[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser - globalbrowsermenuservice.py:1.20 i18nresourcemeta.py:1.12 icon.py:1.9 meta.zcml:1.11 metaconfigure.py:1.10 resourcemeta.py:1.9 viewmeta.py:1.29 metadirectives.py:NONE

Anthony Baxter anthony@interlink.com.au
Sat, 2 Aug 2003 05:11:59 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv24272/zope/app/publisher/browser

Modified Files:
	globalbrowsermenuservice.py i18nresourcemeta.py icon.py 
	meta.zcml metaconfigure.py resourcemeta.py viewmeta.py 
Removed Files:
Log Message:
Backing out philiKON's changes - they broke the functional tests, and
from his signoff on IRC, I don't think he's going to be around until 
Monday. As I'm working on the Catalog functional tests, this is pretty
annoying. I tried to figure out how to just back out bits til I found the
broken stuff, but it's a pretty serious refactoring. I'll send a message
to zope3-checkins with the CVS commands used for this, so that someone
can undo the backout if they wish.

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser/globalbrowsermenuservice.py 1.19 => 1.20 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser/globalbrowsermenuservice.py:1.19	Sat Aug  2 03:04:09 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser/globalbrowsermenuservice.py	Sat Aug  2 05:11:21 2003
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
 from zope.interface import classProvides
 from zope.exceptions import DuplicationError, Unauthorized, Forbidden
+from zope.configuration.action import Action
 from zope.interface.type import TypeRegistry
 from zope.interface import implements
@@ -25,7 +27,7 @@
 from zope.app.security.permission import checkPermission
-from zope.app.component.metaconfigure import handler
+from zope.app.component.metaconfigure import handler, resolveInterface
 from zope.app.interfaces.publisher.browser import IBrowserMenuService
 from zope.app.pagetemplate.engine import Engine
 from zope.app.publication.browser import PublicationTraverser
@@ -173,11 +175,11 @@
         return None
 def menuDirective(_context, id, title, description='', usage=u''):
-    _context.action(
+    return [Action(
         discriminator = ('browser:menu', id),
         callable = globalBrowserMenuService.menu,
         args = (id, title, description, usage),
-        )
+        )]
 def menuItemDirective(_context, menu, for_,
                       action, title, description='', filter=None,
@@ -189,27 +191,36 @@
 class menuItemsDirective:
     def __init__(self, _context, menu, for_):
-        self.interface = for_
+        if for_ == '*':
+            self.interface = None
+        else:
+            self.interface = resolveInterface(_context, for_)
         self.menu = menu
     def menuItem(self, _context, action, title, description='',
                  filter=None, permission=None):
-        _context.action(
-            discriminator = ('browser:menuItem',
-                             self.menu, self.interface, title),
-            callable = globalBrowserMenuService.menuItem,
-            args = (self.menu, self.interface,
-                    action, title, description, filter, permission),
-            ),
-    def __call__(self, _context):
-        _context.action(
-            discriminator = None,
-            callable = handler,
-            args = (Interfaces, 'provideInterface',
-                    self.interface.__module__+'.'+self.interface.__name__,
-                    self.interface)
-            )
+        return [
+            Action(
+              discriminator = ('browser:menuItem',
+                               self.menu, self.interface, title),
+              callable = globalBrowserMenuService.menuItem,
+              args = (self.menu, self.interface,
+                      action, title, description, filter, permission),
+              ),
+                ]
+    def __call__(self):
+        return [
+            Action(
+              discriminator = None,
+              callable = handler,
+              args = (Interfaces, 'provideInterface',
+                      self.interface.__module__+'.'+self.interface.__name__,
+                      self.interface)
+              )
+            ]
 globalBrowserMenuService = GlobalBrowserMenuService()

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser/i18nresourcemeta.py 1.11 => 1.12 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser/i18nresourcemeta.py:1.11	Sat Aug  2 03:04:09 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser/i18nresourcemeta.py	Sat Aug  2 05:11:21 2003
@@ -20,13 +20,17 @@
 from zope.security.proxy import Proxy
 from zope.security.checker import CheckerPublic, Checker
+from zope.configuration.action import Action
 from zope.configuration.exceptions import ConfigurationError
 from zope.app.services.servicenames import Resources
 from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserPresentation
 from zope.app.component.metaconfigure import handler
 from zope.app.publisher.fileresource import File, Image
-from i18nfileresource import I18nFileResourceFactory
+from zope.app.publisher.browser.i18nfileresource import I18nFileResourceFactory
 class I18nResource(object):
@@ -35,7 +39,6 @@
     def __init__(self, _context, name=None, defaultLanguage='en',
                  layer='default', permission=None):
-        self._context = _context
         self.name = name
         self.defaultLanguage = defaultLanguage
         self.layer = layer
@@ -43,6 +46,7 @@
         self.__data = {}
         self.__format = None
     def translation(self, _context, language, file=None, image=None):
         if file is not None and image is not None:
@@ -100,12 +104,15 @@
             factory = self._proxyFactory(factory, checker)
-        self._context.action(
-            discriminator = ('i18n-resource', self.name, self.type, self.layer),
-            callable = handler,
-            args = (Resources, 'provideResource', self.name, self.type,
-                    factory, self.layer)
-            )
+        return [
+            Action(
+                discriminator = ('i18n-resource', self.name, self.type,
+                                 self.layer),
+                callable = handler,
+                args = (Resources, 'provideResource', self.name, self.type,
+                        factory, self.layer)
+                )
+            ]
     def _proxyFactory(self, factory, checker):

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser/icon.py 1.8 => 1.9 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser/icon.py:1.8	Sat Aug  2 03:04:09 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser/icon.py	Sat Aug  2 05:11:21 2003
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
 import os
 import re
-from zope.app.component.metaconfigure import handler
+from zope.app.component.metaconfigure import handler, resolveInterface
+from zope.configuration.action import Action
 from zope.app.publisher.browser import metaconfigure
 from zope.app.traversing.namespace import getResourceInContext
 from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserPresentation
@@ -63,6 +64,7 @@
 def IconDirective(_context, name, for_, file=None, resource=None,
                   layer='default', alt=None):
+    for_ = resolveInterface(_context, for_)
     iname = for_.__name__
     if alt is None:
@@ -70,6 +72,7 @@
         if IName.match(alt):
             alt = alt[1:] # Remove leading 'I'
+    results = []
     if file is not None and resource is not None:
         raise ConfigurationError(
             "Can't use more than one of file, and resource "
@@ -81,8 +84,8 @@
         ext = os.path.splitext(file)[1]
         if ext:
             resource += ext
-        metaconfigure.resource(_context, image=file,
-                               name=resource, layer=layer)
+        results = metaconfigure.resource(_context, image=file,
+                                         name=resource, layer=layer)
     elif resource is None:
         raise ConfigurationError(
             "At least one of the file, and resource "
@@ -91,17 +94,18 @@
     vfactory = IconViewFactory(resource, alt)
-    _context.action(
+    return results + [
+        Action(
         discriminator = ('view', name, vfactory, layer),
         callable = handler,
         args = ('Views', 'provideView',
                 for_, name, IBrowserPresentation,
-                vfactory, layer)
-        )
-    _context.action(
+                vfactory, layer)),
+        Action(
         discriminator = None,
         callable = handler,
         args = (Interfaces, 'provideInterface',
+        ]

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml 1.10 => 1.11 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml:1.10	Sat Aug  2 03:04:09 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml	Sat Aug  2 05:11:21 2003
@@ -1,139 +1,847 @@
-    xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
-    xmlns:meta="http://namespaces.zope.org/meta">
-  <meta:directives namespace="http://namespaces.zope.org/browser">
-    <!-- browser views -->
-    <meta:complexDirective
-        name="view"
-        schema=".metadirectives.IViewDirective"
-        handler=".viewmeta.view"
+<zopeConfigure xmlns='http://namespaces.zope.org/zope'>
+  <directives namespace="http://namespaces.zope.org/browser">
+    <directive name="page" handler=".viewmeta.page">
+      <description>
+        The page directive is used to create views that provide a
+        single url or page.
+        The page directive creates a new view class from a given
+        template and/or class and registers it.
+      </description>
+      <attribute name="name" required="yes">
+        <description>
+              The name of the page (view).
+              The name shows up in URLs/paths. For example 'foo' or 
+              'foo.html'. This attribute is required unless you use the
+              subdirective 'page' to create sub views. If you do not have
+              sub pages, it is common to use an extension for the view name 
+              such as '.html'. If you do have sub pages and you want to
+              provide a view name, you shouldn't use
+              extensions. 
+          </description>
+       </attribute>
+      <attribute name="for" required="yes">
+        <description>
+              The interface this page (view) applies to. 
+              The view will be for all objects that implement this interface.
+              To provide a page for all components, use
+              "zope.interface.Interface".  To provide a page for all
+              objects, use "*".
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="permission" required="yes">
+        <description>
+              The permission needed to use the view. 
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="template">
+        <description>
+          The name of a page template.
+          Refers to a file containing a page template (must end in
+          extension '.pt').
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="attribute" required="no">
+        <description>
+           The name of an attribute to publish.
+           This is used to publish an attribute provided by a class,
+           instead of a template.
+           This is the attribute, usually a method, to be published as
+           the page (view).  The default is "__call__".
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="class">
+        <description>
+           A class to use with a template, or to provide an attribute
+           to publish.
+           It's common to provide a class with methods to be used by
+           the template to prevent including Python code in the template.
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="layer" required="no">
+        <description>
+              The layer the view is in. 
+              A skin is composed of layers. It is common to put skin specific
+              views in a layer named after the skin. If the 'layer' attribute
+              is not supplied, it defaults to
+              'default'. 
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="allowed_interface" required="no">
+        <description>
+              Interface that is also allowed if user has permission.
+              By default, 'permission' only applies to viewing the view and 
+              any possible sub views. By specifying this attribute, you can
+              make the permission also apply to everything described in the 
+              supplied interface. 
+              Multiple interfaces, separated by whitespace, can be provided.
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="allowed_attributes" required="no">
+        <description>
+              View attributes that are also allowed if user has permission.
+              By default, 'permission' only applies to viewing the view and any
+              possible sub views. By specifying 'allowed_attributes', you can
+              make the permission also apply to the extra attributes on the 
+              view object. 
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="menu" required="no">
+        <description>
+          The browser menu to include the page (view) in.
+          Many views are included in menus. It's convenient to name
+          the menu in the page directive, rather than having to give a
+          separate menuItem directive.          
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="title" required="no">
+        <description>
+          The browser menu label for the page (view)
+          This attribute must be supplied if a menu attribute is
+          supplied. 
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="usage" required="no">
+        <description>
+          The template usage top-level variable
+          See the usage documentation in the README.txt in the 
+          zope/app/browser/skins directory.
+          If this view is associated with a menu item, this attribute should
+          not be supplied as the view will get its usage from the menu the
+          menu item is registered to.
+          This attribute is available for views not associated with a menu
+          item.
+        </description>
+      </attribute>
+    </directive>
+    <directive name="pages" handler=".viewmeta.pages">
+      <description>
+        Define multiple pages without repeating all of the parameters.
+        The pages directive allows multiple page views to be defined
+        without repeating the 'for', 'permission', 'class', 'layer',
+        'allowed_attributes', and 'allowed_interface' attributes.
+      </description>
+      <attribute name="for" required="yes">
+        <description>
+              The interface this page (view) applies to. 
+              The view will be for all objects that implement this interface.
+              To provide a page for all components, use
+              "zope.interface.Interface".  To provide a page for all
+              objects, use "*".
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="permission" required="yes">
+        <description>
+              The permission needed to use the view. 
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="class">
+        <description>
+           A class to use with a template, or to provide an attribute
+           to publish.
+           It's common to provide a class with methods to be used by
+           the template to prevent including Python code in the template.
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="layer" required="no">
+        <description>
+              The layer the view is in. 
+              A skin is composed of layers. It is common to put skin specific
+              views in a layer named after the skin. If the 'layer' attribute
+              is not supplied, it defaults to
+              'default'. 
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="allowed_interface" required="no">
+        <description>
+              Interface that is also allowed if user has permission.
+              By default, 'permission' only applies to viewing the view and 
+              any possible sub views. By specifying this attribute, you can
+              make the permission also apply to everything described in the 
+              supplied interface. 
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="allowed_attributes" required="no">
+        <description>
+              View attributes that are also allowed if user has permission.
+              By default, 'permission' only applies to viewing the view and any
+              possible sub views. By specifying 'allowed_attributes', you can
+              make the permission also apply to the extra attributes on the 
+              view object. 
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <subdirective name="page">
+        <attribute name="name" required="yes">
+          <description>
+                The name of the view defined by the page. 
+                The name shows up in URLs/paths. For example 'foo' or 
+                'foo.html'. This attribute is required unless you use the
+                subdirective 'page' to create sub views. If you do not have
+                sub pages, it is common to use an extension for the view name 
+                such as '.html'. If you do have sub pages and you want to
+                provide a view name, you shouldn't use
+                extensions. 
+            </description>
+         </attribute>
+        <attribute name="template">
+          <description>
+                The name of a page template.
+                Refers to a file containing a page template (must end in
+                extension '.pt').
+          </description>
+        </attribute>
+        <attribute name="attribute" required="no">
+          <description>
+             If a class is used, this is the name of the attribute to be used
+             This is the attribute, usually a method, to be published as
+             the page (view).  The fault is "__call__".
+            </description>
+        </attribute>
+        <attribute name="menu" required="no">
+          <description>
+            The browser menu to include the page (view) in.
+            Many views are included in menus. It's convenient to name
+            the menu in the page directive, rather than having to give a
+            separate menuItem directive.          
+            </description>
+        </attribute>
+        <attribute name="title" required="no">
+          <description>
+            The browser menu label for the page (view)
+            This attribute must be supplied if a menu attribute is
+            supplied. 
+            </description>
+        </attribute>
+      </subdirective>
+    </directive>
+    <directive name="view" handler=".viewmeta.view">
+      <description>
+        The view directive defines a view that has subpages.
+        The pages provided by the defined view are accessed by first
+        traversing to the view name and then traversing to the page
+        name. 
+      </description>
+      <attribute name="name" required="yes">
+        <description>
+              The name of the view. 
+              The name shows up in URLs/paths. For example 'foo'. 
+          </description>
+       </attribute>
+       <attribute name="for" required="yes">
+        <description>
+              The interface this view applies to. 
+              The view will be for all objects that implement this interface.
+              If 'for' is not supplied, the view applies to all objects 
+              (XXX this ought to change). 
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="class" required="no">
+        <description>
+              A class that provides attributes used by the view. 
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+       <attribute name="permission" required="yes">
+        <description>
+              The permission needed to use the view. 
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="layer" required="no">
+        <description>
+              The layer the view is in. 
+              A skin is composed of layers. It is common to put skin specific
+              views in a layer named after the skin. If the 'layer' attribute
+              is not supplied, it defaults to
+              'default'. 
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="allowed_interface" required="no">
+        <description>
+              Interface that is also allowed if user has permission.
+              By default, 'permission' only applies to viewing the view and 
+              any possible sub views. By specifying this attribute, you can
+              make the permission also apply to everything described in the 
+              supplied interface. 
+              Multiple interfaces can be provided, separated by whitespace.
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="allowed_attributes" required="no">
+        <description>
+              View attributes that are also allowed if user has permission.
+              By default, 'permission' only applies to viewing the view and any
+              possible sub views. By specifying 'allowed_attributes', you can
+              make the permission also apply to the extra attributes on the 
+              view object. 
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="menu" required="no">
+        <description>
+          The browser menu to include the page (view) in.
+          Many views are included in menus. It's convenient to name
+          the menu in the page directive, rather than having to give a
+          separate menuItem directive.          
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="title" required="no">
+        <description>
+          The browser menu label for the page (view)
+          This attribute must be supplied if a menu attribute is
+          supplied. 
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <subdirective name="page">
+         <attribute name="name" required="yes">
+           <description>
+                 The name of a sub page of a view.
+                 The name attribute is always required for the 'page'
+                 directive. It is common to use an extension for the name, 
+                 such as '.html'. 
+           </description>
+         </attribute>
+         <attribute name="attribute">
+           <description>
+                 The name of the view attribute implementing the page.
+                 This refers to the attribute (method) on the view that is 
+                 implementing a specific sub page. 
+           </description>
+         </attribute>
+         <attribute name="template">
+           <description>
+              The name of a template that implements the page.
+           </description>
+         </attribute>
+       </subdirective>
+       <subdirective name="defaultPage">
+         <attribute name="name" required="yes">
+           <description>
+                 The name of the page that is the default.
+                 The named page will be used as the default if no name is
+                 specified explicitly in the path. If no defaultPage 
+                 directive is supplied, the default page will be the
+                 first page listed. 
+             </description>
+         </attribute>
+       </subdirective>
+      </directive>
+    <directive name="addview" handler=".viewmeta.addview">
+      <description>
+        The addview directive defines an add view that has subpages.
+        An add view is a view for a specific adding interface,
+        IAdding. This directive is a convenience directive that allows
+        the for interface to be omitted, since it is implied.
+        The pages provided by the defined view are accessed by first
+        traversing to the view name and then traversing to the page
+        name. 
+      </description>
+      <attribute name="name" required="yes">
+        <description>
+              The name of the view. 
+              The name shows up in URLs/paths. For example 'foo'. 
+          </description>
+       </attribute>
+       <attribute name="for" required="yes">
+        <description>
+              The interface this view applies to. 
+              The view will be for all objects that implement this interface.
+              If 'for' is not supplied, the view applies to all objects 
+              (XXX this ought to change). 
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="class" required="no">
+        <description>
+              A class that provides attributes used by the view. 
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+       <attribute name="permission" required="yes">
+        <description>
+              The permission needed to use the view. 
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="layer" required="no">
+        <description>
+              The layer the view is in. 
+              A skin is composed of layers. It is common to put skin specific
+              views in a layer named after the skin. If the 'layer' attribute
+              is not supplied, it defaults to
+              'default'. 
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="allowed_interface" required="no">
+        <description>
+              Interface that is also allowed if user has permission.
+              By default, 'permission' only applies to viewing the view and 
+              any possible sub views. By specifying this attribute, you can
+              make the permission also apply to everything described in the 
+              supplied interface. 
+              Multiple interfaces can be provided, separated by whitespace.
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="allowed_attributes" required="no">
+        <description>
+              View attributes that are also allowed if user has permission.
+              By default, 'permission' only applies to viewing the view and any
+              possible sub views. By specifying 'allowed_attributes', you can
+              make the permission also apply to the extra attributes on the 
+              view object. 
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="menu" required="no">
+        <description>
+          The browser menu to include the page (view) in.
+          Many views are included in menus. It's convenient to name
+          the menu in the page directive, rather than having to give a
+          separate menuItem directive.          
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="title" required="no">
+        <description>
+          The browser menu label for the page (view)
+          This attribute must be supplied if a menu attribute is
+          supplied. 
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <subdirective name="page">
+         <attribute name="name" required="yes">
+           <description>
+                 The name of a sub page of a view.
+                 The name attribute is always required for the 'page'
+                 directive. It is common to use an extension for the name, 
+                 such as '.html'. 
+           </description>
+         </attribute>
+         <attribute name="attribute">
+           <description>
+                 The name of the view attribute implementing the page.
+                 This refers to the attribute (method) on the view that is 
+                 implementing a specific sub page. 
+           </description>
+         </attribute>
+         <attribute name="template">
+           <description>
+              The name of a template that implements the page.
+           </description>
+         </attribute>
+       </subdirective>
+       <subdirective name="defaultPage">
+         <attribute name="name" required="yes">
+           <description>
+                 The name of the page that is the default.
+                 The named page will be used as the default if no name is
+                 specified explicitly in the path. If no defaultPage 
+                 directive is supplied, the default page will be the
+                 first page listed. 
+             </description>
+         </attribute>
+       </subdirective>
+      </directive>
+    <directive name="defaultView" 
+               handler="zope.app.publisher.browser.metaconfigure.defaultView"
+               >
+      <attribute name="name" >
+        <description>
+              The name of the view that should be the default.
+              This name refers to view that should be the
+              view used by default (if no view name is supplied
+              explicitly). 
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      <attribute name="for">
+        <description>
+              The interface this view is the default for.
+              The view is the default view for the supplied
+              interface. 
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+    </directive>
+    <directive name="resource"
+        handler="zope.app.publisher.browser.metaconfigure.resource"
-      <meta:subdirective
-          name="page"
-          schema=".metadirectives.IViewPageSubdirective"
-          />
+      <attribute name="name" required="yes">
-      <meta:subdirective
-          name="defaultPage"
-          schema=".metadirectives.IViewDefaultPageSubdirective"
-          />
+         <description>
+           The name of the resource
-    </meta:complexDirective>
+           This is the name used in resource urls.  Resource urls are
+           of the form site/@@/resourcename, where site is the url of
+           "site", a folder with a service manager.
-    <meta:complexDirective
-        name="addview"
-        schema=".metadirectives.IViewDirective"
-        handler=".viewmeta.addview"
-        >
+           We make resource urls site-relative (as opposed to
+           content-relative) so as not to defeat caches.
+         </description>
-      <meta:subdirective
-          name="page"
-          schema=".metadirectives.IViewPageSubdirective"
-          />
+       </attribute>
-      <meta:subdirective
-          name="defaultPage"
-          schema=".metadirectives.IViewDefaultPageSubdirective"
-          />
+       <attribute name="layer" required="no">
-    </meta:complexDirective>
+         <description>
+           The layer the resource should be found in
-    <meta:directive
-        name="defaultView"
-        schema=".metadirectives.IDefaultViewDirective"
-        handler=".metaconfigure.defaultView"
-        />
-    <!-- browser pages -->
-    <meta:directive
-        name="page"
-        schema=".metadirectives.IPageDirective"
-        handler=".viewmeta.page"
-        />
-    <meta:complexDirective
-        name="pages"
-        schema=".metadirectives.IPagesDirective"
-        handler=".viewmeta.pages"
-        >
+           For information on layers, see the documentation for the
+           skin directive.
-      <meta:subdirective
-          name="page"
-          schema=".metadirectives.IPagesPageSubdirective"
-          />
+           Defaults to "default".
+         </description>
+       </attribute>
+       <attribute name="file">
+         <description>
+            The file containing the resource data.
+         </description>
+       </attribute>
+       <attribute name="image">
-    </meta:complexDirective>
+         <description>
+            The file containing the resource data.
+            If the image attribute is used, then an image resource,
+            rather than a file resource will be created.
+         </description>
-    <!-- browser resources -->
+       </attribute>
-    <meta:directive
-        name="resource"
-        schema=".metadirectives.IResourceDirective"
-        handler=".metaconfigure.resource"
-        />
+       <attribute name="permission" required="no">
-    <meta:complexDirective
+         <description>
+           The id of the permission needed to access the resource.
+           If a permission isn't specified, the resource will always
+           be accessible.
+         </description>
+       </attribute>
+       </directive>
+    <directive
-        schema=".metadirectives.II18nResourceDirective"
-        handler=".metaconfigure.I18nResource"
+        attributes="name defaultLanguage"
+        handler="zope.app.publisher.browser.metaconfigure.I18nResource">
+      <attribute
+          name="name" />
+      <attribute
+          name="default_language" />
+      <subdirective name="translation">
+        <attribute
+            name="language" />
+        <attribute
+            name="file" />
+        <attribute
+            name="image" />
+      </subdirective>
+      </directive>
+    <directive name="skin"
+        handler="zope.app.publisher.browser.metaconfigure.skin"
-      <meta:subdirective
-          name="translation"
-          schema=".metadirectives.II18nResourceTranslationSubdirective"
-          />
+      <attribute
+          name="name"
+          description="The name of the skin." />
+      <attribute name="layers">
+        <description>
+              A list of names of layers. 
+              This should be in order of lookup. Usually one of the layers
+              has the same name as the skin, and the last skin should be
+              'default', unless you want to completely override all
+              views.
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+      </directive>
+    <directive name="menu"
+        handler="
+            zope.app.publisher.browser.globalbrowsermenuservice.menuDirective"
+        description="Define a new browser menu"
+        >
-    </meta:complexDirective>
+      <attribute name="id">
+        <description>
+              The name of the menu.
+              This is, effectively, an id.     
+        </description>
+      </attribute>
-    <!-- browser menus -->
+      <attribute
+          name="title"
+          description="A descriptive title for documentation purposes"
+          />
+      <attribute name="usage">
+        <description>
+          The templates usage top-level variable
+          See the usage documentation in the README.txt in the 
+          zope/app/browser/skins directory.
+          If a view is associated with a menu item, the view will get its 
+          usage from the menu the menu item is registered to.
+        </description>
+      </attribute>
+    </directive>
-    <meta:directive
-        name="menu"
-        schema=".metadirectives.IMenuDirective"
-        handler=".globalbrowsermenuservice.menuDirective"
-        />
-    <meta:complexDirective
+    <directive
-        schema=".metadirectives.IMenuItemsDirective"
-        handler=".globalbrowsermenuservice.menuItemsDirective"
+        attributes="menu for" 
+        handler="
+        zope.app.publisher.browser.globalbrowsermenuservice.menuItemsDirective"
+      <description>
+        Define a group of browser menu items
-      <meta:subdirective
-          name="menuItem"
-          schema=".metadirectives.IMenuItemSubdirective"
+        This directive is useful when many menu items are defined for
+        the same interface and menu.
+      </description>
+      <attribute
+          name="menu"
+          required="yes"
+          description="The (name of the) menu the items are defined for"
-    </meta:complexDirective>
+      <attribute
+          name="for"
+          required="no"
+          description="The interface the menu items are defined for"
+          />
+      <subdirective
+          name="menuItem" 
+          description="Define a menu item within a group of menu items"
+          >
+        <attribute name="action" required="yes">
+          <description>
+          The relative url to use if the item is selected
+          The url is relative to the object the menu is being
+          displayed for.
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+        <attribute
+            name="title" 
+            required="yes"
+            description="The text to be displayed for the menu item" 
+            />
+        <attribute name="description">
+          <description>
+          A longer explanation of the menu item
+          A UI may display this with the item or display it when the
+          user requests more assistance.
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+        <attribute name="permission" required="no">
+          <description>
+            The id of the permission needed access the item
+            This can usually be inferred by the system, however, doing
+            so may be expensive. When displaying a menu, the system
+            tries to traverse to the URLs given in each action to
+            determine whether the url is accessible to the current
+            user.  This can be avoided if the permission is given explicitly. 
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+        <attribute name="filter" required="no"> 
+          <description>
+            A condition for displaying the menu item
+            The condition is given as a TALES expression. The
+            expression has access to the variables:
+            context -- The object the menu is being displayed for
+            request -- The browser request
+            nothing -- None
+            The menu item will not be displayed if there is a filter
+            and the filter evaluates to a false value.
+          </description>
+      </attribute>
+     </subdirective> 
+    </directive>
+    <directive name="menuItem" 
+        handler="
+        zope.app.publisher.browser.globalbrowsermenuservice.menuItemDirective"
+        >
-    <meta:directive
-        name="menuItem"
-        schema=".metadirectives.IMenuItemDirective"
-        handler=".globalbrowsermenuservice.menuItemDirective"
-        />
-    <!-- misc. directives -->
-    <meta:directive
-        name="skin"
-        schema=".metadirectives.ISkinDirective"
-        handler=".metaconfigure.skin"
-        />
-    <meta:directive
-        name="icon"
-        schema=".metadirectives.IIconDirective"
-        handler=".icon.IconDirective"
-        />
+      <attribute
+          name="menu" />
+      <attribute
+          name="for" />
+      <attribute
+          name="action" />
+      <attribute
+          name="title" />
+      <attribute
+          name="description" />
+      <attribute
+          name="filter" />
+      <attribute
+          name="permission" />
+      </directive>
+    <directive name="icon" handler=".icon.IconDirective">
+      <attribute
+          name="name" />
+      <attribute
+          name="for" />
+      <attribute
+          name="file" />
+      <attribute
+          name="resource" />
+      <attribute
+          name="alt" />
+      <attribute
+          name="layer" />
+    </directive>
-  </meta:directives>
+  </directives>

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser/metaconfigure.py 1.9 => 1.10 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser/metaconfigure.py:1.9	Sat Aug  2 03:04:09 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser/metaconfigure.py	Sat Aug  2 05:11:21 2003
@@ -16,11 +16,13 @@
+from zope.configuration.action import Action
 from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserPresentation
 from zope.app.services.servicenames import Interfaces
 from zope.app.component.metaconfigure import skin as _skin
-from zope.app.component.metaconfigure import handler
+from zope.app.component.metaconfigure import handler, resolveInterface
 # referred to through ZCML
 from zope.app.publisher.browser.resourcemeta import resource
@@ -29,26 +31,40 @@
 from zope.app.publisher.browser.viewmeta import view
 def skin(_context, **__kw):
-    return _skin(_context, type=IBrowserPresentation, **__kw)
+    return _skin(_context,
+                 type='zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserPresentation',
+                 **__kw)
 def defaultView(_context, name, for_=None, **__kw):
     if __kw:
-        view(_context, name=name, for_=for_, **__kw)()
+        actions = view(_context, name=name, for_=for_, **__kw)()
+    else:
+        actions = []
+    if for_ is not None:
+        for_ = resolveInterface(_context, for_)
     type = IBrowserPresentation
-    _context.action(
+    actions += [
+        Action(
         discriminator = ('defaultViewName', for_, type, name),
         callable = handler,
         args = ('Views','setDefaultViewName', for_, type, name),
+        ]
     if for_ is not None:
-        _context.action(
-            discriminator = None,
-            callable = handler,
-            args = (Interfaces, 'provideInterface',
-                    for_.__module__+'.'+for_.__name__,
-                    for_)
-            )
+        actions.append
+        (
+        Action(
+        discriminator = None,
+        callable = handler,
+        args = (Interfaces, 'provideInterface',
+                for_.__module__+'.'+for_.__name__,
+                for_)
+              )
+        )
+    return actions

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser/resourcemeta.py 1.8 => 1.9 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser/resourcemeta.py:1.8	Sat Aug  2 03:04:09 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser/resourcemeta.py	Sat Aug  2 05:11:21 2003
@@ -17,12 +17,18 @@
 from zope.security.checker import CheckerPublic, NamesChecker
+from zope.configuration.action import Action
 from zope.configuration.exceptions import ConfigurationError
 from zope.app.services.servicenames import Resources
 from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserPresentation
 from zope.app.component.metaconfigure import handler
-from fileresource import FileResourceFactory, ImageResourceFactory
+from zope.app.publisher.browser.fileresource import FileResourceFactory
+from zope.app.publisher.browser.fileresource import ImageResourceFactory
 allowed_names = ('GET', 'HEAD', 'publishTraverse', 'browserDefault',
                  'request', '__call__')
@@ -46,9 +52,11 @@
         factory = ImageResourceFactory(_context.path(image), checker)
-    _context.action(
-        discriminator = ('resource', name, IBrowserPresentation, layer),
-        callable = handler,
-        args = (Resources, 'provideResource',
-                name, IBrowserPresentation, factory, layer),
-        )
+    return [
+        Action(
+            discriminator = ('resource', name, IBrowserPresentation, layer),
+            callable = handler,
+            args = (Resources, 'provideResource',
+                    name, IBrowserPresentation, factory, layer),
+            )
+        ]

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser/viewmeta.py 1.28 => 1.29 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser/viewmeta.py:1.28	Sat Aug  2 03:04:09 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser/viewmeta.py	Sat Aug  2 05:11:21 2003
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 from zope.security.checker import CheckerPublic, Checker
 from zope.security.checker import defineChecker
+from zope.configuration.action import Action
 from zope.configuration.exceptions import ConfigurationError
 from zope.app.services.servicenames import Interfaces, Views
@@ -36,7 +37,7 @@
 from zope.publisher.browser import BrowserView
-from zope.app.component.metaconfigure import handler
+from zope.app.component.metaconfigure import handler, resolveInterface
 from zope.app.pagetemplate.simpleviewclass import SimpleViewClass
 from zope.app.pagetemplate.viewpagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile
@@ -101,16 +102,16 @@
 def page(_context, name, permission, for_,
          layer='default', template=None, class_=None,
-         allowed_interface=None, allowed_attributes=None,
+         allowed_interface='', allowed_attributes='',
          attribute='__call__', menu=None, title=None, 
-    _handle_menu(_context, menu, title, for_, name, permission)
+    actions = _handle_menu(_context, menu, title, for_, name, permission)
     required = {}
-    permission = _handle_permission(_context, permission)
+    permission = _handle_permission(_context, permission, actions)
     if not (class_ or template):
         raise ConfigurationError("Must specify a class or template")
@@ -131,18 +132,20 @@
         required['__getitem__'] = permission
     if class_:
+        original_class = _context.resolve(class_)
         if attribute != '__call__':
-            if not hasattr(class_, attribute):
+            if not hasattr(original_class, attribute):
                 raise ConfigurationError(
                     "The provided class doesn't have the specified attribute "
         if template:
             # class and template
             new_class = SimpleViewClass(
-                template, bases=(class_, ), usage=usage
+                template, bases=(original_class, ), usage=usage
-            if not hasattr(class_, 'browserDefault'):
+            if not hasattr(original_class, 'browserDefault'):
                 cdict = {
                     ContextMethod(lambda self, request:
@@ -153,12 +156,12 @@
                 cdict = {}
             cdict['__page_attribute__'] = attribute
-            new_class = type(class_.__name__,
-                             (class_, simple,),
-                             cdict)
+            new_class = type(original_class.__name__,
+                          (original_class, simple,),
+                          cdict)
             new_class.usage = usage
-        if hasattr(class_, '__implements__'):
+        if hasattr(original_class, '__implements__'):
             classImplements(new_class, IBrowserPublisher)
             classImplements(new_class, IBrowserPresentation)
@@ -170,26 +173,31 @@
         required[n] = permission
     _handle_allowed_interface(_context, allowed_interface, permission,
-                              required)
+                              required, actions)
     _handle_allowed_attributes(_context, allowed_interface, permission,
-    for_ = _handle_for(_context, for_)
+    for_ = _handle_for(_context, for_, actions)
     defineChecker(new_class, Checker(required))
-    _context.action(
-        discriminator = ('view', for_, name, IBrowserPresentation, layer),
-        callable = handler,
-        args = (Views, 'provideView',
-                for_, name, IBrowserPresentation, [new_class], layer),
+    actions.append(
+        Action(
+          discriminator = ('view', for_, name, IBrowserPresentation, layer),
+          callable = handler,
+          args = (Views, 'provideView',
+                  for_, name, IBrowserPresentation, [new_class], layer),
+          )
     if not usage and menu:
-        _context.action(
-            discriminator = None,
+        actions.append(
+            Action(discriminator = None,
             callable = _handle_usage_from_menu,
             args = (new_class, menu, ),
+        )
+    return actions
 # pages, which are just a short-hand for multiple page directives.
@@ -204,7 +212,7 @@
     def __init__(self, _context, for_, permission,
                  layer='default', class_=None,
-                 allowed_interface=None, allowed_attributes=None,
+                 allowed_interface='', allowed_attributes='',
         self.opts = opts(for_=for_, permission=permission,
                          layer=layer, class_=class_,
@@ -236,16 +244,19 @@
     def __init__(self, _context, name, for_, permission,
                  layer='default', class_=None,
-                 allowed_interface=None, allowed_attributes=None,
+                 allowed_interface='', allowed_attributes='',
                  menu=None, title=None, usage=u''
-        _handle_menu(_context, menu, title, for_, name, permission)
+        actions = _handle_menu(_context, menu, title, for_, name, permission)
+        if class_:
+            class_ = _context.resolve(class_)
-        permission = _handle_permission(_context, permission)
+        permission = _handle_permission(_context, permission, actions)
         self.args = (_context, name, for_, permission, layer, class_,
-                     allowed_interface, allowed_attributes)
+                     allowed_interface, allowed_attributes, actions)
         self.pages = []
         # default usage is u''
@@ -270,8 +281,9 @@
         return ()
     def __call__(self):
         (_context, name, for_, permission, layer, class_,
-         allowed_interface, allowed_attributes) = self.args
+         allowed_interface, allowed_attributes, actions) = self.args
         required = {}
@@ -350,23 +362,28 @@
             required[n] = permission
         _handle_allowed_interface(_context, allowed_interface, permission,
-                                  required)
+                                  required, actions)
         _handle_allowed_attributes(_context, allowed_interface, permission,
-        for_ = _handle_for(_context, for_)
+        for_ = _handle_for(_context, for_, actions)
         defineChecker(newclass, Checker(required))
-        _context.action(
-            discriminator = ('view', for_, name, IBrowserPresentation, layer),
-            callable = handler,
-            args = (Views, 'provideView',
-                    for_, name, IBrowserPresentation, [newclass], layer),
+        actions.append(
+            Action(
+              discriminator = ('view',
+                               for_, name, IBrowserPresentation, layer),
+              callable = handler,
+              args = (Views, 'provideView',
+                      for_, name, IBrowserPresentation, [newclass], layer),
+              )
+        return actions
 def addview(_context, name, permission,
             layer='default', class_=None,
-            allowed_interface=None, allowed_attributes=None,
+            allowed_interface='', allowed_attributes='',
             menu=None, title=None, usage=u'',
     return view(_context, name,
@@ -379,20 +396,29 @@
 def defaultView(_context, name, for_=None):
-    _context.action(
+    if for_ is not None:
+        for_ = resolveInterface(_context, for_)
+    actions = [
+        Action(
         discriminator = ('defaultViewName', for_, IBrowserPresentation, name),
         callable = handler,
         args = (Views,'setDefaultViewName', for_, IBrowserPresentation,
-        )
+        )]
     if for_ is not None:
-        _context.action(
+        actions .append(
+            Action(
             discriminator = None,
             callable = handler,
             args = (Interfaces, 'provideInterface',
-                    for_.__module__+'.'+for_.__name__, for_)
+                    for_.__module__+'.'+for_.__name__,
+                    for_)
+        )
+    return actions
 def _handle_menu(_context, menu, title, for_, name, permission):
     if menu or title:
@@ -408,52 +434,50 @@
     return []
-def _handle_permission(_context, permission):
+def _handle_permission(_context, permission, actions):
     if permission == 'zope.Public':
         permission = CheckerPublic
-        _context.action(
-            discriminator = None,
-            callable = checkPermission,
-            args = (None, permission)
-            )
+        actions.append(Action(discriminator = None, callable = checkPermission,
+                              args = (None, permission)))
     return permission
 def _handle_allowed_interface(_context, allowed_interface, permission,
-                              required):
+                              required, actions):
     # Allow access for all names defined by named interfaces
-    if allowed_interface:
-        for i in allowed_interface:
-            _context.action(
-                discriminator = None,
-                callable = handler,
-                args = (Interfaces, 'provideInterface', None, i)
-                )
+    if allowed_interface.strip():
+        for i in allowed_interface.strip().split():
+            i = resolveInterface(_context, i)
+            actions .append(
+                Action(discriminator = None, callable = handler,
+                       args = (Interfaces, 'provideInterface', None, i)
+                       ))
             for name in i:
                 required[name] = permission
 def _handle_allowed_attributes(_context, allowed_attributes, permission,
     # Allow access for all named attributes
-    if allowed_attributes:
-        for name in allowed_attributes:
+    if allowed_attributes.strip():
+        for name in allowed_attributes.strip().split():
             required[name] = permission
 def _handle_usage_from_menu(view, menu_id):
     usage = globalBrowserMenuService.getMenuUsage(menu_id)
     view.usage = usage
-def _handle_for(_context, for_):
+def _handle_for(_context, for_, actions):
     if for_ == '*':
         for_ = None
     if for_ is not None:
-        _context.action(
-            discriminator = None,
-            callable = handler,
-            args = (Interfaces, 'provideInterface', None, for_)
-            )
+        for_ = resolveInterface(_context, for_)
+        actions .append(
+            Action(discriminator = None, callable = handler,
+                   args = (Interfaces, 'provideInterface', None, for_)
+            ))
     return for_

=== Removed File Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser/metadirectives.py ===