            else:
+                state = None
+            if type(arg_tup) is not TupleType and arg_tup is not None:
+                raise pickle.PicklingError("Second element of tuple "
+                                           "returned by %s must be a "
+                                           "tuple" % reduce)
+            self.save_reduce(callable, arg_tup, state)
+            memo_len = len(self.memo)
+            self.write(self.put(memo_len))
+            self.memo[d] = (memo_len, object)
+            return
+        f(self, object)
+class Unpickler(pickle.Unpickler):
+    def __init__(self, file, pmemo):
+        pickle.Unpickler.__init__(self, file)
+        self._pmemo = pmemo
+    def persistent_load(self, oid):
+        return self._pmemo[oid]
+class NameFinder:
+    """Find a canonical name for each update-able object."""
+    # XXX should we try to handle descriptors?  If it looks like a
+    # descriptor, try calling it and passing the class object?
+    classTypes = {
+        TypeType: True,
+        ClassType: True,
+        PersistentClassMetaClass: True,
+        }
+    types = {
+        FunctionType: True,
+        PersistentFunction: True,
+        PersistentDescriptor: True,
+        }
+    types.update(classTypes)
+    def __init__(self, module):
+        self._names = {} # map object ids to (canonical name, obj) pairs
+        self.walkModule(module)
+    def names(self):
+        return [n for n, o in self._names.itervalues()]
+    def _walk(self, obj, name, fmt):
+        classes = []
+        for k, v in obj.__dict__.items():
+            aType = type(v)
+            anId = id(v)
+            if aType in self.types and not anId in self._names:
+                self._names[anId] = fmt % (name, k), v
+                if aType in self.classTypes:
+                    classes.append((v, k))
+        for _klass, _name in classes:
+            self.walkClass(_klass, fmt % (name, _name))
+    def walkModule(self, mod):
+        self._walk(mod, "", "%s%s")
+    def walkClass(self, klass, name):
+        self._walk(klass, name, "%s.%s")
+    def replacements(self, aFinder):
+        """Return a dictionary of replacements.
+        self and aFinder are two NameFinder instances.  Return a dict
+        of all the objects in the two that share the same name.  The
+        keys are the ids in self and the values are the objects in
+        aFinder.
+        """
+        temp = {}
+        result = {}
+        for anId, (name, obj) in self._names.iteritems():
+            temp[name] = anId
+        for anId, (name, obj) in aFinder._names.iteritems():
+            if name in temp:
+                result[temp[name]] = obj
+        return result
+def convert(module, replacements):
+    """Convert object to persistent objects in module.
+    Use replacements dictionary to determine which objects to update
+    in place.
+    """
+    f = StringIO()
+    memo = {}
+    p = Pickler(f, module, memo, replacements)
+    moddict = module.__dict__
+    p.dump(moddict)
+    f.reset()
+    u = Unpickler(f, memo)
+    newdict = u.load()
+    module.__dict__.clear()
+    module.__dict__.update(newdict)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    pass