[Zope3-checkins] CVS: zopeproducts/demo/jobboard - browser.py:1.1 interfaces.py:1.1 job.py:1.1 tests.py:1.1 ApproveJobsView.py:NONE IJob.py:NONE IJobList.py:NONE Job.py:NONE JobCreateView.py:NONE JobList.py:NONE JobListView.pt:NONE JobView.pt:NONE Tutorial.html:NONE __init__.py:NONE browser_views.sxd:NONE configure.zcml:NONE edit.pt:NONE job_board_stories.txt:NONE preview.pt:NONE review.pt:NONE thanks.pt:NONE

sree sree at mahiti.org
Tue Dec 16 04:40:52 EST 2003

Update of /cvs-repository/zopeproducts/demo/jobboard
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv5774

Added Files:
	browser.py interfaces.py job.py tests.py 
Removed Files:
	ApproveJobsView.py IJob.py IJobList.py Job.py JobCreateView.py 
	JobList.py JobListView.pt JobView.pt Tutorial.html __init__.py 
	browser_views.sxd configure.zcml edit.pt job_board_stories.txt 
	preview.pt review.pt thanks.pt 
Log Message:
At the zope sprint in bangalore by aruna, sree -

=== Added File zopeproducts/demo/jobboard/browser.py ===
from zope.app.pagetemplate.viewpagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile
from zope.publisher.browser import BrowserView
from job import Job

class JobCreateView(BrowserView):
    """ class to create job entries

    >>> from job import JobList
    >>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest
    >>> from zope.app.tests.placelesssetup import setUp, tearDown
    >>> setUp()
    >>> class TestJobList:
    ...    context = None
    ...    def add(self, myObj):
    ...         self.tempStorage = myObj

    >>> request = TestRequest()
    >>> joblist = TestJobList()
    >>> view = JobCreateView(joblist, request)
    >>> myThanksPage = view.create(submitter='sree', summary='my job summary',
    ...                  description='my desc', contact = 'sree')
    >>> joblist.tempStorage.summary
    'my job summary'
    >>> tearDown()
    edit = ViewPageTemplateFile('edit.pt')

    preview = ViewPageTemplateFile('preview.pt')

    thanks = ViewPageTemplateFile('thanks.pt')

    def create(self, submitter='', summary='', description='', contact=''):
        # Validation code should go here
        job = Job(submitter, summary, description, contact)
        return self.thanks()

class ApproveJobsView(BrowserView):
    """ class to Approve existing job entries

    >>> from job import JobList
    >>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest
    >>> from zope.app.tests.placelesssetup import setUp, tearDown
    >>> setUp()
    >>> request = TestRequest(form={'1':'approve','2':'discard'})
    >>> class TestJobList:
    ...    context = None
    ...    tempStorage = []
    ...    def add(self, myObj):
    ...         self.tempStorage.append( myObj)

    >>> joblist = JobList()

    >>> view = JobCreateView(joblist, request)
    >>> myThanksPage = view.create(submitter='sree', summary='my job summary',
    ...                  description='my desc', contact = 'sree')
    >>> myThanksPage = view.create(submitter='sree2', summary='my summaryy2',
    ...                  description='my desc2', contact = 'sree2')
    >>> approvedview = ApproveJobsView(joblist, request)
    >>> approvedview.approve()
    >>> request.response.getHeader('location')
    >>> joblist['1'].state
    >>> joblist['2'].state
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    KeyError: 2
    >>> tearDown()
    review = ViewPageTemplateFile('review.pt')

    def approve(self):
        form = self.request.form

        for jobid in form:
               job = self.context[jobid]

            action = form[jobid]
            if action == 'approve':
            elif action == 'discard':
                del self.context[jobid]

        response = self.request.response
        if self.context.getPendingIds():

=== Added File zopeproducts/demo/jobboard/interfaces.py ===
from zope.interface import Interface
from zope.interface import Attribute

class IJob(Interface):
    """Interface for the basic Job"""

    submitter = Attribute("submitter",
                          "Email address of the submitter")

    summary = Attribute("summary",
                        "One-line summary of the job")

    description = Attribute("description",
                            "Longer description of the job")

    contact = Attribute("contact",
                        "Email address to contact about the job")

    state = Attribute("state",
                      "Current state of the job listing.\n"
                      "The possible values are defined in JobState.")    

    salary = Attribute("salary",
                       "Salary range offered for the job.")

    startdate = Attribute("start date",
                          "Job start date")

    def approve():
        "Moves the job state to Approved"

class JobState:
    """Possible values of IJob.state."""
    PendingApproval = "pending approval"
    Approved = "approved"

class IJobList(Interface):

    def __getitem__(jobid):
        """Returns the job with the given jobid"""

    def query(state):
        """Returns a list of Job ids"""

    def getApprovedIds():
        """Returns a sequence of ids for job that are in the approved state

    def getPendingIds():
        """Returns a sequence of ids for jobs that are in the pending state

    def add(job):
        """Add a Job object to the list.

        Returns the id assigned to the job.

    def __delitem__(jobid):
        """Removes the Job object with the given id from the list.

        Raises KeyError if the jobid is not in the list.

=== Added File zopeproducts/demo/jobboard/job.py ===

from persistence import Persistent
from interfaces import IJob, JobState, IJobList
from zope.interface import implements

class Job(Persistent):
    """ Job Class

    >>> myJob = Job(submitter='my name', summary='my summary',
    ...             description='my description',contact='my contact',
    ...             salary='111', startdate='10/01/2003')
    >>> myJob.summary
    'my summary'
    >>> myJob.state
    'pending approval'
    >>> myJob.approve()
    >>> myJob.state
    def __init__(self, submitter, summary, description,
                 contact, salary=None, startdate=None):
        self.submitter = submitter
        self.summary = summary
        self.description = description
        self.contact = contact
        self.state = JobState.PendingApproval
        self.salary = salary
        self.startdate = startdate

    def approve(self):
        """Moves the job state to approved"""
        self.state = JobState.Approved


from persistence.dict import PersistentDict

class JobList(Persistent):
    """ the Joblist class manages the creation, deletion of job list and
    can display the object ids which are in specific states

    >>> from job import Job
    >>> joblist = JobList()
    >>> myJob1 = Job(submitter='my name', summary='my summary',
    ...             description='my description',contact='my contact',
    ...             salary='111', startdate='10/01/2003')
    >>> myJob2 = Job(submitter='my name2', summary='my summary2',
    ...             description='my description2',contact='my contact2',
    ...             salary='222', startdate='20/12/2003')

    >>> joblist.add(myJob1)
    >>> joblist.add(myJob2)
    >>> joblist.getPendingIds()
    ['1', '2']
    >>> joblist.query('pending approval')
    ['1', '2']
    >>> myJob1.approve()
    >>> joblist.getPendingIds()
    >>> joblist.getApprovedIds()

    def __init__(self):
        self._lastid = 0
        self._jobs = PersistentDict()

    def add(self, job):
        self._lastid += 1
        jobid = self._lastid
        self._jobs[jobid] = job
        # stringified for parity with query
        # this can return an int when query can also return an int
        return str(jobid)

    def __delitem__(self, jobid):
        # accept stringified job ids, see add()
            jobid = int(jobid)
        except ValueError:
            raise KeyError, jobid
        del self._jobs[jobid]

    def query(self, state):
        ids = [jobid
               for jobid, job in self._jobs.items()
               if job.state == state]
        # this should work returning a list of ints,
        # but it exposes a bug in PageTemplates
        return map(str, ids)

    def __getitem__(self, jobid):
        # accept stringified job ids, see add()
            jobid = int(jobid)
        except ValueError:
            raise KeyError, jobid
        return self._jobs[jobid]

    def getPendingIds(self):
        return self.query(JobState.PendingApproval)
    def allIds(self):
        return  self._jobs.items()
        # this should work returning a list of ints,
        # but it exposes a bug in PageTemplates
        #return map(str, ids)

    def getApprovedIds(self):
        return self.query(JobState.Approved)

=== Added File zopeproducts/demo/jobboard/tests.py ===
import unittest, doctest

def test_suite():
    return unittest.TestSuite((

if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()

=== Removed File zopeproducts/demo/jobboard/ApproveJobsView.py ===

=== Removed File zopeproducts/demo/jobboard/IJob.py ===

=== Removed File zopeproducts/demo/jobboard/IJobList.py ===

=== Removed File zopeproducts/demo/jobboard/Job.py ===

=== Removed File zopeproducts/demo/jobboard/JobCreateView.py ===

=== Removed File zopeproducts/demo/jobboard/JobList.py ===

=== Removed File zopeproducts/demo/jobboard/JobListView.pt ===

=== Removed File zopeproducts/demo/jobboard/JobView.pt ===

=== Removed File zopeproducts/demo/jobboard/Tutorial.html ===

=== Removed File zopeproducts/demo/jobboard/__init__.py ===

=== Removed File zopeproducts/demo/jobboard/browser_views.sxd ===

=== Removed File zopeproducts/demo/jobboard/configure.zcml ===

=== Removed File zopeproducts/demo/jobboard/edit.pt ===

=== Removed File zopeproducts/demo/jobboard/job_board_stories.txt ===

=== Removed File zopeproducts/demo/jobboard/preview.pt ===

=== Removed File zopeproducts/demo/jobboard/review.pt ===

=== Removed File zopeproducts/demo/jobboard/thanks.pt ===

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