[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zope/schema/tests
- test_datetime.py:1.3 test_floatfield.py:1.3 test_intfield.py:1.3
Steve Alexander
Tue, 15 Apr 2003 17:32:37 +0200
Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:
> [Added zope3-dev to the list of recipients.]
> I made some changes to the zope.schema package yesterday, and Martijn
> Faassen has some questions about those. His questions were initially
> sent to the zope3-checkins list, but more people may be interested.
My own code depends on the stuff you changed, so I'm very interested in
this. (It means I need to alter my code.)
I have my own field types that derive (in implementation) and extend (in
interface) from the ones in zope.schema.
> > It makes it harder to switch from
> > a field where value entry is restricted to one where it is unrestricted.
> > 'allowed_values' can certainly be seen as a constraint on a field instead of
> > as an entirely new field type. I'd like to get a bit more detail about what
> > motivated this change.
> Yes, allowed_values is a constraint on a field value. Lots of things
> are, including the basic type information.
> I'm not sure what you mean "makes it harder". In terms of the number
> of actions required to make the edit, it means changing the schema
> involves 1) removing an allowed_values argument to the field
> constructor, and 2) changing the name of the field type. Yes, there's
> a little more than removing/commenting out the allowed_values
> argument, so it could be seen as "harder".
I was going to make a similar change to this field type.
However, rather than make a different implementation class, I was going
to use the same implementation class, and have instances change their
own interface declaration depending on whether allowed_values is defined.
This allows you to use a different widget for an any-values fields to
the one used for an allowed-values field.
Other than this change of constraint, I see no problem with the same
implementation being used. I see no more problem with changing an
allowed_values constraint on a Field instance than with changing any
other constraint on a Field instance.
> As I'm sure you understand, the biggest aspect of schema change is
> proper support for the new schema in the application, and when
> expanding the set of allowed values for a field, the hardest part is
> ensuring the code has been tested thoroughly and that edge cases are
> properly located and checked. There's far more than making a couple
> of edits to spelling of the schema.
Do you propose disallowing any other changes to the notional set of
valid values for a field?
Do you want Field instances to be immutable?
> I think "Enumerated" is a better name than "ValueSet"...
I too prefer Enumerated to ValueSet.
Steve Alexander