[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Packages3/workflow - notes.txt:1.4
Ulrich Eck
Thu, 10 Apr 2003 17:27:21 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Packages3/workflow
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv29121
Modified Files:
Log Message:
ToDo updates
and cleanup
=== Packages3/workflow/notes.txt 1.3 => 1.4 ===
--- Packages3/workflow/notes.txt:1.3 Mon Apr 7 13:33:49 2003
+++ Packages3/workflow/notes.txt Thu Apr 10 17:27:20 2003
@@ -1,31 +1,39 @@
Stateful PI:
- - care about automatic transitions
- state-changes/data-changes need to fire events
- sci needs probably readonly acccess to the "content-object" it applies to
+ need to copy the checker's get_attr funcs and create a new security-checker
+ for the content-object to ensure the scripts/conditions can only access
+ the content readonly !!
Stateful PD:
- - automatic transitions
- permissions for wf-relevant data fields
- - better initialization of wf-relevant data (e.g. missing schema)
-ContentWorkflowConfigurationService (CWCS):
+ContentWorkflowService (CWS):
- replace content-workflows-utility
- - is subscriber to ObjectCreatedEvents,
+ - is subscriber to ObjectCreatedEvents (or objecthub-events??),
subscribes only when Service is made active (IBindingAware)
- has configurations ContentType (Interface) -> PD-Names
- supplies convinience methods for Component Developers
to operate on/with the ProcessInstances
(e.g. set/get Data, fire transitions, ...)
- - modify StatefulState Adding-View to skip empty addform
+ - how to handle dependencies (PI -> PD ...)??
+ ProcessInstances need the a PD to work properly,
+ but PD's should be still configurable and exchangeable .. hmm
Unit Tests:
- - stateful/xmlimportexport.py unittests needed
+ - stateful/xmlimportexport.py unittests needed (export is not yet tested)