[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zope/app/publisher/browser - viewmeta.py:1.8
Ulrich Eck
Mon, 03 Feb 2003 12:24:16 +0100
Hi Albertas,
> We were unable to reprpoduce the error on Zope3 with this patch with
> Python 2.2.2. The tests pass and the Adding view works fine.
> Please make sure your sandbox is OK and provide more information. A
> traceback would be nice.
last checking broke adding components TTW:
* Module zope.publisher.publish, line 132, in publish
* Module zope.app.publication.zopepublication, line 157, in callObject
* Module zope.publisher.publish, line 113, in mapply
__traceback_info__: <bound method +.action of
<zope.app.publisher.browser.viewmeta.+ object at 0x89ebf2c>>
* Module zope.app.browser.services.service, line 46, in action
TypeError super(type, obj): obj must be an instance or subtype of type
> My change was needed to make the local authentication services to
> work. Otherwise the class generated for add.pt does not have a
> context which is needed to do the security checks using a local
> authentication service in the browserDefault method.
> Could you perchance write a unit test for the thing that I broke?
I use Python-2.2.2 on Linux for development and did a complete checkout
from CVS-HEAD to ensure that none of my development-projects has influence
on the errors i get.
How can I write a test that simulated TTW Adding of a Service ??
I digged around a bit and it seems, that in
the line:
return super(ComponentAdding, self).action(type_name, id)
complains that it needs an instance or subtype of type of
ComponentAdding->ContentAdding->BrowserView but it seems
that the "+" view has some different baseclasses:
it shows up as "zope.app.publisher.browser.viewmeta.+" class.
"+" isn't a valid classname .. it seems to come from zcml.
i don't know how to make things work with your changes ..
so i reverted them, because there was no way to add components
how can we go on??
Ulrich Eck
net-labs Systemhaus GmbH
Ebersberger Str. 46
85570 Markt Schwaben
fon: +49-8121-4747-11
fax: +49-8121-4747-77
email: ueck at net-labs.de