[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Forms/Views/Browser - FormView.py:1.8 Widget.py:1.5

Stephan Richter srichter@cbu.edu
Fri, 19 Jul 2002 09:13:01 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Forms/Views/Browser
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv24805/lib/python/Zope/App/Forms/Views/Browser

Modified Files:
	FormView.py Widget.py 
Log Message:
Okay, I finished the Forms work. Schema and Forms completely replace the
old Formulator code now. I have switched all the Content objects to using
Schema + Forms; especially the SQL Script has an interesting demo on how
to write your custom fields.

However, I am not satisfied with all my design decisions. There is still
a lot of work to be done in Converters and Widgets. Please contact Martijn
and/or me if you would like to help.

=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Forms/Views/Browser/FormView.py 1.7 => 1.8 ===
 from Schema.Exceptions import StopValidation, ValidationError, \
      ConversionError, ValidationErrorsAll, ConversionErrorsAll
+from Zope.Proxy.ContextWrapper import ContextWrapper
 from Zope.ComponentArchitecture import getView
+from Zope.Proxy.ProxyIntrospection import removeAllProxies
 from Zope.Publisher.Browser.BrowserView import BrowserView
 from IForm import IForm
@@ -36,7 +38,8 @@
     def getFields(self):
         'See Zope.App.Forms.Views.Browser.IForm.IReadForm'
-        interfaces = self.context.__implements__
+        context = removeAllProxies(self.context)
+        interfaces = context.__implements__
         if isinstance(interfaces, (tuple, list)):
             interfaces = flattenInterfaces(interfaces)
@@ -47,7 +50,10 @@
             for name in interface.names(1):
                 attr = interface.getDescriptionFor(name)
                 if IField.isImplementedBy(attr):
-                    fields[name] = attr
+                    # Give the field a context before adding, so they
+                    # know how to retrieve data.
+                    fields[name] = ContextWrapper(attr, self.context,
+                                                  name=name)
         if self.fields_order is None:
             return fields.values()
@@ -129,10 +135,11 @@
     def storeAllDataInContext(self, mapping):
         """Store the data back into the context object."""
+        context = removeAllProxies(self.context)
         for field in mapping:
             value = mapping[field]
-            if value != getattr(self.context, field.id):
-                setattr(self.context, field.id, value)
+            if value != getattr(context, field.id):
+                setattr(context, field.id, value)
     def saveValuesInContext(self):
@@ -150,5 +157,7 @@
         except (ValidationErrorsAll, ConversionErrorsAll), e:
             return self.form(self, errors=e)
+            # XXX This should do a redirect by looking up the object in
+            # the view registry
             return self.form(self)

=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Forms/Views/Browser/Widget.py 1.4 => 1.5 ===
 class FileWidget(TextWidget):
     """File Widget"""
+    converter = Converter.FileToStrConverter()
     type = 'file'
+    def render(self, value):
+        'See Zope.App.Forms.Views.Browser.IBrowserWidget.IBrowserWidget'
+        displayMaxWidth = self.getValue('displayMaxWidth') or 0
+        if displayMaxWidth > 0:
+            return renderElement(self.getValue('tag'),
+                                 type = self.getValue('type'),
+                                 name = self.context.id,
+                                 cssClass = self.getValue('cssClass'),
+                                 size = self.getValue('displayWidth'),
+                                 maxlength = displayMaxWidth,
+                                 extra = self.getValue('extra'))
+        else:
+            return renderElement(self.getValue('tag'),
+                                 type = self.getValue('type'),
+                                 name = self.context.id,
+                                 cssClass = self.getValue('cssClass'),
+                                 size = self.getValue('displayWidth'),
+                                 extra = self.getValue('extra'))
 class ItemsWidget(BrowserWidget):
     """A widget that has a number of items in it."""
@@ -164,9 +184,11 @@
     def renderItems(self, value):
         name = self.context.id
         # get items
-        items = self.context.get('items')
+        items = self.context.items
+        if callable(items):
+            items = items()
         # check if we want to select first item
-        if not value and self.context.get_value('firstItem') and \
+        if not value and getattr(self.context, 'firstItem', None) and \
                len(items) > 0:
                 text, value = items[0]