[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/OFS/Container/Views/Browser - index.pt:1.1

Jim Fulton jim@zope.com
Tue, 1 Oct 2002 08:58:03 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/OFS/Container/Views/Browser
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv19547/OFS/Container/Views/Browser

Added Files:
Log Message:
Added a new view, 'SelectedManagementView', that redirects to the first
view that a user can access. Changed between-object navigation urls,
like those in breadcrumbs and the contents management view, to use
this view.  This corresponds to Zope 2's 'manage_workspace' method.

Changes the name of the folder contents management view to
'contents.html'. Added a new 'index.html' view as the default view for
folders. If the folder contains an object named 'index.html', then the
view redirects to that object. Otherwise, the view displays a folder
listing with linds to folder items.

Changed the view order for a number of content types so that
management views come before the default view.  This means you can now
traverse to a file or page template from a contents listing and get an
editing view.

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/OFS/Container/Views/Browser/index.pt ===
<html metal:use-macro="views/standard_macros/page">
<style metal:fill-slot="headers" type="text/css">

.ContentIcon {
    width: 20px;

.ContentTitle {
    text-align: left;
<div metal:fill-slot="body">

  <table class="ContentListing">
	<td class="ContentIcon"><br /> </td>
	<th class="ContentTitle">Title</th>
      <tr tal:repeat="info view/listContentInfo">
          <a href="#" 
             tal:attributes="href info/url"
             tal:content="structure info/icon|default"
	<td class="ContentTitle">
	  <a href="subfolder_id"
	     tal:attributes="href info/url"
	  >Folder Title or ID here</a>
      <tr tal:condition="nothing">
	<td class="ContentIcon">
	  <img alt="Document" src="../../ZMI/www/document_icon.gif" />
	<td class="ContentTitle">
	   <a href="document_id">Document Title or ID here</a>
  <br />
