[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Products3 - README.txt:1.1
Stephan Richter
Mon, 21 Apr 2003 12:26:45 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Products3
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv12029
Added Files:
Log Message:
there has been some confusion about the installation of the 'zopeproducts'
directory, so that I felt a README.txt file was necessary.
Over time, we might want to add more to this file, such as a list of all
products contained here including a small description.
=== Added File Products3/README.txt ===
Location of this directory
Since there has been some confusion on where 'zopeproducts' should be located,
it is useful to spell it out for newcomers.
First of all, let me state that it should not matter at all where you place
this directory as long as you declare its parent in the python path. For
example, if you want to place 'zopeproducts' into '/opt', then '/opt' should
be in your PYTHONPATH variable.
However, often documentation will assume that the 'zopeproducts' directory is
placed in a certain standard directory, so that installation and execution
descriptions are simplified. This standard directory is '<zope3>/src', so that
the path should be::
If you setup your system in this standard way, all documentation and code
should run without any modification!
The Zope 3 Team