[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/help - register.stx:1.1 unregister.stx:1.1

Roger Ineichen roger@projekt01.ch
Tue, 24 Jun 2003 06:35:23 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/help
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv3589

Added Files:
	register.stx unregister.stx 
Log Message:
Added documentation for the help namescape.

=== Added File Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/help/register.stx ===
register (class zope.app.onlinehelp.metaconfigure)

  The register directive defines a help topic in the help system.


    parent -- (optional)

      Location of this topic's parent in the OnlineHelp tree.

    id -- (reqired)

      The id of the help topic.

    title -- (required)

      Specifies title of the topic. This title will be used in
      the tree as Identification.

    doc_path --  (required)

      Specifies where the file that contains the topic content is located on the

    doc_type -- (required)

      Defines the type of document this topic will be.
      Examples (not necessarily available) are: TXT, reST, HTML

    for -- (optional)

      The interface this help topic applies to.

      The help topic will be for all objects that implement this interface.
      If 'for' is not supplied, the help topic applies to all objects
      (XXX this ought to change).
      This can be optional, since not all topics must be bound to a particular

    view -- (optional)

      This attribute specifies the name of the view for which
      this topic is registered. Note that this attribute is also

=== Added File Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/help/unregister.stx ===
unregister (class zope.app.onlinehelp.metaconfigure)

  This directive unregisters a particular help topic.


    path --  (required)

      Specifies the path to the help topic that needs to be unregistered.