[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces - context.py: zapi.py: copypastemove.py: dublincore.py: event.py: exceptions.py: form.py: fssync.py: introspector.py: talesapi.py: traversing.py:
Grégoire Weber
Sun, 22 Jun 2003 10:24:13 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv24874/src/zope/app/interfaces
Modified Files:
Tag: cw-mail-branch
copypastemove.py dublincore.py event.py exceptions.py form.py
fssync.py introspector.py talesapi.py traversing.py
Added Files:
Tag: cw-mail-branch
context.py zapi.py
Log Message:
Synced up with HEAD
=== Added File Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/context.py ===
# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.0 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
"""Interfaces related to context wrappers.
$Id: context.py,v 2003/06/22 14:23:11 gregweb Exp $
from zope.interface import Interface
import zope.context.interfaces
class IContextWrapper(Interface):
"""Wrapper API provided to applications."""
def ContextWrapper(object, parent, **data):
"""Create a context wrapper for object in parent
If the object is in a security proxy, then result will be
a security proxy for the unproxied object in context.
Consider an object, o1, in a proxy p1 with a checker c1.
If we call ContextWrapper(p1, parent, name='foo'), then we'll
Proxy(Wrapper(o1, parent, name='foo'), c1)
class IWrapper(zope.context.interfaces.IWrapper):
"""Base Context wrapper
These objects extend context wrappers to:
- Prevent pickling
- To wrapper interface declarations.
def __reduce__():
"""Raises pickle.PicklingError if called (to prevent pickling)"""
def __reduce_ex__(proto):
"""Raises pickle.PicklingError if called (to prevent pickling)"""
class IZopeContextWrapper(IWrapper):
"""Context wrappers that provide Zope framework support.
This is a marker interface used to provide extra functionality,
generally context-dependent, to make using objects in Zope more
Decorators registered to provide IZopeContextWrapper will usually
implement additional interfaces used by Zope.
=== Added File Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/zapi.py ===
# Copyright (c) 2003 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.0 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
"""Interface definition for the Zope convenience API module
$Id: zapi.py,v 2003/06/22 14:23:11 gregweb Exp $
from zope.component.interfaces import IComponentArchitecture
from zope.app.interfaces.context import IContextWrapper
from zope.context.interfaces import IWrapperIntrospection
from zope.context.interfaces import IContextAwareDescriptorSupport
from zope.app.interfaces.traversing import ITraversalAPI
class IZAPI(
"""Convenience API for use with Zope applications.
def name(obj):
"""Return an object's name
This is the name the object is stored under in the container
it was accessed in. If the name is unknown, None is returned.
=== Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/copypastemove.py 1.4 => ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/copypastemove.py:1.4 Mon Mar 31 09:48:41 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/copypastemove.py Sun Jun 22 10:23:11 2003
@@ -1,3 +1,200 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2003 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.0 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Copy and Move support
+XXX The theory is unclear about whether copy and move are about
+ containers or not. Many of the relevent interfaces are in
+ zope.app.interfaces.container, even though they are supposed not
+ to be indepenent of IContainer.
+ Perhaps we should just say that this is about containers and move
+ these interfaces there.
+ Zope 3 needs to support three kinds of cut/copy/paste behaviour.
+ * Renaming an object to a different name in the same container.
+ * Moving an object from one place to another.
+ * Copying an object to another place.
+ The design for this needs to provide the right capabilities and
+ introspection to the user-interface. The appropriate events need
+ to be issued. The appropriate hooks, such as IDeleteNotifiable,
+ need to be called.
+ Events and hooks
+ First, I need to explain events and hooks.
+ When an object is added to a container, if the object has an
+ IAddNotifiable adapter, that adapter's 'manage_afterAdd' method
+ is called. Then, an IObjectAddedEvent is published for the object.
+ Then an IObjectModifiedEvent is published for the container.
+ When an object is removed from a container, if the object has an
+ IDeleteNotifiable adapter, that adapter's 'manage_beforeDelete' method
+ is called. Then, an IObjectRemovedEvent is published for the object.
+ Then an IObjectModifiedEvent is published for the container.
+ When an object gets moved, it is a bit like being deleted and then added.
+ For many kinds of things you'd want to do in manage_afterAdd and
+ manage_beforeDelete, it is entirely appropriate to do these things
+ when an object is moved. However, in other cases you want special
+ behaviour on a move. So, IMoveNotifiable extends both IDeleteNotifiable
+ and IAddNotifiable, adds no further methods, but extends the method
+ signatures. This avoids the problem of an object that needs to be
+ notified of moves and of deletes, and do something different in each
+ case.
+ See zope.app.interrfaces.container.IMoveNotifiable and
+ zope.app.interrfaces.container.ICopyNotifiable.
+ The IZopeContainerAdapter is responsible for calling the hooks and
+ sending the events when you add or remove things from a container.
+ Renaming
+ Renaming an object is performed by moving it.
+ The ZopeContainerAdapter should be extended with a 'rename' method
+ for renaming an object in a container. This will be used by the
+ simple UI gesture for renaming something.
+ The rename method looks like this::
+ def rename(currentKey, newKey):
+ '''Put the object found at 'currentKey' under 'newKey' instead.
+ The container can choose different or modified 'newKey'. The
+ 'newKey' that was used is returned.
+ If the object at 'currentKey' is IMoveNotifiable, its
+ manage_beforeDelete method is called, with a movingTo
+ argument of the container's path plus the 'newKey'.
+ Otherwise, if the object at 'currentKey' is IDeleteNotifiable,
+ its manage_beforeDelete method is called.
+ Then, the object is removed from the container using the
+ container's __del__ method.
+ Then, If the object is IMoveNotifiable, its manage_afterAdd
+ method is called, with a movedFrom argument of the container's
+ path plus the 'currentKey'.
+ Otherwise, if the object is IAddNotifiable, its manage_afterAdd
+ method is called.
+ Then, an IObjectMovedEvent is published.
+ '''
+ Note that zope.app.interfaces.event.IObjectMovedEvent extends
+ both zope.app.interfaces.event.IObjectRemovedEvent and
+ zope.app.interfaces.event.IObjectAddedEvent.
+ Similarly zope.app.interfaces.event.IObjectCopiedEvent extends
+ should be made to IObjectAddedEvent.
+ Moving and copying
+ IObjectMover is what you adapt an object to when you want to move
+ it. The adapter is responsible for calling the manage_beforeDelete and
+ manage_afterAdd methods on an I(Add|Delete|Move)Notifiable adapter of
+ the object, as described above.
+ The IObjectMover adapter is also responsible for publishing an
+ IObjectMoved event in the context of the original container.
+ The 'moveTo()' method will get hold of an IMoveSource for
+ the object's container, and an IPasteTarget for the container the object
+ is being moved to.
+ Likewise, IObjectCopier is what you adapt an object to when you want to
+ copy it. The IObjectCopier adapter is responsible for calling a
+ manage_afterAdd hook on an I(Add|Copy)Notifiable adapter of the object.
+ The zope.app.interrfaces.container.IPasteTarget,
+ zope.app.interrfaces.container.IMoveSource, and
+ zope.app.interrfaces.container.ICopySource interfaces are designed
+ to be independent of IContainer. Adapters will be available for
+ IContainer, though. The idea is that it should be easy for
+ non-container classes to implement copy and paste, without having to
+ be containers.
+ A zope.app.interrfaces.container.IPasteTarget adapter must be
+ available for the object you want to copy or move something into.
+ A zope.app.interrfaces.container.IMoveSource adapter must be
+ available for an object you want to move something from.
+ Similarly, a zope.app.interrfaces.container.ICopySource adapter must
+ be available for an object you want to copy something from.
+Stepped out examples
+ These examples are simplified, and assume things, such as that an
+ IPasteTarget adapter is unconditionally available, and copying across
+ databases is not supported.
+ Copying the object at '/foo/bar/baz' to '/fish/tree/zab'
+ Basic application code::
+ obj = traverse(context, '/foo/bar/baz')
+ target = traverse(context, '/fish/tree')
+ copier = getAdapter(obj, IObjectCopier)
+ if copier.copyableTo(target, 'zab'):
+ copier.copy(target, 'zab')
+ Inside the 'copier.copyableTo()' method::
+ def copyableTo(self, target, name=None):
+ obj = self.context
+ if name is None:
+ name = getName(obj)
+ pastetarget = getAdapter(target, IPasteTarget)
+ return pastetarget.acceptsObject(name, obj)
+ Inside the 'copier.copy()' method::
+ def copy(self, target, name=None):
+ obj = self.context
+ if name is None:
+ name = getName(obj)
+ copysource = getAdapter(getParent(obj), ICopySource)
+ obj = copysource.copyObject(name, target)
+ pastetarget = getAdapter(target, IPasteTarget)
+ new_obj = self._pickle_then_unpickle(obj)
+ # publish an ObjectCreatedEvent (perhaps...?)
+ new_name = pastetarget.pasteObject(name, new_obj)
+ # call manage_afterAdd hook
+ # publish ObjectCopiedEvent
+ return new_name
+ def _pickle_then_unpickle(self, obj):
+ # Remove proxies from obj, pickle and then unpickle it.
+ # Return the result. Or, something like that
+ ....
from zope.interface import Interface
class IObjectMover(Interface):
=== Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/dublincore.py 1.4 => ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/dublincore.py:1.4 Tue Feb 25 09:13:47 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/dublincore.py Sun Jun 22 10:23:11 2003
@@ -16,13 +16,202 @@
from zope.app.interfaces.annotation import IAnnotatable
-from zope.app.dublincore.general \
- import IGeneralDublinCore, IWritableGeneralDublinCore
from zope.interface import Interface
from zope.schema import Text, TextLine, Datetime, Sequence
-# XXX This will need to be filled out more.
+class IDublinCoreElementItem(Interface):
+ """A qualified sublin core element"""
+ qualification = TextLine(title = u"Qualification",
+ description = u"The element qualification"
+ )
+ value = Text(title = u"Value",
+ description = u"The element value",
+ )
+class IGeneralDublinCore(Interface):
+ """Dublin-core data access interface
+ The Dublin Core, http://dublincore.org/, is a meta data standard
+ that specifies a set of standard data elements. It provides
+ flexibility of interpretation of these elements by providing for
+ element qualifiers that specialize the meaning of specific
+ elements. For example, a date element might have a qualifier, like
+ "creation" to indicate that the date is a creation date. In
+ addition, any element may be repeated. For some elements, like
+ subject, and contributor, this is obviously necessary, but for
+ other elements, like title and description, allowing repetitions
+ is not very useful and adds complexity.
+ This interface provides methods for retrieving data in full
+ generality, to be complient with the dublin core standard.
+ Other interfaces will provide more convenient access methods
+ tailored to specific element usage patterns.
+ """
+ def getQualifiedTitles():
+ """Return a sequence of Title IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def getQualifiedCreators():
+ """Return a sequence of Creator IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def getQualifiedSubjects():
+ """Return a sequence of Subject IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def getQualifiedDescriptions():
+ """Return a sequence of Description IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def getQualifiedPublishers():
+ """Return a sequence of Publisher IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def getQualifiedContributors():
+ """Return a sequence of Contributor IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def getQualifiedDates():
+ """Return a sequence of Date IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def getQualifiedTypes():
+ """Return a sequence of Type IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def getQualifiedFormats():
+ """Return a sequence of Format IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def getQualifiedIdentifiers():
+ """Return a sequence of Identifier IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def getQualifiedSources():
+ """Return a sequence of Source IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def getQualifiedLanguages():
+ """Return a sequence of Language IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def getQualifiedRelations():
+ """Return a sequence of Relation IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def getQualifiedCoverages():
+ """Return a sequence of Coverage IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def getQualifiedRights():
+ """Return a sequence of Rights IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+class IWritableGeneralDublinCore(Interface):
+ """Provide write access to dublin core data
+ This interface augments IStandardDublinCore with methods for
+ writing elements.
+ """
+ def setQualifiedTitles(qualified_titles):
+ """Set the qualified Title elements.
+ The argument must be a sequence of IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def setQualifiedCreators(qualified_creators):
+ """Set the qualified Creator elements.
+ The argument must be a sequence of Creator IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def setQualifiedSubjects(qualified_subjects):
+ """Set the qualified Subjects elements.
+ The argument must be a sequence of Subject IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def setQualifiedDescriptions(qualified_descriptions):
+ """Set the qualified Descriptions elements.
+ The argument must be a sequence of Description IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def setQualifiedPublishers(qualified_publishers):
+ """Set the qualified Publishers elements.
+ The argument must be a sequence of Publisher IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def setQualifiedContributors(qualified_contributors):
+ """Set the qualified Contributors elements.
+ The argument must be a sequence of Contributor IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def setQualifiedDates(qualified_dates):
+ """Set the qualified Dates elements.
+ The argument must be a sequence of Date IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def setQualifiedTypes(qualified_types):
+ """Set the qualified Types elements.
+ The argument must be a sequence of Type IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def setQualifiedFormats(qualified_formats):
+ """Set the qualified Formats elements.
+ The argument must be a sequence of Format IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def setQualifiedIdentifiers(qualified_identifiers):
+ """Set the qualified Identifiers elements.
+ The argument must be a sequence of Identifier IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def setQualifiedSources(qualified_sources):
+ """Set the qualified Sources elements.
+ The argument must be a sequence of Source IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def setQualifiedLanguages(qualified_languages):
+ """Set the qualified Languages elements.
+ The argument must be a sequence of Language IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def setQualifiedRelations(qualified_relations):
+ """Set the qualified Relations elements.
+ The argument must be a sequence of Relation IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def setQualifiedCoverages(qualified_coverages):
+ """Set the qualified Coverages elements.
+ The argument must be a sequence of Coverage IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+ def setQualifiedRights(qualified_rights):
+ """Set the qualified Rights elements.
+ The argument must be a sequence of Rights IDublinCoreElementItem.
+ """
+# XXX This will need to be filled out more.
class IDCDescriptiveProperties(Interface):
"""Basic descriptive meta-data properties
@@ -263,7 +452,6 @@
class IZopeDublinCore(
- IWritableGeneralDublinCore,
@@ -271,6 +459,13 @@
"""Zope Dublin Core properties"""
+class IWriteZopeDublinCore(
+ IZopeDublinCore,
+ IWritableGeneralDublinCore,
+ ):
+ """Zope Dublin Core properties with generate update support"""
class IZopeDublinCoreAnnotatable(IAnnotatable):
"""Objects that can be annotated with Zope Dublin-Core meta data
=== Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/event.py 1.7 => ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/event.py:1.7 Tue May 20 12:57:52 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/event.py Sun Jun 22 10:23:11 2003
@@ -297,12 +297,12 @@
class IObjectRemovedEvent(IObjectEvent):
"""An object has been removed from a container"""
-class IObjectMovedEvent(IObjectEvent):
+class IObjectMovedEvent(IObjectRemovedEvent, IObjectAddedEvent):
"""An object has been moved"""
fromLocation = Attribute("The old location for the object.")
-class IObjectCopiedEvent(IObjectEvent):
+class IObjectCopiedEvent(IObjectAddedEvent):
"""An object has been copied"""
fromLocation = Attribute("The old location for the object.")
=== Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/exceptions.py 1.1 => ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/exceptions.py:1.1 Fri Mar 7 07:06:37 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/exceptions.py Sun Jun 22 10:23:11 2003
@@ -13,9 +13,8 @@
-__metaclass__ = type
-from zope.interface import Interface
+from zope.interface import Interface, implements
class IUserError(Interface):
"""User error exceptions
@@ -27,5 +26,4 @@
These exceptions should generally be displayed to users unless
they are handled.
- __implements__ = IUserError
+ implements(IUserError)
=== Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/form.py 1.2 => ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/form.py:1.2 Fri Feb 21 12:52:19 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/form.py Sun Jun 22 10:23:11 2003
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
defined for the widget.""")
def getValue(name):
- """Look up a Widget setting (value) by name."""
+ """Look up a Widget configuration setting by name."""
def getData():
"""Return converted and validated widget data.
@@ -125,4 +125,12 @@
The given value should be used even if the user has entered
+ """
+ def setPrefix(prefix):
+ """Set the name prefix used for the widget
+ The widget name is used to identify the widget's data within
+ input data. For example, for HTTP forms, the widget name is
+ used for the form key.
=== Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/fssync.py 1.2 => ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/fssync.py:1.2 Mon May 5 14:01:02 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/fssync.py Sun Jun 22 10:23:11 2003
@@ -31,6 +31,13 @@
objects that will be serialized to or from the file system.
+ def annotations():
+ """Returns annotations data for the entry.
+ This behaves similar to extra(). The default implementation
+ might return queryAdapter(obj, IAnnotations).
+ """
def typeIdentifier():
"""Return a dotted name that identifies the object type.
@@ -107,14 +114,3 @@
A factory for a Synchronization Adapter is provided to create
synchronizers for instances of the class.
-class IFSAddView(IView):
- """Add objects to ZODB from file system.
- Implementation of this view helps in creating
- file system representation for zope objects.
- """
- def create(fspath=None):
- """Create file system representation for zope objects."""
=== Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/introspector.py 1.2 => ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/introspector.py:1.2 Wed Dec 25 09:12:56 2002
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/introspector.py Sun Jun 22 10:23:11 2003
@@ -46,5 +46,5 @@
def getExtends():
"""Returns all the class extended up to the top most level"""
- def getInterfaceConfiguration():
+ def getInterfaceRegistration():
"""Returns details for a interface configuration"""
=== Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/talesapi.py 1.2 => ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/talesapi.py:1.2 Wed Apr 16 04:26:34 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/talesapi.py Sun Jun 22 10:23:11 2003
@@ -15,11 +15,27 @@
+from zope.app.interfaces.dublincore import IDCDescriptiveProperties
+from zope.app.interfaces.dublincore import IDCTimes
-from zope.interface import Interface
+class IZopeTalesAPI(IDCDescriptiveProperties, IDCTimes):
-class IZopeTalesAPI(Interface):
+ def name():
+ """Return the object's name
- def title():
- """Return an object title
+ This is the name the object is stored under in the container
+ it was accessed in.
+ def title_or_name():
+ """Return the title, if the is one, or the name otherwise
+ """
+ def size():
+ """Return a string representing the size of the object
+ This string could be a collection of digits or a descriptive
+ string of some sort. If the size can't be determined
+ (e.g. the object has no size), an empty string is returned.
+ """
=== Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/traversing.py 1.4 => ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/traversing.py:1.4 Mon Mar 24 11:42:21 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/traversing.py Sun Jun 22 10:23:11 2003
@@ -37,20 +37,6 @@
It is not the respoonsibility of the handler to wrap the return value.
-class IObjectName(Interface):
- def __str__():
- """Get a human-readable string representation
- """
- def __repr__():
- """Get a string representation
- """
- def __call__():
- """Get a string representation
- """
class IPhysicallyLocatable(Interface):
"""Objects that have a physical location in a containment hierarchy.
@@ -63,6 +49,10 @@
"""Return the physical path to the object as a string.
+ def getName():
+ """Return the last segment of the physical path.
+ """
class ITraversable(Interface):
"""To traverse an object, this interface must be provided"""
@@ -102,4 +92,101 @@
'request' is passed in when traversing from presentation code. This
allows paths like @@foo to work.
+class ITraversalAPI(Interface):
+ """Common API functions to ease traversal computations
+ """
+ def joinPath(path, *args):
+ """Join the given relative paths to the given path.
+ Returns a unicode path.
+ The path should be well-formed, and not end in a '/' unless it is
+ the root path. It can be either a string (ascii only) or unicode.
+ The positional arguments are relative paths to be added to the
+ path as new path segments. The path may be absolute or relative.
+ A segment may not start with a '/' because that would be confused
+ with an absolute path. A segment may not end with a '/' because we
+ do not allow '/' at the end of relative paths. A segment may
+ consist of . or .. to mean "the same place", or "the parent path"
+ respectively. A '.' should be removed and a '..' should cause the
+ segment to the left to be removed. joinPath('/', '..') should
+ raise an exception.
+ """
+ def getPath(obj):
+ """Returns a string representing the physical path to the object.
+ """
+ def getRoot(obj):
+ """Returns the root of the traversal for the given object.
+ """
+ def traverse(object, path, default=None, request=None):
+ """Traverse 'path' relative to the given object.
+ 'path' is a string with path segments separated by '/'.
+ 'request' is passed in when traversing from presentation code. This
+ allows paths like @@foo to work.
+ Raises NotFoundError if path cannot be found
+ Raises TypeError if place is not context wrapped
+ Note: calling traverse with a path argument taken from an untrusted
+ source, such as an HTTP request form variable, is a bad idea.
+ It could allow a maliciously constructed request to call
+ code unexpectedly.
+ Consider using traverseName instead.
+ """
+ def traverseName(obj, name, default=None, traversable=None,
+ request=None):
+ """Traverse a single step 'name' relative to the given object.
+ 'name' must be a string. '.' and '..' are treated specially, as well as
+ names starting with '@' or '+'. Otherwise 'name' will be treated as a
+ single path segment.
+ You can explicitly pass in an ITraversable as the
+ 'traversable' argument. If you do not, the given object will
+ be adapted to ITraversable.
+ 'request' is passed in when traversing from presentation code. This
+ allows paths like @@foo to work.
+ Raises NotFoundError if path cannot be found and 'default' was
+ not provided.
+ """
+ def getName(obj):
+ """Get the name an object was traversed via
+ """
+ def getParent(obj):
+ """Returns the container the object was traversed via.
+ Returns None if the object is a containment root.
+ Raises TypeError if the object doesn't have enough context to get the
+ parent.
+ """
+ def getParents(obj):
+ """Returns a list starting with the given object's parent followed by
+ each of its parents.
+ Raises a TypeError if the context doesn't go all the way down to
+ a containment root.
+ """
+ def canonicalPath(path_or_object):
+ """Returns a canonical absolute unicode path for the path or object.
+ Resolves segments that are '.' or '..'.
+ Raises ValueError if a badly formed path is given.
+ """