[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/security - __init__.py:1.2

Jim Fulton jim@zope.com
Wed, 25 Dec 2002 09:14:02 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/security
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv15352/src/zope/app/interfaces/security

Added Files:
Log Message:
Grand renaming:

- Renamed most files (especially python modules) to lower case.

- Moved views and interfaces into separate hierarchies within each
  project, where each top-level directory under the zope package
  is a separate project.

- Moved everything to src from lib/python.

  lib/python will eventually go away. I need access to the cvs
  repository to make this happen, however.

There are probably some bits that are broken. All tests pass
and zope runs, but I haven't tried everything. There are a number
of cleanups I'll work on tomorrow.

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/security/__init__.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- /dev/null	Wed Dec 25 09:14:02 2002
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/security/__init__.py	Wed Dec 25 09:13:01 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+# This file is necessary to make this directory a package.
+from zope.interface import Interface
+from zope.schema.interfaces import IValueSet
+class IPrincipal(Interface):
+    """Provide information about principals.
+    It is likely that IPrincipal objects will have associated
+    views used to list principals in management
+    interfaces. For example, a system in which other meta-data are
+    provided for principals might extend IPrincipal and register a
+    view for the extended interface that displays the extended
+    information. We'll probably want to define a standard view
+    name (e.g.  'inline_summary') for this purpose.
+    """
+    def getId():
+        """Return a unique id string for the principal."""
+    def getTitle():
+        """Return a label for the principal
+        The label will be used in interfaces to allow users to make
+        security assertions (e.g. role or permission
+        assignments) about principals.
+        """
+    def getDescription():
+        """Return a description of the principal."""
+class IUnauthenticatedPrincipal(IPrincipal):
+    """A principal that hasn't been authenticated.
+    Authenticated principals are preferable to UnauthenticatedPrincipals.
+    """
+class IAuthenticationService(Interface):
+    """Provide support for establishing principals for requests.
+    This is implemented by performing protocol-specific actions,
+    such as issuing challenges or providing login interfaces.
+    IAuthenticationService objects are used to implement
+    authentication services. Because they implement services, they are
+    expected to collaborate with services in other contexts. Client
+    code doesn't search a context and call multiple services. Instead,
+    client code will call the most specific service in a place and
+    rely on the service to delegate to other services as necessary.
+    The interface doesn't include methods for data
+    management. Services may use external data and not allow
+    management in Zope. Simularly, the data to be managed may vary
+    with different implementations of a service.
+    """
+    def authenticate(request):
+        """Identify a principal for a request.
+        If a principal can be identified, then return the
+        principal. Otherwise, return None.
+        The request object is fairly opaque. We may decide
+        that it implements some generic request interface.
+        Implementation note
+        It is likely that the component will dispatch
+        to another component based on the actual
+        request interface. This will allow different
+        kinds of requests to be handled correctly.
+        For example, a component that authenticates
+        based on user names and passwords might request
+        an adapter for the request as in::
+          getpw=getAdapter(request,
+                       ILoginPassword, place=self)
+        The place keyword argument is used to control
+        where the ILoginPassword component is
+        searched for. This is necessary because
+        requests are placeless.
+        """
+    def unauthenticatedPrincipal():
+        """Return the unauthenticated principal, if one is defined.
+        Return None if no unauthenticated principal is defined.
+        The unauthenticated principal must be an IUnauthenticatedPrincipal.
+        """
+    def unauthorized(id, request):
+        """Signal an authorization failure.
+        This method is called when an auhorization problem
+        occurs. It can perform a variety of actions, such
+        as issuing an HTTP authentication challenge or
+        displaying a login interface.
+        Note that the authentication service nearest to the
+        requested resource is called. It is up to
+        authentication service implementations to
+        colaborate with services higher in the object
+        hierarchy.
+        If no principal has been identified, id will be
+        None.
+        """
+    def getPrincipal(id):
+        """Get principal meta-data.
+        Returns an object of type IPrincipal for the given principal
+        id. A NotFoundError is raised if the principal cannot be
+        found.
+        Note that the authentication service nearest to the requested
+        resource is called. It is up to authentication service
+        implementations to colaborate with services higher in the
+        object hierarchy.
+        """
+    def getPrincipals(name):
+        """Get principals with matching names.
+        Get a iterable object with the principals with names that are
+        similar to (e.g. contain) the given name.
+        """
+class ILoginPassword(Interface):
+    """A password based login.
+    An IAuthenticationService would use this (adapting a request),
+    to discover the login/password passed from the user, or to
+    indicate that a login is required.
+    """
+    def getLogin():
+        """Return login name, or None if no login name found."""
+    def getPassword():
+        """Return password, or None if no login name found.
+        If there's a login but no password, return empty string.
+        """
+    def needLogin(realm):
+        """Indicate that a login is needed.
+        The realm argument is the name of the principal registry.
+        """
+class IRegisteredObject(Interface):
+    def getId():
+        """Get the id of the registered object."""
+    def getTitle():
+        """Get the human readable title of the registered object.
+        Must be a string, but it may be empty.
+        """
+    def getDescription():
+        """Get the human readable description of the registered object.
+        Must be a string, but it may be empty.
+        """
+class IRole(IRegisteredObject):
+    """A role object."""
+class IRoleService(Interface):
+    """Define roles
+     'IRoleService' objects are used to implement role-definition
+     services. Because they implement services, they are expected to
+     collaborate with services in other contexts. Client code doesn't
+     sarch a context and call multiple services. Instead, client code
+     will call the most specific service in a place and rely on the
+     service to delegate to other services as necessary.
+     The interface doesn't include methods for data
+     management. Services may use external data and not allow
+     management in Zope. Simularly, the data to be managed may vary
+     with different implementations of a service.
+     """
+    def getRole(rid):
+        """Return an 'IRole' object for the given role id."""
+    def getRoles():
+        """Return a sequence of the roles (IRole objects)
+        defined in the place containing the service."""
+class IPermission(IRegisteredObject):
+    """A permission object."""
+class IPermissionService(Interface):
+    """Manage information about permissions
+     'IPermissionService' objects are used to implement
+     permission-definition services. Because they implement services,
+     they are expected to collaborate with services in other
+     contexts. Client code doesn't search a context and call multiple
+     services. Instead, client code will call the most specific
+     service in a place and rely on the service to delegate to other
+     services as necessary.
+     The interface doesn't include methods for data
+     management. Services may use external data and not allow
+     management in Zope. Similarly, the data to be managed may vary
+     with different implementations of a service.
+     """
+    def getPermission(permission_id):
+        """Get permission information
+        Return an 'IPermission' object for the
+        given permission id.  Return None if there is no permission defined
+        """
+    def getPermissions():
+        """Get the defined permissions
+        Return a sequence of the permissions
+        (IPermission objects) defined in the place containing the
+        service.
+        """
+class IPermissionField(IValueSet):
+    u"""Fields with Permissions as values
+    """
+class IPrincipalRoleMap(Interface):
+    """Mappings between principals and roles."""
+    def getPrincipalsForRole(role_id):
+        """Get the principals that have been granted a role.
+        Return the list of (principal, setting) who have been assigned or
+        removed from a role.
+        If no principals have been assigned this role,
+        then the empty list is returned.
+        """
+    def getRolesForPrincipal(principal_id):
+        """Get the roles granted to a principal.
+        Return the list of (role, setting) assigned or removed from
+        this principal.
+        If no roles have been assigned to
+        this principal, then the empty list is returned.
+        """
+    def getSetting(role_id, principal_id):
+        """Return the setting for this principal, role combination
+        """
+    def getPrincipalsAndRoles():
+        """Get all settings.
+        Return all the principal/role combinations along with the
+        setting for each combination as a sequence of tuples with the
+        role, principal, and setting, in that order.
+        """
+class IPrincipalRoleManager(IPrincipalRoleMap):
+    """Management interface for mappings between principals and roles."""
+    def assignRoleToPrincipal(role_id, principal_id):
+        """Assign the role to the principal.
+        """
+    def removeRoleFromPrincipal(role_id, principal_id):
+        """ remove a role from the principal """
+    def unsetRoleForPrincipal(role_id, principal_id):
+        """ unset the role for the principal
+        """
+class IRolePermissionMap(Interface):
+    """Mappings between roles and permissions."""
+    def getPermissionsForRole(role_id):
+        """Get the premissions granted to a role.
+        Return a sequence of (permission id, setting) tuples for the given
+        role.
+        If no permissions have been granted to this
+        role, then the empty list is returned.
+        """
+    def getRolesForPermission(permission_id):
+        """Get the roles that have a permission.
+        Return a sequence of (role id, setting) tuples for the given
+        permission.
+        If no roles have been granted this permission, then the empty list is
+        returned.
+        """
+    def getSetting(permission_id, role_id):
+        """Return the setting for the given permission id and role id
+        If there is no setting, Unset is returned
+        """
+    def getRolesAndPermissions():
+        """Return a sequence of (principal_id, role_id, setting) here.
+        The settings are returned as a sequence of permission, role,
+        setting tuples.
+        If no principal/role assertions have been made here, then the empty
+        list is returned.
+        """
+class IRolePermissionManager(IRolePermissionMap):
+    """Management interface for mappings between roles and permissions."""
+    def grantPermissionToRole(permission_id, role_id):
+        """Bind the permission to the role.
+        """
+    def denyPermissionToRole(permission_id, role_id):
+        """Deny the permission to the role
+        """
+    def unsetPermissionFromRole(permission_id, role_id):
+        """Clear the setting of the permission to the role.
+        """
+class IPrincipalPermissionMap(Interface):
+    """Mappings between principals and permissions."""
+    def getPrincipalsForPermission(permission_id):
+        """Get the principas that have a permission.
+        Return the list of (principal_id, setting) tuples that describe
+        security assertions for this permission.
+        If no principals have been set for this permission, then the empty
+        list is returned.
+        """
+    def getPermissionsForPrincipal(principal_id):
+        """Get the permissions granted to a principal.
+        Return the list of (permission, setting) tuples that describe
+        security assertions for this principal.
+        If no permissions have been set for this principal, then the empty
+        list is returned.
+        """
+    def getSetting(permission_id, principal_id):
+        """Get the setting for a permission and principal.
+        Get the setting (Allow/Deny/Unset) for a given permission and
+        principal.
+        """
+    def getPrincipalsAndPermissions():
+        """Get all principal permission settings.
+        Get the principal security assertions here in the form
+        of a list of three tuple containing
+        (permission id, principal id, setting)
+        """
+class IPrincipalPermissionManager(IPrincipalPermissionMap):
+    """Management interface for mappings between principals and permissions."""
+    def grantPermissionToPrincipal(permission_id, principal_id):
+        """Assert that the permission is allowed for the principal.
+        """
+    def denyPermissionToPrincipal(permission_id, principal_id):
+        """Assert that the permission is denied to the principal.
+        """
+    def unsetPermissionForPrincipal(permission_id, principal_id):
+        """Remove the permission (either denied or allowed) from the
+        principal.
+        """