[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Caching/RAMCache - IRAMCache.py:1.2 RAMCache.py:1.4 configure.zcml:1.2

Albertas Agejevas alga@codeworks.lt
Mon, 25 Nov 2002 08:48:36 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Caching/RAMCache
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv25234/Caching/RAMCache

Modified Files:
	IRAMCache.py RAMCache.py configure.zcml 
Log Message:
Cleaned up the RAMCache.

Removed all the references to Request from RAMCache, removed 'view' parameters
from the ICache interface.

=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Caching/RAMCache/IRAMCache.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Caching/RAMCache/IRAMCache.py:1.1	Thu Oct 31 11:01:39 2002
+++ Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Caching/RAMCache/IRAMCache.py	Mon Nov 25 08:48:06 2002
@@ -21,10 +21,6 @@
 class IRAMCache(ICache, ISubscriber):
     """Interface for the RAM Cache."""
-    requestVars = Attribute("""A list of the request variables which
-    are automatically added to the key of a cached entry if
-    available.""")
     maxEntries = Attribute("""A maximum number of cached values.""")
     maxAge = Attribute("""Maximum age for cached values in seconds.""")
@@ -42,5 +38,5 @@
-    def update(request_vars, maxEntries, maxAge, cleanupInterval):
+    def update(maxEntries, maxAge, cleanupInterval):
         """Saves the parameters available to the user"""

=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Caching/RAMCache/RAMCache.py 1.3 => 1.4 ===
--- Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Caching/RAMCache/RAMCache.py:1.3	Wed Nov 13 10:16:41 2002
+++ Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Caching/RAMCache/RAMCache.py	Mon Nov 25 08:48:06 2002
@@ -14,14 +14,13 @@
-from Persistence import Persistent
-from Zope.App.Caching.RAMCache.IRAMCache import IRAMCache
-from Zope.ComponentArchitecture.IPresentation import IPresentation
-from Zope.App.Traversing.IPhysicallyLocatable import IPhysicallyLocatable
 from time import time
 from thread import allocate_lock
+from Persistence import Persistent
+from Zope.App.Caching.RAMCache.IRAMCache import IRAMCache
 from Zope.ComponentArchitecture import getAdapter
 from Zope.ComponentArchitecture.Exceptions import ComponentLookupError
+from Zope.App.Traversing.IPhysicallyLocatable import IPhysicallyLocatable
 # A global caches dictionary shared between threads
 caches = {}
@@ -59,13 +58,9 @@
     def getStatistics(self):
         "See Zope.App.Caching.RAMCache.IRAMCache.IRAMCache"
-    def update(self, requestVars=None, maxEntries=None, maxAge=None,
-               cleanupInterval=None):
+    def update(self,  maxEntries=None, maxAge=None, cleanupInterval=None):
         "See Zope.App.Caching.RAMCache.IRAMCache.IRAMCache"
-        if requestVars is not None:
-            self.requestVars = requestVars
         if maxEntries is not None:
             self.maxEntries = maxEntries
@@ -78,58 +73,33 @@
         self._getStorage().update(maxEntries, maxAge, cleanupInterval)
-    def invalidate(self, ob, view_name=None, keywords=None):
+    def invalidate(self, ob, key=None):
         "See Zope.App.Caching.ICache.ICache"
-        locatable = getAdapter(ob, IPhysicallyLocatable)
-        location = locatable.getPhysicalPath()
-        if keywords:
-            items = keywords.items()
-            items.sort()
-            keywords = tuple(items)
         s = self._getStorage()
-        if view_name is None:
-            s.invalidate(location)
-        else:
-            keys = s.getKeys(location)
-            for key in keys:
-                view, req, kw = key
-                if view == view_name:
-                    if keywords is None or keywords == kw:
-                        s.invalidate(location, key)
+        if key:
+            key =  self._buildKey(key)
+            s.invalidate(ob, key)
+        else: 
+            s.invalidate(ob)
-    def query(self, ob, view_name='', keywords=None, default=None):
+    def query(self, ob, key=None, default=None):
         "See Zope.App.Caching.ICache.ICache"
         s = self._getStorage()
-        locatable = getAdapter(ob, IPhysicallyLocatable)
-        location = locatable.getPhysicalPath()
-        key = self._buildKey(view_name, RAMCache._getRequest(ob),
-                             self.requestVars, keywords)
+        key = self._buildKey(key)
-            return s.getEntry(location, key)
+            return s.getEntry(ob, key)
         except KeyError:
             return default
-    def set(self, data, ob, view_name='', keywords=None):
+    def set(self, data, ob, key=None):
         "See Zope.App.Caching.ICache.ICache"
         s = self._getStorage()
-        locatable = getAdapter(ob, IPhysicallyLocatable)
-        location = locatable.getPhysicalPath()
-        key = self._buildKey(view_name, RAMCache._getRequest(ob),
-                             self.requestVars, keywords)
-        s.setEntry(location, key, data)
-    def _getRequest(ob):
-        request = None
-        if IPresentation.isImplementedBy(ob):
-            request = ob.request
-        return request
-    _getRequest = staticmethod(_getRequest)
+        key = self._buildKey(key)
+        s.setEntry(ob, key, data)
     def _getStorage(self):
         "Finds or creates a storage object."
         global caches
         global writelock
         cacheId = self._cacheId
@@ -143,25 +113,15 @@
         return self._v_storage
-    def _buildKey(view_name, req, req_names, kw):
+    def _buildKey(kw):
         "Build a tuple which can be used as an index for a cached value"
-        req_vars = ()
-        if req:
-            for key in req_names:
-                try:
-                    value = req[key]
-                    req_vars += (key, value)
-                except KeyError:
-                    pass
-        kw_vars = ()
         if kw:
             items = kw.items()
-            kw_vars = tuple(items)
+            return tuple(items)
-        return (view_name, req_vars, kw_vars)
+        return ()
     _buildKey = staticmethod(_buildKey)

=== Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Caching/RAMCache/configure.zcml 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Caching/RAMCache/configure.zcml:1.1	Thu Oct 31 11:01:39 2002
+++ Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Caching/RAMCache/configure.zcml	Mon Nov 25 08:48:06 2002
@@ -11,13 +11,6 @@
-  <!--
-  <event:subscribe 
-      subscriber = ".RAMCache."
-      event_types = "Zope.Event.IObjectEvent.IObjectModifiedEvent"
-      />
-  -->
 <include package=".Views" />