[Zope3-checkins] Re: CVS: Zope3/src/zope/app/browser/container - add.pt:1.15 adding.py:1.25

Philipp von Weitershausen philipp at weitershausen.de
Tue Dec 9 06:12:22 EST 2003

The Unidentified User wrote:
>          if IContainerNamesContainer.isImplementedBy(container):
> -            return "<input type='submit' value=' Add '>"
> +            return "<input type='submit' name='UPDATE_SUBMIT' value=' Add '>"
>          else:
> -            return ("<input type='submit' value=' Add '>"
> -                    "<input type='text' name='add_input_name' value=''>")
> +            contentName = self.contentName or ''
> +            return ("<input type='submit' name='UPDATE_SUBMIT' value=' Add '>"
> +                    "<input type='text' name='add_input_name' value='%s'>"
> +                    % contentName)

The usage of lower and upper case seems very random, but I guess that's
taste (although we seem to have abolished variable names like REQUEST in
Zope3 for a good reason).
However, what's objectively wrong here is the missing i18n. Please make
sure you won't forget it.


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