[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zope/app/services - registration.py:1.1 adapter.py:1.19 cache.py:1.15 configure.zcml:1.38 connection.py:1.15 factories.py:1.3 folder.py:1.11 pagefolder.py:1.11 service.py:1.26 utility.py:1.11 utility.zcml:1.4 view.py:1.24 configuration.py:NONE

Jim Fulton jim@zope.com
Sat, 21 Jun 2003 17:22:44 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/src/zope/app/services
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv2745/src/zope/app/services

Modified Files:
	adapter.py cache.py configure.zcml connection.py factories.py 
	folder.py pagefolder.py service.py utility.py utility.zcml 
Added Files:
Removed Files:
Log Message:
Major refactoring to reflect change in terminology from
"configuration" to "registration" to refer to the configuration of how
objects are used (as opposed to their internal configuration).

=== Added File Zope3/src/zope/app/services/registration.py ===
# Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
"""Component registration support for services

$Id: registration.py,v 1.1 2003/06/21 21:22:12 jim Exp $
__metaclass__ = type

from persistence import Persistent
from zope.interface import implements
from zope.app.interfaces.annotation import IAnnotations
from zope.app.interfaces.annotation import IAttributeAnnotatable
from zope.app.interfaces.container import IAddNotifiable, IDeleteNotifiable
from zope.app.interfaces.container import IZopeWriteContainer
from zope.app.interfaces.dependable import IDependable, DependencyError

from zope.app.interfaces.services.registration import IRegistrationManager
from zope.app.interfaces.services.registration import IRegistrationStack
from zope.app.interfaces.services.registration \
     import INameComponentRegistry
from zope.app.interfaces.services.registration import INamedRegistration
from zope.app.interfaces.services.registration import IRegistration
from zope.app.interfaces.services.registration \
     import INamedComponentRegistration
from zope.app.interfaces.services.registration import INameRegistry
from zope.app.interfaces.services.registration \
     import INamedComponentRegistration, IComponentRegistration
from zope.app.interfaces.services.registration import IRegistered
from zope.app.interfaces.services.registration \
     import NoRegistrationManagerError
from zope.app.interfaces.services.registration import NoLocalServiceError

from zope.app.interfaces.services.registration import UnregisteredStatus
from zope.app.interfaces.services.registration import ActiveStatus
from zope.app.interfaces.services.registration import RegisteredStatus
from zope.app.traversing import getRoot, getPath, traverse
from zope.component import getAdapter, queryAdapter
from zope.component import getServiceManager
from zope.app.context import ContextWrapper
from zope.context import ContextMethod, ContextDescriptor, getWrapperContainer
from zope.proxy import removeAllProxies
from zope.security.checker import InterfaceChecker
from zope.security.proxy import Proxy, trustedRemoveSecurityProxy
from zope.proxy import getProxiedObject

class RegistrationStatusProperty(ContextDescriptor):

    def __get__(self, inst, klass):
        if inst is None:
            return self

        registration = inst

        sm = getServiceManager(registration)
        service = sm.queryLocalService(registration.serviceType)
        # XXX The following may fail; there's a subtle bug here when
        # the returned service isn't in the same service manager as
        # the one owning the registration.
        registry = service and service.queryRegistrationsFor(registration)

        if registry:

            if registry.active() == registration:
                return ActiveStatus
            if registry.registered(registration):
                return RegisteredStatus

        return UnregisteredStatus

    def __set__(self, inst, value):
        registration = inst

        sm = getServiceManager(registration)
        service = sm.queryLocalService(registration.serviceType)

        registry = service and service.queryRegistrationsFor(registration)

        if value == UnregisteredStatus:
            if registry:

            if not service:
                raise NoLocalServiceError(
                    "This registration change cannot be performed because "
                    "there isn't a corresponding %s service defined in this "
                    "site. To proceed, first add a local %s service."
                    % (registration.serviceType, registration.serviceType))

            if registry is None:
                registry = service.createRegistrationsFor(registration)

            if value == RegisteredStatus:
                if registry.active() == registration:

            elif value == ActiveStatus:
                if not registry.registered(registration):

class RegistrationStack(Persistent):

    """Registration registry implementation.

    The invariants for _data are as follows:

        (1) The last element (if any) is not None

        (2) No value occurs more than once

        (3) Each value except None is a relative path from the nearest
            service manager to an object implementing IRegistration


    _data = ()

    def _id(self, ob):

        # Get and check relative path
        path = getPath(ob)
        prefix = "/++etc++site/"
        lpackages = path.rfind(prefix)
        if lpackages < 0:
            # XXX Backward compatability
            prefix = "/++etc++Services/"
            lpackages = path.rfind(prefix)

        if lpackages < 0:
            raise ValueError("Registration object is in an invalid location",

        rpath = path[lpackages+len(prefix):]
        if not rpath or (".." in rpath.split("/")):
            raise ValueError("Registration object is in an invalid location",

        return rpath

    def register(wrapped_self, registration):
        cid = wrapped_self._id(registration)

        if wrapped_self._data:
            if cid in wrapped_self._data:
                return # already registered
            # Nothing registered. Need to stick None in front so that nothing
            # is active.
            wrapped_self._data = (None, )

        wrapped_self._data += (cid, )
    register = ContextMethod(register)

    def unregister(wrapped_self, registration):
        cid = wrapped_self._id(registration)

        data = wrapped_self._data
        if data:
            if data[0] == cid:
                # Tell it that it is no longer active

            # Remove it from our data
            data = tuple([item for item in data if item != cid])

            # Check for trailing None
            if data and data[-1] is None:
                data = data[:-1]

            if data and data[0] is not None:
                # Activate the newly active component
                sm = getServiceManager(wrapped_self)
                new = traverse(sm, data[0])

            # Write data back
            wrapped_self._data = data
    unregister = ContextMethod(unregister)

    def registered(wrapped_self, registration):
        cid = wrapped_self._id(registration)
        return cid in wrapped_self._data
    registered = ContextMethod(registered)

    def activate(wrapped_self, registration):
        if registration is None:
            cid = None
            cid = wrapped_self._id(registration)
        data = wrapped_self._data

        if cid is None and not data:
            return # already in the state we want

        if cid is None or cid in data:

            if data[0] == cid:
                return # already active

            if data[0] is not None:
                # Deactivate the currently active component
                sm = getServiceManager(wrapped_self)
                old = traverse(sm, data[0])

            # Insert it in front, removing it from back
            data = (cid, ) + tuple([item for item in data if item != cid])

            # Check for trailing None
            if data[-1] == None:
                data = data[:-1]

            # Write data back
            wrapped_self._data = data

            if registration is not None:
                # Tell it that it is now active

            raise ValueError(
                "Registration to be activated is not registered",
    activate = ContextMethod(activate)

    def deactivate(wrapped_self, registration):
        cid = wrapped_self._id(registration)
        data = wrapped_self._data

        if cid not in data:
            raise ValueError(
                "Registration to be deactivated is not registered",

        if data[0] != cid:
            return # already inactive

        # Tell it that it is no longer active

        if None not in data:
            # Append None
            data += (None,)

        # Move it to the end
        data = data[1:] + data[:1]

        if data[0] is not None:
            # Activate the newly active component
            sm = getServiceManager(wrapped_self)
            new = traverse(sm, data[0])

        # Write data back
        wrapped_self._data = data
    deactivate = ContextMethod(deactivate)

    def active(wrapped_self):
        if wrapped_self._data:
            path = wrapped_self._data[0]
            if path is not None:
                # Make sure we can traverse to it.
                sm = getServiceManager(wrapped_self)
                registration = traverse(sm, path)
                return registration

        return None
    active = ContextMethod(active)

    def __nonzero__(self):
        return bool(self._data)

    def info(wrapped_self, keep_dummy=False):
        sm = getServiceManager(wrapped_self)

        data = wrapped_self._data
        if not data and keep_dummy:
            data += (None,)

        result = [{'id': path or "",
                   'active': False,
                   'registration': (path and traverse(sm, path))
                  for path in data if path or keep_dummy

        if keep_dummy or (result and result[0]['registration'] is not None):
            result[0]['active'] = True

        return result
    info = ContextMethod(info)

class SimpleRegistration(Persistent):
    """Registration objects that just contain registration data

    Classes that derive from this must make sure they implement
    IDeleteNotifiable either by implementing
    implementedBy(SimpleRegistration) or explicitly implementing

    implements(IRegistration, IDeleteNotifiable,
                      # We are including this here because we want all of the
                      # subclasses to get it and we don't really need to be
                      # flexible about the policy here. At least we don't
                      # *think* we do. :)

    # Methods from IRegistration

    def activated(self):

    def deactivated(self):

    def usageSummary(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__

    def implementationSummary(self):
        return ""

    # Methods from IDeleteNotifiable

    def beforeDeleteHook(self, registration, container):
        "See IDeleteNotifiable"

        objectstatus = registration.status

        if objectstatus == ActiveStatus:
                objectpath = getPath(registration)
            except: # XXX
                objectpath = str(registration)
            raise DependencyError("Can't delete active registration (%s)"
                                  % objectpath)
        elif objectstatus == RegisteredStatus:
            registration.status = UnregisteredStatus

class NamedRegistration(SimpleRegistration):
    """Named registration


    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

    def usageSummary(self):
        return "%s %s" % (self.name, self.__class__.__name__)

class ComponentRegistration(SimpleRegistration):
    """Component registration.

    Subclasses should define a getInterface() method returning the interface
    of the component.

    # SimpleRegistration implements IDeleteNotifiable, so we don't need
    # it below.
    implements(IComponentRegistration, IAddNotifiable)

    def __init__(self, component_path, permission=None):
        self.componentPath = component_path
        if permission == 'zope.Public':
            permission = CheckerPublic
        self.permission = permission

    def implementationSummary(self):
        return self.componentPath

    def getComponent(wrapped_self):
        service_manager = getServiceManager(wrapped_self)

        # The user of the registration object may not have permission
        # to traverse to the component.  Yet they should be able to
        # get it by calling getComponent() on a registration object
        # for which they do have permission.  What they get will be
        # wrapped in a security proxy of course.  Hence:

        # We have to be clever here. We need to do an honest to
        # god unrestricted traveral, which means we have to
        # traverse from an unproxied object. But, it's not enough
        # for the service manager to be unproxied, because the
        # path is an absolute path. When absolute paths are
        # traversed, the traverser finds the physical root and
        # traverses from there, so we need to make sure the
        # physical root isn't proxied.

        path = wrapped_self.componentPath
        # Get the root and unproxy it
        root = removeAllProxies(getRoot(service_manager))
        if path.startswith("/"):
            # Absolute path
            component = traverse(root, path)
            # Relative path.
            # XXX We do a strange little dance because we want the
            #     context to inherit the unproxied root, and this is
            #     the only way to keep it.
            ancestor = getWrapperContainer(getWrapperContainer(wrapped_self))
            ancestor = traverse(root, getPath(ancestor))
            component = traverse(ancestor, path)

        if wrapped_self.permission:
            if type(component) is Proxy:
                # There should be at most one security Proxy around an object.
                # So, if we're going to add a new security proxy, we need to
                # remove any existing one.
                component = trustedRemoveSecurityProxy(component)

            interface = wrapped_self.getInterface()

            checker = InterfaceChecker(interface, wrapped_self.permission)

            component = Proxy(component, checker)

        return component
    getComponent = ContextMethod(getComponent)

    def afterAddHook(self, registration, container):
        "See IAddNotifiable"
        component = registration.getComponent()
        dependents = getAdapter(component, IDependable)
        objectpath = getPath(registration)
        # Also update usage, if supported
        adapter = queryAdapter(component, IRegistered)
        if adapter is not None:

    def beforeDeleteHook(self, registration, container):
        "See IDeleteNotifiable"
        super(ComponentRegistration, self).beforeDeleteHook(registration,
        component = registration.getComponent()
        dependents = getAdapter(component, IDependable)
        objectpath = getPath(registration)
        # Also update usage, if supported
        adapter = queryAdapter(component, IRegistered)
        if adapter is not None:

class NamedComponentRegistration(NamedRegistration, ComponentRegistration):
    """Registrations for named components.

    This configures components that live in folders, by name.

    def __init__(self, name, component_path, permission=None):
        NamedRegistration.__init__(self, name)
        ComponentRegistration.__init__(self, component_path, permission)

class NameRegistry:
    """Mixin for implementing INameRegistry

    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        self._bindings = {}
        super(NameRegistry, self).__init__(*args, **kw)

    def queryRegistrationsFor(wrapped_self, cfg, default=None):
        """See IRegistry"""
        return wrapped_self.queryRegistrations(cfg.name, default)
    queryRegistrationsFor = ContextMethod(queryRegistrationsFor)

    def queryRegistrations(wrapped_self, name, default=None):
        """See INameRegistry"""
        registry = wrapped_self._bindings.get(name, default)
        return ContextWrapper(registry, wrapped_self)
    queryRegistrations = ContextMethod(queryRegistrations)

    def createRegistrationsFor(wrapped_self, cfg):
        """See IRegistry"""
        return wrapped_self.createRegistrations(cfg.name)
    createRegistrationsFor = ContextMethod(createRegistrationsFor)

    def createRegistrations(wrapped_self, name):
        """See INameRegistry"""
            registry = wrapped_self._bindings[name]
        except KeyError:
            wrapped_self._bindings[name] = registry = RegistrationStack()
            wrapped_self._p_changed = 1
        return ContextWrapper(registry, wrapped_self)
    createRegistrations = ContextMethod(createRegistrations)

    def listRegistrationNames(wrapped_self):
        """See INameRegistry"""
        return filter(wrapped_self._bindings.get,

class NameComponentRegistry(NameRegistry):
    """Mixin for implementing INameComponentRegistry

    def queryActiveComponent(wrapped_self, name, default=None):
        """See INameComponentRegistry"""
        registry = wrapped_self.queryRegistrations(name)
        if registry:
            registration = registry.active()
            if registration is not None:
                return registration.getComponent()
        return default
    queryActiveComponent = ContextMethod(queryActiveComponent)

from zope.app.dependable import PathSetAnnotation

class Registered(PathSetAnnotation):
    """An adapter from IRegisterable to IRegistered.

    This class is the only place that knows how 'Registered'
    data is represented.


    # We want to use this key:
    #   key = "zope.app.services.registration.Registered"
    # But we have existing annotations with the following key, so we'll keep
    # it. :( 
    key = "zope.app.services.configuration.UseConfiguration"

    addUsage = PathSetAnnotation.addPath
    removeUsage = PathSetAnnotation.removePath
    usages = PathSetAnnotation.getPaths

class RegistrationManager(Persistent):
    """Registration manager

    Manages registrations within a package.

    implements(IRegistrationManager, IDeleteNotifiable)

    def __init__(self):
        self._data = ()
        self._next = 0

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        "See IItemContainer"
        v = self.get(key)
        if v is None:
            raise KeyError, key
        return v

    def get(self, key, default=None):
        "See IReadMapping"
        for k, v in self._data:
            if k == key:
                return v
        return default

    def __contains__(self, key):
        "See IReadMapping"
        return self.get(key) is not None

    def keys(self):
        "See IEnumerableMapping"
        return [k for k, v in self._data]

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.keys())

    def values(self):
        "See IEnumerableMapping"
        return [v for k, v in self._data]

    def items(self):
        "See IEnumerableMapping"
        return self._data

    def __len__(self):
        "See IEnumerableMapping"
        return len(self._data)

    def setObject(self, key, object):
        "See IWriteContainer"
        self._next += 1
        if key:
            if key in self:
                raise DuplicationError("key is already registered", key)
                n = int(key)
            except ValueError:
                if n > self._next:
                    self._next = n
            key = str(self._next)
            while key in self:
                self._next += 1
                key = str(self._next)
        self._data += ((key, object), )
        return key

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        "See IWriteContainer"
        if key not in self:
            raise KeyError, key
        self._data = tuple(
             for item in self._data
             if item[0] != key]

    def moveTop(self, names):
        self._data = tuple(
            [item for item in self._data if (item[0] in names)]
            [item for item in self._data if (item[0] not in names)]

    def moveBottom(self, names):
        self._data = tuple(
            [item for item in self._data if (item[0] not in names)]
            [item for item in self._data if (item[0] in names)]

    def _moveUpOrDown(self, names, direction):
        # Move each named item by one position. Note that this
        # might require moving some unnamed objects by more than
        # one position.

        indexes = {}

        # Copy named items to positions one less than they currently have
        i = -1
        for item in self._data:
            i += 1
            if item[0] in names:
                j = max(i + direction, 0)
                while j in indexes:
                    j += 1

                indexes[j] = item

        # Fill in the rest where there's room.
        i = 0
        for item in self._data:
            if item[0] not in names:
                while i in indexes:
                    i += 1
                indexes[i] = item

        items = indexes.items()

        self._data = tuple([item[1] for item in items])

    def moveUp(self, names):
        self._moveUpOrDown(names, -1)

    def moveDown(self, names):
        self._moveUpOrDown(names, 1)

    def beforeDeleteHook(self, object, container):
        assert object == self
        container = getAdapter(object, IZopeWriteContainer)
        for k, v in self._data:
            del container[k]

class RegistrationManagerContainer(object):
    """Mix-in to implement IRegistrationManagerContainer

    def __init__(self):
        super(RegistrationManagerContainer, self).__init__()
        self.setObject('RegistrationManager', RegistrationManager())

    def __delitem__(self, name):
        """Delete an item, but not if it's the last registration manager
        item = self[name]
        if IRegistrationManager.isImplementedBy(item):
            # Check to make sure it's not the last one
            if len([i for i in self.values()
                    if IRegistrationManager.isImplementedBy(i)]) < 2:
                raise NoRegistrationManagerError(
                    "Can't delete the last registration manager")
        super(RegistrationManagerContainer, self).__delitem__(name)

    def getRegistrationManager(self):
        """Get a registration manager
        # Get the registration manager for this folder
        for name in self:
            item = self[name]
            if IRegistrationManager.isImplementedBy(item):
                # We found one. Get it in context
                return ContextWrapper(item, self, name=name)
            raise NoRegistrationManagerError(
                "Couldn't find an registration manager")
    getRegistrationManager = ContextMethod(getRegistrationManager)

from zope.xmlpickle import dumps, loads
from zope.app.interfaces.fssync import IObjectFile
from zope.app.fssync.classes import ObjectEntryAdapter

class ComponentRegistrationAdapter(ObjectEntryAdapter):

    """Fssync adapter for ComponentRegistration objects and subclasses.

    This is fairly generic -- it should apply to most subclasses of
    ComponentRegistration.  But in order for it to work for a
    specific subclass (say, UtilityRegistration), you have to (a) add
    an entry to configure.zcml, like this:


    and (b) add a function to factories.py, like this:

        def UtilityRegistration():
            from zope.app.services.utility import UtilityRegistration
            return UtilityRegistration("", None, "")

    The file representation of a registration object is an XML pickle
    for a modified version of the instance dict.  In this version of
    the instance dict, the __annotations__ attribute is omitted,
    because annotations are already stored on the filesystem in a
    different way (in @@Zope/Annotations/<file>).


    def factory(self):
        """See IObjectEntry."""
        name = self.context.__class__.__name__
        return "zope.app.services.factories." + name

    def getBody(self):
        """See IObjectEntry."""
        obj = removeAllProxies(self.context)
        ivars = {}
        aname = "__annotations__"
        if aname in ivars:
            del ivars[aname]
        return dumps(ivars)

    def setBody(self, body):
        """See IObjectEntry."""
        obj = removeAllProxies(self.context)
        ivars = loads(body)

# XXX Pickle backward compatability
ConfigurationRegistry = RegistrationStack
ConfigurationManager = RegistrationManager
import sys
            ] = sys.modules['zope.app.services.registration']
            ] = sys.modules['zope.app.services.registration']

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/services/adapter.py 1.18 => 1.19 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/services/adapter.py:1.18	Thu Jun 19 17:55:45 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/services/adapter.py	Sat Jun 21 17:22:12 2003
@@ -26,16 +26,16 @@
 from zope.component.exceptions import ComponentLookupError
 from zope.component import getServiceManager
 from zope.app.services.servicenames import Adapters
-from zope.app.interfaces.services.configuration import IConfigurable
-from zope.app.services.configuration import ConfigurationRegistry
-from zope.app.services.configuration import SimpleConfiguration
+from zope.app.interfaces.services.registration import IRegistry
+from zope.app.services.registration import RegistrationStack
+from zope.app.services.registration import SimpleRegistration
 from zope.app.context import ContextWrapper
 from zope.context import ContextMethod
-from zope.app.services.configuration import ConfigurationStatusProperty
+from zope.app.services.registration import RegistrationStatusProperty
 from zope.app.component.nextservice import getNextService
 from zope.app.interfaces.services.service import ISimpleService
-from zope.app.interfaces.services.adapter import IAdapterConfiguration
+from zope.app.interfaces.services.adapter import IAdapterRegistration
 class PersistentAdapterRegistry(Persistent, AdapterRegistry):
@@ -45,22 +45,22 @@
 class AdapterService(Persistent):
-    implements(IAdapterService, IConfigurable, ISimpleService)
+    implements(IAdapterService, IRegistry, ISimpleService)
     def __init__(self):
         self._byName = PersistentDict()
-    def queryConfigurationsFor(self, configuration, default=None):
-        "See IConfigurable"
+    def queryRegistrationsFor(self, registration, default=None):
+        "See IRegistry"
         # XXX Need to add named adapter support
-        return self.queryConfigurations(
-            configuration.forInterface, configuration.providedInterface,
-            configuration.adapterName,
+        return self.queryRegistrations(
+            registration.forInterface, registration.providedInterface,
+            registration.adapterName,
-    queryConfigurationsFor = ContextMethod(queryConfigurationsFor)
+    queryRegistrationsFor = ContextMethod(queryRegistrationsFor)
-    def queryConfigurations(self,
+    def queryRegistrations(self,
                             forInterface, providedInterface, adapterName,
@@ -74,18 +74,18 @@
         return ContextWrapper(registry, self)
-    queryConfigurations = ContextMethod(queryConfigurations)
+    queryRegistrations = ContextMethod(queryRegistrations)
-    def createConfigurationsFor(self, configuration):
-        "See IConfigurable"
+    def createRegistrationsFor(self, registration):
+        "See IRegistry"
         # XXX Need to add named adapter support
-        return self.createConfigurations(
-            configuration.forInterface, configuration.providedInterface,
-            configuration.adapterName)
+        return self.createRegistrations(
+            registration.forInterface, registration.providedInterface,
+            registration.adapterName)
-    createConfigurationsFor = ContextMethod(createConfigurationsFor)
+    createRegistrationsFor = ContextMethod(createRegistrationsFor)
-    def createConfigurations(self, forInterface, providedInterface, name):
+    def createRegistrations(self, forInterface, providedInterface, name):
         adapters = self._byName.get(name)
         if adapters is None:
@@ -94,12 +94,12 @@
         registry = adapters.getRegistered(forInterface, providedInterface)
         if registry is None:
-            registry = ConfigurationRegistry()
+            registry = RegistrationStack()
             adapters.register(forInterface, providedInterface, registry)
         return ContextWrapper(registry, self)
-    createConfigurations = ContextMethod(createConfigurations)
+    createRegistrations = ContextMethod(createRegistrations)
     def getAdapter(self, object, interface, name=''):
         "See IAdapterService"
@@ -187,13 +187,13 @@
         return adapters.getRegisteredMatching(for_interfaces,
-class AdapterConfiguration(SimpleConfiguration):
+class AdapterRegistration(SimpleRegistration):
-    implements(IAdapterConfiguration)
+    implements(IAdapterRegistration)
     serviceType = Adapters
-    status = ConfigurationStatusProperty()
+    status = RegistrationStatusProperty()
     # XXX These should be positional arguments, except that forInterface
     #     isn't passed in if it is omitted. To fix this, we need a
@@ -219,3 +219,6 @@
         return factory(object)
     getAdapter = ContextMethod(getAdapter)
+# XXX Pickle backward compatability
+AdapterConfiguration = AdapterRegistration

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/services/cache.py 1.14 => 1.15 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/services/cache.py:1.14	Thu Jun 19 17:55:45 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/services/cache.py	Sat Jun 21 17:22:12 2003
@@ -17,30 +17,27 @@
 from persistence import Persistent
-from zope.component import getService
-from zope.context import ContextMethod
 from zope.app.component.nextservice import queryNextService
 from zope.app.interfaces.cache.cache import ICache, ICachingService
 from zope.app.interfaces.event import IObjectModifiedEvent
-from zope.app.interfaces.services.cache import ICacheConfiguration
-from zope.app.interfaces.services.configuration \
-     import INameComponentConfigurable
+from zope.app.interfaces.services.cache import ICacheRegistration
+from zope.app.interfaces.services.registration import INameComponentRegistry
 from zope.app.interfaces.services.event import IEventChannel
 from zope.app.interfaces.services.service import ISimpleService
-from zope.app.services.configuration import ConfigurationStatusProperty
-from zope.app.services.configuration import NameComponentConfigurable
-from zope.app.services.configuration import NamedComponentConfiguration
+from zope.app.services.registration import RegistrationStatusProperty
+from zope.app.services.registration import NameComponentRegistry
+from zope.app.services.registration import NamedComponentRegistration
 from zope.app.services.event import ServiceSubscriberEventChannel
+from zope.component import getService
+from zope.context import ContextMethod
 from zope.interface import implements
 class ILocalCachingService(ICachingService, IEventChannel,
-                           INameComponentConfigurable):
+                           INameComponentRegistry):
     """TTW manageable caching service"""
-class CachingService(ServiceSubscriberEventChannel, NameComponentConfigurable):
+class CachingService(ServiceSubscriberEventChannel, NameComponentRegistry):
     implements(ILocalCachingService, ISimpleService)
@@ -57,7 +54,7 @@
         #     --Guido
-        NameComponentConfigurable.__init__(self)
+        NameComponentRegistry.__init__(self)
     def getCache(wrapped_self, name):
         'See ICachingService'
@@ -81,8 +78,8 @@
     def getAvailableCaches(wrapped_self):
         'See ICachingService'
         caches = {}
-        for name in wrapped_self.listConfigurationNames():
-            registry = wrapped_self.queryConfigurations(name)
+        for name in wrapped_self.listRegistrationNames():
+            registry = wrapped_self.queryRegistrations(name)
             if registry.active() is not None:
                 caches[name] = 0
         service = queryNextService(wrapped_self, "Caching")
@@ -93,15 +90,15 @@
     getAvailableCaches = ContextMethod(getAvailableCaches)
-class CacheConfiguration(NamedComponentConfiguration):
+class CacheRegistration(NamedComponentRegistration):
-    __doc__ = ICacheConfiguration.__doc__
+    __doc__ = ICacheRegistration.__doc__
-    implements(ICacheConfiguration)
+    implements(ICacheRegistration)
     serviceType = 'Caching'
-    status = ConfigurationStatusProperty()
+    status = RegistrationStatusProperty()
     label = "Cache"
@@ -120,3 +117,7 @@
     def getInterface(self):
         return ICache
+# XXX Pickle backward compatability
+CacheConfiguration = CacheRegistration

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/services/configure.zcml 1.37 => 1.38 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/services/configure.zcml:1.37	Thu Jun 12 05:34:43 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/services/configure.zcml	Sat Jun 21 17:22:12 2003
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
-<!-- Configuration registries -->
+<!-- Registration registries -->
-<content class="zope.app.services.configuration.ConfigurationRegistry">
+<content class="zope.app.services.registration.RegistrationStack">
-      "zope.app.interfaces.services.configuration.IConfigurationRegistry"
+      "zope.app.interfaces.services.registration.IRegistrationStack"
@@ -22,16 +22,16 @@
-      interface="zope.app.interfaces.services.configuration.IConfigurable"
+      interface="zope.app.interfaces.services.registration.IRegistry"
-<content class="zope.app.services.adapter.AdapterConfiguration">
+<content class="zope.app.services.adapter.AdapterRegistration">
-      interface="zope.app.interfaces.services.adapter.IAdapterConfiguration"
-      set_schema="zope.app.interfaces.services.configuration.IConfiguration"
+      interface="zope.app.interfaces.services.adapter.IAdapterRegistration"
+      set_schema="zope.app.interfaces.services.registration.IRegistration"
@@ -48,16 +48,16 @@
-      interface="zope.app.interfaces.services.configuration.IConfigurable"
+      interface="zope.app.interfaces.services.registration.IRegistry"
-<content class="zope.app.services.view.ViewConfiguration">
+<content class="zope.app.services.view.ViewRegistration">
-      interface="zope.app.interfaces.services.view.IViewConfiguration"
-      set_schema="zope.app.interfaces.services.configuration.IConfiguration"
+      interface="zope.app.interfaces.services.view.IViewRegistration"
+      set_schema="zope.app.interfaces.services.registration.IRegistration"
@@ -65,11 +65,11 @@
-<content class="zope.app.services.view.PageConfiguration">
+<content class="zope.app.services.view.PageRegistration">
-      interface="zope.app.interfaces.services.view.IPageConfiguration"
-      set_schema="zope.app.interfaces.services.view.IPageConfiguration"
+      interface="zope.app.interfaces.services.view.IPageRegistration"
+      set_schema="zope.app.interfaces.services.view.IPageRegistration"
@@ -122,9 +122,9 @@
-  for="zope.app.interfaces.services.configuration.IUseConfigurable"
-  provides="zope.app.interfaces.services.configuration.IUseConfiguration"
-  factory="zope.app.services.configuration.UseConfiguration"
+  for="zope.app.interfaces.services.registration.IRegisterable"
+  provides="zope.app.interfaces.services.registration.IRegistered"
+  factory="zope.app.services.registration.Registered"
 <!-- Role Templates -->
@@ -177,20 +177,20 @@
-          attributes="queryConfigurations queryConfigurationsFor
-                      listConfigurationNames" />
+          attributes="queryRegistrations queryRegistrationsFor
+                      listRegistrationNames" />
           interface="zope.app.interfaces.container.IContainer" />
-  <content class="zope.app.services.cache.CacheConfiguration">
+  <content class="zope.app.services.cache.CacheRegistration">
-        interface="zope.app.interfaces.services.cache.ICacheConfiguration"
+        interface="zope.app.interfaces.services.cache.ICacheRegistration"
         set_attributes="name componentPath permission"
-            "zope.app.interfaces.services.configuration.IConfiguration" />
+            "zope.app.interfaces.services.registration.IRegistration" />
         interface="zope.app.interfaces.container.IAddNotifiable" />
@@ -213,13 +213,13 @@
         interface="zope.app.interfaces.annotation.IAttributeAnnotatable" />
-  <content class="zope.app.services.service.ServiceConfiguration">
+  <content class="zope.app.services.service.ServiceRegistration">
-        interface="zope.app.interfaces.services.service.IServiceConfiguration"
+        interface="zope.app.interfaces.services.service.IServiceRegistration"
         set_attributes="serviceType componentPath permission"
-            "zope.app.interfaces.services.configuration.IConfiguration"
+            "zope.app.interfaces.services.registration.IRegistration"
@@ -257,20 +257,20 @@
-        attributes="getConfigurationManager" 
+        attributes="getRegistrationManager" 
         interface="zope.app.interfaces.annotation.IAttributeAnnotatable" />
-<!-- Configuration Manager -->
+<!-- Registration Manager -->
-  <content class="zope.app.services.configuration.ConfigurationManager">
+  <content class="zope.app.services.registration.RegistrationManager">
-        id = "zope.app.services.ConfigurationManager"
+        id = "zope.app.services.RegistrationManager"
         permission = "zope.ManageServices"
-        title = "Configuration Manager" />
+        title = "Registration Manager" />
         interface="zope.app.interfaces.container.IReadContainer" />
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@
-        zope.app.interfaces.services.configuration.IOrderedContainer
+        zope.app.interfaces.services.registration.IOrderedContainer
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@
-        attributes="configured getConfigurationManager" 
+        attributes="configured getRegistrationManager" 
         interface="zope.app.interfaces.annotation.IAttributeAnnotatable" />
@@ -341,17 +341,17 @@
-        attributes="queryConfigurations queryConfigurationsFor
-                    listConfigurationNames" />
+        attributes="queryRegistrations queryRegistrationsFor
+                    listRegistrationNames" />
-  <content class="zope.app.services.connection.ConnectionConfiguration">
+  <content class="zope.app.services.connection.ConnectionRegistration">
-        "zope.app.interfaces.services.connection.IConnectionConfiguration"
+        "zope.app.interfaces.services.connection.IConnectionRegistration"
         set_attributes="name componentPath"
-        set_schema="zope.app.interfaces.services.view.IPageConfiguration"
+        set_schema="zope.app.interfaces.services.view.IPageRegistration"
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@
 <!-- Filesystem synchronization support -->
-    class=".configuration.ConfigurationManager"
+    class=".registration.RegistrationManager"
@@ -518,23 +518,23 @@
-    class=".cache.CacheConfiguration"
-    factory=".configuration.ComponentConfigurationAdapter"
+    class=".cache.CacheRegistration"
+    factory=".registration.ComponentRegistrationAdapter"
-    class=".connection.ConnectionConfiguration"
-    factory=".configuration.ComponentConfigurationAdapter"
+    class=".connection.ConnectionRegistration"
+    factory=".registration.ComponentRegistrationAdapter"
-    class=".service.ServiceConfiguration"
-    factory=".configuration.ComponentConfigurationAdapter"
+    class=".service.ServiceRegistration"
+    factory=".registration.ComponentRegistrationAdapter"
-    class=".utility.UtilityConfiguration"
-    factory=".configuration.ComponentConfigurationAdapter"
+    class=".utility.UtilityRegistration"
+    factory=".registration.ComponentRegistrationAdapter"

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/services/connection.py 1.14 => 1.15 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/services/connection.py:1.14	Thu Jun 19 17:55:45 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/services/connection.py	Sat Jun 21 17:22:12 2003
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@
 from zope.app.interfaces.services.service import ISimpleService
 from zope.app.component.nextservice import queryNextService
-from zope.app.services.configuration import NameComponentConfigurable
+from zope.app.services.registration import NameComponentRegistry
 from zope.interface import implements
-class ConnectionService(Persistent, NameComponentConfigurable):
+class ConnectionService(Persistent, NameComponentRegistry):
     __doc__ = ILocalConnectionService.__doc__
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
     def getAvailableConnections(self):
         'See IConnectionService'
         connections = {}
-        for name in self.listConfigurationNames():
-            registry = self.queryConfigurations(name)
+        for name in self.listRegistrationNames():
+            registry = self.queryRegistrations(name)
             if registry.active() is not None:
                 connections[name] = 0
         service = queryNextService(self, "SQLDatabaseConnections")
@@ -73,21 +73,25 @@
     getAvailableConnections = ContextMethod(getAvailableConnections)
-from zope.app.interfaces.services.connection import IConnectionConfiguration
-from zope.app.services.configuration import NamedComponentConfiguration
-from zope.app.services.configuration import ConfigurationStatusProperty
+from zope.app.interfaces.services.connection import IConnectionRegistration
+from zope.app.services.registration import NamedComponentRegistration
+from zope.app.services.registration import RegistrationStatusProperty
-class ConnectionConfiguration(NamedComponentConfiguration):
+class ConnectionRegistration(NamedComponentRegistration):
-    __doc__ = IConnectionConfiguration.__doc__
+    __doc__ = IConnectionRegistration.__doc__
-    implements(IConnectionConfiguration)
+    implements(IConnectionRegistration)
     serviceType = 'SQLDatabaseConnections'
-    status = ConfigurationStatusProperty()
+    status = RegistrationStatusProperty()
     label = "Connection"
     def getInterface(self):
         return IZopeDatabaseAdapter
+# XXX Pickle backward compatability
+ConnectionConfiguration = ConnectionRegistration

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/services/factories.py 1.2 => 1.3 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/services/factories.py:1.2	Mon Jun 16 12:47:51 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/services/factories.py	Sat Jun 21 17:22:12 2003
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
-"""A collection of factory functions for various configuration classes.
+"""A collection of factory functions for various registration classes.
-See method factory() in class ComponentConfigurationAdapter in file
+See method factory() in class ComponentRegistrationAdapter in file
 The functions here may create invalid objects; a subsequent setBody()
 call to the adapter's setBody() method will make the object valid.
@@ -22,18 +22,18 @@
-def CacheConfiguration():
-    from zope.app.services.cache import CacheConfiguration
-    return CacheConfiguration("", "") # name, componentPath
-def ConnectionConfiguration():
-    from zope.app.services.connection import ConnectionConfiguration
-    return ConnectionConfiguration("", "") # name, componentPath
-def ServiceConfiguration():
-    from zope.app.services.service import ServiceConfiguration
-    return ServiceConfiguration("", "") # name, componentPath
-def UtilityConfiguration():
-    from zope.app.services.utility import UtilityConfiguration
-    return UtilityConfiguration("", None, "") # name, interface, componentPath
+def CacheRegistration():
+    from zope.app.services.cache import CacheRegistration
+    return CacheRegistration("", "") # name, componentPath
+def ConnectionRegistration():
+    from zope.app.services.connection import ConnectionRegistration
+    return ConnectionRegistration("", "") # name, componentPath
+def ServiceRegistration():
+    from zope.app.services.service import ServiceRegistration
+    return ServiceRegistration("", "") # name, componentPath
+def UtilityRegistration():
+    from zope.app.services.utility import UtilityRegistration
+    return UtilityRegistration("", None, "") # name, interface, componentPath

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/services/folder.py 1.10 => 1.11 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/services/folder.py:1.10	Tue Jun  3 10:17:10 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/services/folder.py	Sat Jun 21 17:22:12 2003
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
-"""A package contains components and component configurations.
+"""A package contains components and component registrations.
@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@
 from zope.app.interfaces.services.folder import ISiteManagementFolder
 from zope.app.interfaces.services.service import IComponentManager
 from zope.app.interfaces.file import IDirectoryFactory
-from zope.app.services.configuration import ConfigurationManagerContainer
+from zope.app.services.registration import RegistrationManagerContainer
 from zope.app.traversing import getPath
 from zope.app.context import ContextWrapper
 from zope.context import ContextMethod
 from zope.interface import implements
-class SiteManagementFolder(ConfigurationManagerContainer, BTreeContainer):
+class SiteManagementFolder(RegistrationManagerContainer, BTreeContainer):

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/services/pagefolder.py 1.10 => 1.11 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/services/pagefolder.py:1.10	Thu Jun  5 08:03:17 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/services/pagefolder.py	Sat Jun 21 17:22:12 2003
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 """Page Folders
-Page folders support easy creation and configuration of page views
+Page folders support easy creation and registration of page views
 using folders of templates.
@@ -27,18 +27,18 @@
 from zope.app.traversing import getPath
 from zope.app.context import getItem
 from zope.context import ContextMethod
-from zope.app.interfaces.services.configuration import Active
-from zope.app.services.configuration import ConfigurationManagerContainer
+from zope.app.interfaces.services.registration import ActiveStatus
+from zope.app.services.registration import RegistrationManagerContainer
 from zope.proxy import removeAllProxies
-from zope.app.services.view import PageConfiguration
+from zope.app.services.view import PageRegistration
 from zope.app.interfaces.services.pagefolder import IPageFolder
-from zope.app.interfaces.services.configuration import IConfigurationManager
+from zope.app.interfaces.services.registration import IRegistrationManager
 from zope.app.interfaces.file import IDirectoryFactory
 from zope.app.fssync.classes import ObjectEntryAdapter, AttrMapping
 from zope.app.interfaces.fssync import IObjectDirectory
 from zope.interface import implements
-class PageFolder(ConfigurationManagerContainer, BTreeContainer):
+class PageFolder(RegistrationManagerContainer, BTreeContainer):
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
     template = None
     def setObject(self, name, object):
-        if (IConfigurationManager.isImplementedBy(object) or
+        if (IRegistrationManager.isImplementedBy(object) or
             return super(PageFolder, self).setObject(name, object)
@@ -63,10 +63,10 @@
     def activated(self):
-        "See IConfiguration"
+        "See IRegistration"
     def deactivated(self):
-        "See IConfiguration"
+        "See IRegistration"
 _attrNames = (
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
         if IZPTTemplate.isImplementedBy(object):
             template = getItem(self, name)
             template = getPath(template)
-            config = PageConfiguration(
+            config = PageRegistration(
@@ -115,10 +115,10 @@
-            configure = self.getConfigurationManager()
+            configure = self.getRegistrationManager()
             id = configure.setObject('', config)
             config = getItem(configure, id)
-            config.status = Active
+            config.status = ActiveStatus
         return name

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/services/service.py 1.25 => 1.26 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/services/service.py:1.25	Thu Jun 19 17:55:45 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/services/service.py	Sat Jun 21 17:22:12 2003
@@ -46,28 +46,28 @@
 from zope.app.interfaces.container import IContainer
 from zope.app.interfaces.services.service import IBindingAware
 from zope.app.interfaces.services.module import IModuleService
-from zope.app.interfaces.services.service import IServiceConfiguration
+from zope.app.interfaces.services.service import IServiceRegistration
 from zope.app.interfaces.services.service import IServiceManager
 # Declare a tuple of all types we consider to be modules
 # (used as 2nd argument to isinstance() in method resolve() below)
 ModuleType = type(IModuleService), PersistentModule
-from zope.app.services.configuration import ConfigurationStatusProperty
-from zope.app.services.configuration import NameComponentConfigurable
-from zope.app.services.configuration import NamedComponentConfiguration
+from zope.app.services.registration import RegistrationStatusProperty
+from zope.app.services.registration import NameComponentRegistry
+from zope.app.services.registration import NamedComponentRegistration
 from zope.app.services.folder import SiteManagementFolders
 from zope.app.interfaces.services.service import ILocalService
 from zope.app.traversing import getPath
-class ServiceManager(PersistentModuleRegistry, NameComponentConfigurable):
+class ServiceManager(PersistentModuleRegistry, NameComponentRegistry):
     implements(IServiceManager, IContainer, IModuleService)
     def __init__(self):
-        NameComponentConfigurable.__init__(self)
+        NameComponentRegistry.__init__(self)
         self.Packages = SiteManagementFolders()
     def getServiceDefinitions(wrapped_self):
@@ -295,20 +295,20 @@
     resolve = ContextMethod(resolve)
-class ServiceConfiguration(NamedComponentConfiguration):
+class ServiceRegistration(NamedComponentRegistration):
-    __doc__ = IServiceConfiguration.__doc__
+    __doc__ = IServiceRegistration.__doc__
-    implements(IServiceConfiguration)
+    implements(IServiceRegistration)
     serviceType = 'Services'
-    status = ConfigurationStatusProperty()
+    status = RegistrationStatusProperty()
     label = "Service"
     def __init__(self, name, path, context=None):
-        super(ServiceConfiguration, self).__init__(name, path)
+        super(ServiceRegistration, self).__init__(name, path)
         if context is not None:
             # Check that the object implements stuff we need
             wrapped_self = ContextWrapper(self, context)
@@ -342,6 +342,9 @@
         return self.name + " Service"
+# XXX Pickle backward compatability
+ServiceConfiguration = ServiceRegistration
 # Fssync stuff
 from zope.app.fssync.classes import AttrMapping
@@ -349,7 +352,7 @@
 _smattrs = (
     '_modules',                         # PersistentModuleRegistry
-    '_bindings',                        # NameComponentConfigurable
+    '_bindings',                        # NameComponentRegistry
 class ServiceManagerAdapter(DirectoryAdapter):

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/services/utility.py 1.10 => 1.11 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/services/utility.py:1.10	Thu Jun 19 17:55:45 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/services/utility.py	Sat Jun 21 17:22:12 2003
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@
 from persistence.dict import PersistentDict
 from persistence import Persistent
 from zope.app.component.nextservice import getNextService
-from zope.app.interfaces.services.configuration import IConfigurable
+from zope.app.interfaces.services.registration import IRegistry
 from zope.app.interfaces.services.service import ISimpleService
-from zope.app.interfaces.services.utility import IUtilityConfiguration
+from zope.app.interfaces.services.utility import IUtilityRegistration
 from zope.app.interfaces.services.utility import ILocalUtilityService
-from zope.app.services.configuration import ConfigurationRegistry
-from zope.app.services.configuration import ConfigurationStatusProperty
-from zope.app.services.configuration import ComponentConfiguration
+from zope.app.services.registration import RegistrationStack
+from zope.app.services.registration import RegistrationStatusProperty
+from zope.app.services.registration import ComponentRegistration
 from zope.component.exceptions import ComponentLookupError
 from zope.interface.implementor import ImplementorRegistry
 from zope.context import ContextMethod
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 class LocalUtilityService(Persistent):
-    implements(ILocalUtilityService, IConfigurable, ISimpleService)
+    implements(ILocalUtilityService, IRegistry, ISimpleService)
     def __init__(self):
         self._utilities = PersistentDict()
@@ -48,52 +48,52 @@
     getUtility = ContextMethod(getUtility)
     def queryUtility(self, interface, default=None, name=''):
-        registry = self.queryConfigurations(name, interface)
-        if registry is not None:
-            configuration = registry.active()
-            if configuration is not None:
-                return configuration.getComponent()
+        stack = self.queryRegistrations(name, interface)
+        if stack is not None:
+            registration = stack.active()
+            if registration is not None:
+                return registration.getComponent()
         next = getNextService(self, "Utilities")
         return next.queryUtility(interface, default, name)
     queryUtility = ContextMethod(queryUtility)
-    def queryConfigurationsFor(self, configuration, default=None):
-        return self.queryConfigurations(configuration.name,
-                                        configuration.interface,
+    def queryRegistrationsFor(self, registration, default=None):
+        return self.queryRegistrations(registration.name,
+                                        registration.interface,
-    queryConfigurationsFor = ContextMethod(queryConfigurationsFor)
+    queryRegistrationsFor = ContextMethod(queryRegistrationsFor)
-    def queryConfigurations(self, name, interface, default=None):
+    def queryRegistrations(self, name, interface, default=None):
         utilities = self._utilities.get(name)
         if utilities is None:
             return default
-        registry = utilities.getRegistered(interface)
-        if registry is None:
+        stack = utilities.getRegistered(interface)
+        if stack is None:
             return default
-        return ContextWrapper(registry, self)
-    queryConfigurations = ContextMethod(queryConfigurations)
+        return ContextWrapper(stack, self)
+    queryRegistrations = ContextMethod(queryRegistrations)
-    def createConfigurationsFor(self, configuration):
-        return self.createConfigurations(configuration.name,
-                                         configuration.interface)
+    def createRegistrationsFor(self, registration):
+        return self.createRegistrations(registration.name,
+                                         registration.interface)
-    createConfigurationsFor = ContextMethod(createConfigurationsFor)
+    createRegistrationsFor = ContextMethod(createRegistrationsFor)
-    def createConfigurations(self, name, interface):
+    def createRegistrations(self, name, interface):
         utilities = self._utilities.get(name)
         if utilities is None:
             utilities = ImplementorRegistry(PersistentDict())
             self._utilities[name] = utilities
-        registry = utilities.getRegistered(interface)
-        if registry is None:
-            registry = ConfigurationRegistry()
-            utilities.register(interface, registry)
+        stack = utilities.getRegistered(interface)
+        if stack is None:
+            stack = RegistrationStack()
+            utilities.register(interface, stack)
-        return ContextWrapper(registry, self)
-    createConfigurations = ContextMethod(createConfigurations)
+        return ContextWrapper(stack, self)
+    createRegistrations = ContextMethod(createRegistrations)
     def getRegisteredMatching(self):
         L = []
@@ -106,35 +106,39 @@
     getRegisteredMatching = ContextMethod(getRegisteredMatching)
-class UtilityConfiguration(ComponentConfiguration):
-    """Utility component configuration for persistent components
+class UtilityRegistration(ComponentRegistration):
+    """Utility component registration for persistent components
-    This configuration configures persistent components in packages to
+    This registration configures persistent components in packages to
     be utilities.
     serviceType = 'Utilities'
-    status = ConfigurationStatusProperty()
+    status = RegistrationStatusProperty()
-    implements(IUtilityConfiguration)
+    implements(IUtilityRegistration)
     def __init__(self, name, interface, component_path, permission=None):
-        ComponentConfiguration.__init__(self, component_path, permission)
+        ComponentRegistration.__init__(self, component_path, permission)
         self.name = name
         self.interface = interface
     def usageSummary(self):
-        # Override IConfiguration.usageSummary()
+        # Override IRegistration.usageSummary()
         s = "%s utility" % self.interface.__name__
         if self.name:
             s += " named %s" % self.name
         return s
     def getInterface(self):
-        # ComponentConfiguration calls this when you specify a
+        # ComponentRegistration calls this when you specify a
         # permission; it needs the interface to create a security
         # proxy for the interface with the given permission.
         # XXX Smells like a dead chicken to me.
         return self.interface
+# XXX Pickle backward compatability
+UtilityConfiguration = UtilityRegistration

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/services/utility.zcml 1.3 => 1.4 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/services/utility.zcml:1.3	Thu Apr  3 17:05:34 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/services/utility.zcml	Sat Jun 21 17:22:12 2003
@@ -7,17 +7,17 @@
-    attributes="getRegisteredMatching queryConfigurations"
+    attributes="getRegisteredMatching queryRegistrations"
-<content class=".utility.UtilityConfiguration">
+<content class=".utility.UtilityRegistration">
-    interface="zope.app.interfaces.services.utility.IUtilityConfiguration
+    interface="zope.app.interfaces.services.utility.IUtilityRegistration
-    set_schema="zope.app.interfaces.services.utility.IUtilityConfiguration"
+    set_schema="zope.app.interfaces.services.utility.IUtilityRegistration"

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/services/view.py 1.23 => 1.24 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/services/view.py:1.23	Thu Jun 19 17:55:45 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/services/view.py	Sat Jun 21 17:22:12 2003
@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@
 from zope.component.interfaces import IViewService
 from zope.component.exceptions import ComponentLookupError
 from zope.component import getServiceManager
-from zope.app.interfaces.services.configuration import IConfigurable
-from zope.app.services.configuration import ConfigurationRegistry
-from zope.app.services.configuration import SimpleConfiguration
+from zope.app.interfaces.services.registration import IRegistry
+from zope.app.services.registration import RegistrationStack
+from zope.app.services.registration import SimpleRegistration
 from zope.app.context import ContextWrapper
 from zope.context import ContextMethod
-from zope.app.services.configuration import ConfigurationStatusProperty
+from zope.app.services.registration import RegistrationStatusProperty
 from zope.app.component.nextservice import getNextService
 from zope.component import getSkin
 from zope.interface import implements
@@ -40,29 +40,29 @@
 from zope.app.traversing import getRoot, traverse
 from zope.exceptions import NotFoundError
-from zope.app.interfaces.services.view import IViewConfiguration
-from zope.app.interfaces.services.view import IPageConfiguration
+from zope.app.interfaces.services.view import IViewRegistration
+from zope.app.interfaces.services.view import IPageRegistration
 from zope.app.services.adapter import PersistentAdapterRegistry
 from zope.configuration.exceptions import ConfigurationError
 from zope.app.interfaces.services.service import ISimpleService
 class ViewService(Persistent):
-    implements(IViewService, IConfigurable, ISimpleService)
+    implements(IViewService, IRegistry, ISimpleService)
     def __init__(self):
         self._layers = PersistentDict()
-    def queryConfigurationsFor(self, configuration, default=None):
-        "See IConfigurable"
-        return self.queryConfigurations(
-            configuration.viewName, configuration.layer,
-            configuration.forInterface, configuration.presentationType,
+    def queryRegistrationsFor(self, registration, default=None):
+        "See IRegistry"
+        return self.queryRegistrations(
+            registration.viewName, registration.layer,
+            registration.forInterface, registration.presentationType,
-    queryConfigurationsFor = ContextMethod(queryConfigurationsFor)
+    queryRegistrationsFor = ContextMethod(queryRegistrationsFor)
-    def queryConfigurations(self, name, layer,
+    def queryRegistrations(self, name, layer,
                             forInterface, presentationType, default=None):
         names = self._layers.get(layer)
@@ -81,17 +81,17 @@
         return ContextWrapper(registry, self)
-    queryConfigurations = ContextMethod(queryConfigurations)
+    queryRegistrations = ContextMethod(queryRegistrations)
-    def createConfigurationsFor(self, configuration):
-        "See IConfigurable"
-        return self.createConfigurations(
-            configuration.viewName, configuration.layer,
-            configuration.forInterface, configuration.presentationType)
+    def createRegistrationsFor(self, registration):
+        "See IRegistry"
+        return self.createRegistrations(
+            registration.viewName, registration.layer,
+            registration.forInterface, registration.presentationType)
-    createConfigurationsFor = ContextMethod(createConfigurationsFor)
+    createRegistrationsFor = ContextMethod(createRegistrationsFor)
-    def createConfigurations(self,
+    def createRegistrations(self,
                              viewName, layer, forInterface, presentationType):
         names = self._layers.get(layer)
@@ -108,12 +108,12 @@
             forInterface, presentationType)
         if registry is None:
-            registry = ConfigurationRegistry()
+            registry = RegistrationStack()
             adapter_registry.register(forInterface, presentationType, registry)
         return ContextWrapper(registry, self)
-    createConfigurations = ContextMethod(createConfigurations)
+    createRegistrations = ContextMethod(createRegistrations)
     def getView(self, object, name, request):
         view = self.queryView(object, name, request)
@@ -215,13 +215,13 @@
         return result
-class ViewConfiguration(SimpleConfiguration):
+class ViewRegistration(SimpleRegistration):
-    implements(IViewConfiguration)
+    implements(IViewRegistration)
     serviceType = 'Views'
-    status = ConfigurationStatusProperty()
+    status = RegistrationStatusProperty()
     _what = "View" # For usageSummary(); subclass may override
@@ -250,9 +250,9 @@
             s = "%s in layer %s" % (s, self.layer)
         return s
-class PageConfiguration(ViewConfiguration):
+class PageRegistration(ViewRegistration):
-    implements(IPageConfiguration)
+    implements(IPageRegistration)
     # We only care about browser pages
     presentationType = IBrowserPresentation
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
                  class_=None, template=None, attribute=None,
-        super(PageConfiguration, self).__init__(
+        super(PageRegistration, self).__init__(
             forInterface, viewName, self.presentationType,
             class_, permission, layer)
@@ -289,19 +289,19 @@
     def validate(self):
         if self.template and self.attribute:
             raise ConfigurationError(
-                "PageConfiguration for %s view name %s: "
+                "PageRegistration for %s view name %s: "
                 "Cannot have both 'template' and 'attribute' at the same time." %
                 (self.forInterface, self.viewName))
         if not self.template and not self.attribute:
             raise ConfigurationError(
-                "PageConfiguration for %s view name %s: "
+                "PageRegistration for %s view name %s: "
                 "Should have a 'template' or 'attribute' attribute." %
                 (self.forInterface, self.viewName))
         if not self.class_ and self.attribute:
             raise ConfigurationError(
-                "PageConfiguration for %s view name %s: "
+                "PageRegistration for %s view name %s: "
                 "Cannot have an 'attribute' without a 'class_'." %
                 (self.forInterface, self.viewName))
@@ -335,7 +335,6 @@
     getView = ContextMethod(getView)
 class DefaultClass:
     def __init__(self, context, request):
@@ -352,3 +351,8 @@
         if not template_usage:
             kw["template_usage"] = template_usage
         return self.template.render(self.view, *args, **kw)
+# XXX Pickle backward compatability
+PageConfiguration = PageRegistration
+ViewConfiguration = ViewRegistration

=== Removed File Zope3/src/zope/app/services/configuration.py ===