[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Caching - ICacheable.py:1.3

Jim Fulton jim@zope.com
Mon, 11 Nov 2002 15:57:51 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Caching
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv20886

Modified Files:
Log Message:

Changed the cacheName field to implement allowed_values, rather than
items and to use bound context rather than context wrappers.

Changed the cachable editing view to use a standard editing widget and
the new widget setup code in Zope.App.Forms.Utility.

Got rid of an unused import of FormView.

=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Caching/ICacheable.py 1.2 => 1.3 ===
--- Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Caching/ICacheable.py:1.2	Wed Oct  9 09:08:44 2002
+++ Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Caching/ICacheable.py	Mon Nov 11 15:57:20 2002
@@ -15,26 +15,29 @@
 from Interface import Interface
-from Zope.ContextWrapper import ContextMethod
 from Zope.ComponentArchitecture import getService
+from Zope.ContextWrapper import ContextProperty
 import Zope.Schema
-class CacheName(Zope.Schema.Text):
+class CacheName(Zope.Schema.TextLine):
     """Cache Name"""
-    def items(self):
+    def __allowed(self):
         """Note that this method works only if the Field is context wrapped."""
-        caching_service = getService(self, "Caching")
-        return [('', '(None)')] + caching_service.getAvailableCaches() # FIXME: i18n
+        caching_service = getService(self.context, "Caching")
-    items = ContextMethod(items)
+        # FIXME: i18n
+        return [''] + list(caching_service.getAvailableCaches())
+    allowed_values = ContextProperty(__allowed)
 class ICacheable(Interface):
     """Object that can be associated with a cache manager."""
-    cacheId = CacheName(title=u"Cache Name",
-                        description=u"The name of the cache used for this object.",
-                        required=False)
+    cacheId = CacheName(
+        title=u"Cache Name",
+        description=u"The name of the cache used for this object.",
+        required=True)
     def getCacheId():
         """Gets the associated cache manager ID."""