[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly
kapil thangavelu
Thu, 7 Nov 2002 12:44:15 -0800
do we want to update this to the maintained gadfly code from
besides the benefits of bug fixes, general code cleanup, and external
maintainers, it also fixes the issue that all the internal docs regarding
site references and contact within this code are invalid.
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/RDB/GadflyDA/gadfly
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv8544/GadflyDA/gadfly
Added Files:
COPYRIGHT DLispShort.py DumbLispGen.py SQLTESTG.py __init__.py
gadfly.html gadfly.py gfSQL.html gfclient.py gfdb0.py
gffaq.html gfinstall.py gfintrospect.py gfrecover.html
gfserve.py gfsocket.py gfstest.py gftest.py idl.py index.html
kjParseBuild.py kjParser.py kjSet.py kjbuckets0.py kjpylint.py
kwParsing.html pygram.py relalg.py remotetest.py server.html
sql.mar sqlbind.py sqlgen.py sqlgram.py sqlgtest.py sqlmod.py
sqlsem.py sqlwhere.py
Log Message:
Added Gadfly DA which was previously in an incorrect CVS module.
Small cleanups (the tests now use a temp directory for creating databases).
Oh, this move is based an agreement between Jim and Stephan Richter that
GadflyDA belongs as a default "batteries included" adapter in Zope3.