[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/doc/zcml - meta.stx:1.11

Jim Fulton jim@zope.com
Wed, 30 Jul 2003 10:34:46 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/doc/zcml
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv939/doc/zcml

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Updated to point to src/zope/configuration/README.txt and

=== Zope3/doc/zcml/meta.stx 1.10 => 1.11 ===
--- Zope3/doc/zcml/meta.stx:1.10	Mon Jul 14 09:31:29 2003
+++ Zope3/doc/zcml/meta.stx	Wed Jul 30 10:34:41 2003
@@ -5,363 +5,8 @@
   zcml configuration directives to define the configuration directives
   that will actually be used to configure the system.
-  The Meta Configuration Directives
+  An overview of the meta-configuration system can be found in
+  src/zope/configuration/README.txt.
-    The metaconfiguration directives are 'directives', 'directive', and
-    'subdirective'.  We'll use a shortened version of the
-    meta-configuration for the Zope StartUp system to explain the
-    concepts (note that this may not bear any real relationship
-    to the actual StartUp system configuration)::
-      <ZopeConfigure xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope">
-      <directives namespace="http://namespaces.zope.org/startup">
-        <directive
-            name="registerRequestFactory"
-            handler="Zope.StartUp.metaConfigure.registerRequestFactory"
-            description="Register a factory component that will produce
-                request objects when requested by the publisher."
-        >
-          <attribute
-              name="name"
-              description="the name used to refer to this factory" />
-          <attribute
-              name="publication"
-              description="resolvable name of the publication component" />
-          <attribute
-              name="request"
-              required="yes"
-              description="resolvable name of the component that implements 
-                  the factory" />
-        </directive>
-        <directive
-            name="defineSite"
-            handler="Zope.Startup.metaConfigure.defineSite">
-            description="Declare a particular server instance"
-        >
-          <attribute
-              name="name"
-              description="text label that identifies the server" />
-          <attribute
-              name="threads"
-              description="the number of threads that will be used to service
-                requests to this server" />
-          <subdirective
-              name="useFileStorage"
-              description="Indicate this server should use a FileStorage" />
-          >
-            <attribute
-                name="file"
-                description="the name of the file to use for the FileStorage" />
-          </subdirective>
-          <subdirective
-              name="useMappingStorage"
-              description="Indicate that this server should use a MappingStorage" />
-        </directive>
-      </directives>
-      </ZopeConfigure>
-    The ZopeConfigure is the standard boilerplate.  Inside this we
-    have a 'directives' directive.  This directive basically gives
-    us a place to declare the namespace the contained directives
-    will be in so we don't have to repeat it on each directive
-    declaration.  The namespace attribute gives the XML namespace
-    for the directives.
-    The first example directive directive defines a directive that
-    has no subdirectives.  The 'name' attribute gives the name of
-    the directive.  So in this case we are defining the
-    'registerRequestFactory' directive. 
-    The 'description' attribute allows us to provide explanatory
-    text about the directive.  This text will be extracted by tools
-    for display to users of the configuration system.  By convention
-    this text may use any in-line StructuredText markup.
-    Combining the namespace with the name, we are defining a directive
-    that would look something like this when used::
-      <ZopeConfigure
-          xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
-          xmlns:startup="http://namespaces.zope.org/startup"
-      >
-      <startup:registerRequestFactory ....>
-      </ZopeConfigure>
-    Inside the directive directive we have 'attribute' subdirectives.
-    These allow us to name and describe the allowed attributes
-    of the directive we are defining.  This allows us to fill in
-    the "..." in the example above:  the various attribute subdirectives
-    let us know that the registerRequestFactory directive can have
-    attributes named 'name', 'publication', or 'request'.  It also
-    tells us that 'publication' is optional, and describes what the
-    attributes are for.  (Of course, in real code the descriptions
-    would be more meaningful).
-    The valid values for 'required' are 'yes' and 'no'.  Yes means
-    the attribute must be present or an error will be raised (this
-    is done by the python code that implements the directive).
-    A value of 'no' means that the attribute can always be omitted.
-    If this attribute is not specified when configuring a directive,
-    then either the attribute is optional or it may be part of a
-    set of attributes one of which must be specified.  However,
-    all this is a documentation convention; how the directive
-    actually works is determined by the python code that implements it.
-    So, the directive we are defining can look something like this
-    when used::
-      <ZopeConfigure
-          xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
-          xmlns:startup="http://namespaces.zope.org/startup"
-      >
-      <startup:registerRequestFactory
-          name="VFSRequestFactory"
-          publication="Zope.App.Publication.VFS.Publication.VFSPublication"
-          request="Zope.Publisher.VFS.VFSRequest." />
-      </ZopeConfigure>
-    The 'handler' attribute is what defines which python code will
-    handle the directive.  It must be a resolvable name following
-    the standard zcml rules.
-    The second directive example shows how to define a directive
-    that can take subdirectives.  Subdirectives are only meaningful
-    when they appear inside their enclosing directive, and in fact
-    each directive is effectively its own namespace from this point
-    of view.
-    There is no need to specify a handler method explicitly for a
-    subdirective.  By default, the configuration system will look
-    for a method with the same name as the subdirective on an object
-    specified by the handler for the enclosing directive.  If this
-    is not correct, and the handler method is named something else,
-    you can use the 'handler_method' attribute to specify the correct
-    name to be looked up.
-    Note that subdirectives may have subdirectives.
-    So, given the zcml above, we have defined a directive and
-    subdirective that would look something like this when used::
-      <ZopeConfigure
-          xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
-          xmlns:startup="http://namespaces.zope.org/startup"
-      >
-      <startup:defineSite name="Zope 3 Default" threads="4">
-        <startup:useFileStorage file="Data.fs">
-      </startup:defineSite>
-      </ZopeConfigure>
-  How Configuration Directives Become Actions
-    When the configuration system processes configuration directives,
-    it calls the handlers for each directive or subdirective it
-    encounters.  But the handler method is *not* responsible for
-    taking whatever action it is that the directive is supposed to
-    accomplish.  Instead, the handler is responsible for the
-    generation of a list of "actions" accompanied by "discriminators".
-    The configuration system uses the discriminators to resolve
-    conflicts between directives.  (Recall that in case of conflict,
-    an action returned by an included file will be overridden, while
-    conflicts generated within the same file will be treated as
-    errors.)
-    An "action" is a python tuple with the following elements
-    (IEmptyDirective is the canonical source for this definition)::
-      - the discriminator
-      - a callable object
-      - an argument tuple
-      - an optional keyword argument dictionary
-    Once conflict resolution has been done, the configuration system
-    processes the actions one by one by calling each callable and
-    passing it the provided argument tuple and keyword dictionary.
-    Thus, to implement directives, we implement handlers that manage
-    the generation of action tuples encoding the calls to the methods
-    that will actually perform the configuration actions.
-    To aid python code in generating correctly formed Actions, there
-    is an Action function defined in Zope.Configuration.Action.  It
-    takes four keyword arguments, 'discriminator', 'callable', 'args',
-    and 'kw', which have the obvious meanings, and returns a properly
-    arranged tuple.
-  Implementing Directives with No Subdirectives
-    The simplest type of directive (or subdirective) to implement
-    is one that has no subdirectives.  And the only difference
-    between the two is where the handler method is actually located.
-    In both cases, the handler must conform to the IEmptyDirective
-    interface.  That interface mandates that when called, the handler
-    will return a list of actions.  So, our registerRequestFactory
-    directive above might have implementation code that looks
-    something like this::
-      from Zope.Configuration.Action import Action
-      from Zope.StartUp.RequestFactory import RequestFactory
-      def registerRequestFactory(_context, name, publication, request):
-        publication = _context.resolve(publication)
-        request = _context.resolve(request)
-        return [
-            Action(
-                discriminator = ('startup:registerRequestFactory', name),
-                callable = RequestFactoryRegistry.registerRequestFactory
-                args = (name, publication, request),
-            )
-        ]
-      registerRequestFactory.__implements__ = IEmptyDirective
-    The first argument passed to the handler is an "execution
-    context".  The most important method it provides is 'resolve',
-    which will take a dotted string and resolve it into a python
-    object using the standard zcml rules.  This method uses it to
-    turn the values of the directive's publication and request
-    attributes into python objects.  The callable for the action
-    is obtained from one of the other modules in the package.  It's
-    the code that will do the actual setup work this directive is
-    intended to accomplish.  The values of the 'name', 'publication',
-    and 'request' attributes, in resolved form, are included in the
-    Action to be passed to it as arguments.
-    Note that we include the name of the directive, including the
-    conventional short form of its namespace name, as part of a
-    tuple to be used as the discriminator.  This gives us reasonable
-    assurance that this discriminator will match only other instances
-    of registerRequestFactory directives that the configuration
-    user might be specifying as overrides.  The discriminator is
-    arbitrary, but the programmer needs to take care that it is
-    exactly as unique as it needs to be within the set of all actions
-    the configuration system may need to deal with.
-    Also note that by using positional arguments only we have made
-    all the attributes required.  If any are omitted from the
-    directive, python will complain about missing arguments.  Making
-    an argument a keyword argument makes the correspondingly named
-    attribute optional.
-  Implementing Directives that have Subdirectives
-    The handler for a directive that has subdirectives must conform
-    to the INonEmptyDirective Interface.  This means that when
-    called it must return an object that implements the
-    ISubdirectiveHandler Interface.
-    When a subdirective is defined, a handler method for the
-    subdirective is either specified or defaults to the name of the
-    subdirective.  This handler will be looked up on the
-    ISubdirectiveHandler that the INonEmptyDirective returns.
-    When a directive with subdirectives is processed, first the
-    INonEmptyDirective is called to get the ISubdirectiveHandler.
-    Then each subdirective is processed by calling the appropriate
-    method on the ISubdirectiveHandler.  Finally, the ISubdirectiveHandler
-    itself is called, to give it an opportunity to specify
-    directive-level actions (it does not have to, it can return an
-    empty action list).
-    The easiest way to implement an INonEmptyDirective is to create
-    a class with the subdirective methods and a '__call__' method
-    on it.  'Calling' the class (that is, instantiating an instance)
-    then results in an object that implements ISubdirectiveHandler.
-    For example, 'Zope.Startup.metaConfigure.defineSite' might be
-    defined as follows::
-        from Zope.StartUp.SiteDefinition import SiteDefinition
-        class defineSite:
-            classProvides(INonEmptyDirective)
-            implements(ISubdirectiveHandler)
-            def __init__(self, _context, name="default" threads=4):
-                SiteDefinition.registerSite(name)
-                self._name = name
-                self._threads = int(threads)
-            def useFileStorage(self, _context, file=DEFAULT_STORAGE_FILE):
-                return [
-                    Action(
-                        discriminator=('startup:defineSite','storage',name),
-                        callable=SiteDefinition.useFileStorage,
-                        args=(self._name,file,)
-                    )
-                ]
-            def useMappingStorage(self, _context):
-                return [
-                    Action(
-                        discriminator=('startup:defineSite','storage',name),
-                        callable=SiteDefinition.useMappingStorage,
-                        args=(self._name,)
-                    )
-                ]
-            def __call__(self):
-                return [
-                    Action(
-                        discriminator=('startup:defineSite','threads',name),
-                        callable=SiteDefinition.setThreads,
-                        args=self._name,self._threads)
-                    )
-                ]
-    The two implements equates document the fact that the class
-    implements INonEmptyDirective, while the objects returned by
-    it implement ISubdirectiveHandler.
-    In the init, we save the attribute information we've been passed
-    so we can use it both in processing the subdirectives and in
-    the actions returned by the final call.  We also call the object
-    that manages the actual configuration to tell it to initialize
-    a configuration for the site that has been named.  (Note: an
-    alternative implementation would be to make the ISubdireciveHandler
-    a singleton, in which case it could store the configuration
-    information directly on itself).  This actual configuration
-    action done at parse time is both necessary and safe. Necessary
-    because the subdirective actions need to be able to alter the
-    configuration of the named site, so it needs to be set up.  Safe,
-    because no matter which action directives ultimately win out
-    during conflict resolution, we know that *some* configuration
-    is going to be needed for this named site.
-    The two subdirective methods use the same discriminator, and
-    the name of the site being defined is included in the discriminator.
-    This means that a given site can only use one or the other
-    storage.  If both subdirectives are specified for the same site
-    in the same configuration file, we'll get a configuration error.
-    On the other hand, if one storage is specified in a given
-    configuration file, but the configuration file that includes
-    it (or some file above it) specifies a different storage, then
-    the conflict resolution will allow the upper level file to
-    override the lower.
-    The action method returned by the storage directives will
-    actually set the configuration to the specified storage type.
-    Only the storage setting action that has made it through conflict
-    resolution will get executed.
-    The '__call__' method of the ISubdirectiveHandler returns an
-    action that will tell the configuration object to set the thread
-    count for the site being defined.  Again, if a site definition
-    in an included file specifies a thread count, it will get
-    overridden by a site definition in an upper level file because
-    of the discriminator conflict resolution.
-  Overriding Directive Definitions
-    Although it is not something that is useful in most normal
-    projects, it is possible to override the definition of a
-    directive.  Unlike with configuration actions, where directives
-    in included files are overridden by directives in the including
-    files, metaconfiguration directives take effect as soon as they
-    are encountered.  When you re-specify the definition of a directive,
-    you affect only the attributes of that directive.  Any defined
-    attributes or subdirectives remain defined unless they, too,
-    are overridden.  Currently it is not possible to delete a directive.
+  Instructions for creating simple configuration directives can be
+  found in src/zope/configuration/tests/test_simple.py.