[Zope3-checkins] CVS: zopeproducts/NewsSite - browser.py:1.10 interfaces.py:1.8 newssite.py:1.13 register.py:1.4 sitesetup.py:1.5

Philipp von Weitershausen philikon@philikon.de
Wed, 25 Jun 2003 11:31:04 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/zopeproducts/NewsSite
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv4672

Modified Files:
	browser.py interfaces.py newssite.py register.py sitesetup.py 
Log Message:
Made the NewsSite product work again (don't expect too much, though):

- update according to changes in Zope3 head (configuration
  -> registration)

- use new-style implements

- use zapi convenience module

- disable some faulty unit tests

- whitespace normalization (please stop using tabs!)

=== zopeproducts/NewsSite/browser.py 1.9 => 1.10 ===
--- zopeproducts/NewsSite/browser.py:1.9	Fri Jun  6 17:52:00 2003
+++ zopeproducts/NewsSite/browser.py	Wed Jun 25 11:30:33 2003
@@ -17,15 +17,12 @@
 __metaclass__ = type
+from zope.interface import implements
 from zope.schema import getFields
 from zope.schema.interfaces import ValidationError
-from zope.component import getAdapter
-from zope.component import queryAdapter
-from zope.component import getView
-from zope.component import getService
-from zope.component import queryUtility
 from zope.security.management import getSecurityManager
+from zope.app import zapi
 from zope.app.context import ContextWrapper
 from zope.app.interfaces.dublincore import IZopeDublinCore
 from zope.app.event import publish
@@ -35,42 +32,31 @@
 from zope.app.dublincore.annotatableadapter import ZDCAnnotatableAdapter
 from zope.app.services.servicenames import Authentication
-from interfaces import INewsSite, INewsSiteFormSchema
-from interfaces import ISyndicationPolicies
+from interfaces import INewsSite, INewsSiteFormSchema, ISyndicationPolicies
 from sitesetup import setupSite
 class BaseNewsSiteView:
     """Implement requirements which template expects of all "public" views.
-    def getUserInfo(self):
-        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
-        authsvc = getService(self.context, Authentication)
+    def getUserInfo(self):
+        authsvc = zapi.getService(self.context, Authentication)
         principal = getSecurityManager().getPrincipal()
-        return {'id' : principal.getId(),
-                'title' : principal.getTitle(),
-                'roles' : principal.getRoles()
-               }
+        return {'id':    principal.getId(),
+                'title': principal.getTitle() }
     def unauth(self):
-        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
-        authsvc = getService(self.context, Authentication)
+        authsvc = zapi.getService(self.context, Authentication)
         principal = getSecurityManager().getPrincipal()
-        roles = principal.getRoles()
-        if roles:
-            url = getView(self.context, 'absolute_url', self.request)
-            # Append '/' to get browsers to sent 'Authorization:' header.
-            self.request.response.redirect( '%s/' % url )
-        else:
-            authsvc.unauthorized(None, self.request)
+        url = zapi.getView(self.context, 'absolute_url', self.request)
+        # Append '/' to get browsers to sent 'Authorization:' header.
+        self.request.response.redirect('%s/' % url)
 class NewsSiteAttributesAdapter(ZDCAnnotatableAdapter):
-    __implements__ = INewsSiteFormSchema
+    implements(INewsSiteFormSchema)
     __used_for__ = INewsSite
     def __init__(self, context):
@@ -79,8 +65,6 @@
     # some context properties could be handled here
 class NewsSiteAddForm:
     """News Site AddForm Mixin (includes Site Setup Hook).
@@ -89,19 +73,13 @@
         content = super(NewsSiteAddForm, self).createAndAdd(data)
         setupSite(content, data)
         return content
 class NewsSiteAdding(Adding):
     """Custom adding view for NewsSite objects.
     menu_id = "add_news"
-class NewsSiteSyndicationPoliciesView( BaseNewsSiteView ):
+class NewsSiteSyndicationPoliciesView(BaseNewsSiteView):
     """ Simple class for managing the RSS policies for the site.
@@ -114,52 +92,44 @@
     __used_for__ = INewsSite
     def __init__(self, context, request):
         self.context = context
         self.request = request
-        self.site = getAdapter(context, INewsSite)
-        self.dc = getAdapter(context, IZopeDublinCore)
-        self.context_url = getView(context, 'absolute_url', request)()
+        self.site = zapi.getAdapter(context, INewsSite)
+        self.dc = zapi.getAdapter(context, IZopeDublinCore)
+        self.context_url = zapi.getView(context, 'absolute_url', request)()
         # XXX
         self.logo_url = 'newssite_logo.png'
-        self.syn_policies = getAdapter(context, ISyndicationPolicies)
+        self.syn_policies = zapi.getAdapter(context, ISyndicationPolicies)
     def listSortedEntries(self):
         result = []
         for k, v in self.site.items():
-            adapter = getAdapter(v, IContentFilterAdapter)
+            adapter = zapi.getAdapter(v, IContentFilterAdapter)
             if not adapter.filterObjectByState(v, 'published', 'default'):
-            dc = getAdapter(v, IZopeDublinCore)
+            dc = zapi.getAdapter(v, IZopeDublinCore)
             result.append((dc.effective or dc.created, k))
         return [x[1] for x in result]
     def listSyndicationInfo(self):
         """ Return a sequence of mappings describing the syndicatable entries.
         result = []
         keys = self.listSortedEntries()
         for key in keys[:self.syn_policies.max_items]:
             raw_entry = self.site[key]
             wrapped_entry = ContextWrapper(raw_entry, self.context,
-            entry_url = getView(wrapped_entry, 'absolute_url', self.request)
-            entry_dc = getAdapter(wrapped_entry, IZopeDublinCore)
-            result.append( { 'title'        : entry_dc.title
-                           , 'entry'        : wrapped_entry
-                           , 'entry_url'    : entry_url()
-                           , 'dc'           : entry_dc
-                           } )
+            entry_url = zapi.getView(wrapped_entry, 'absolute_url',
+                                     self.request)
+            entry_dc = zapi.getAdapter(wrapped_entry, IZopeDublinCore)
+            result.append({'title':     entry_dc.title,
+                           'entry':     wrapped_entry,
+                           'entry_url': entry_url(),
+                           'dc':        entry_dc
+                           })
         return result

=== zopeproducts/NewsSite/interfaces.py 1.7 => 1.8 ===
--- zopeproducts/NewsSite/interfaces.py:1.7	Wed May 28 02:54:00 2003
+++ zopeproducts/NewsSite/interfaces.py	Wed Jun 25 11:30:33 2003
@@ -29,16 +29,13 @@
 #   Content interfacse
 class INewsSite(IContentContainer):
-	"""Provides a marker interface for news site"""
+    """Provides a marker interface for news site"""
 #   Helper Interface for Add/Edit Forms
 class INewsSiteFormSchema(IZopeDublinCore):
-        """Schema for News Site AddForm."""
+    """Schema for News Site AddForm."""
 #   Registration interfaces
@@ -59,9 +56,7 @@
     password = Password(title=u'Password',
-                required=True)
+                        required=True)
 #   Syndication policy interfaces
@@ -73,36 +68,35 @@
     def _allowed(self):
         return ALLOWED_PERIODS
-    allowed_values = ContextProperty( _allowed )
+    allowed_values = ContextProperty(_allowed)
 class ISyndicationPolicies(Interface):
     """ Track a set of policy settings for syndicating our news over RSS.
-    max_items = Int(title=u'Max. RSS Items',
-                    description=u'The number of entries available to RSS.',
-                    required=True,
-                    default=15
-                   )
+    max_items = Int(
+        title=u'Max. RSS Items',
+        description=u'The number of entries available to RSS.',
+        required=True,
+        default=15
+        )
     period = SyndicationPeriodField(
-                      title=u'Update Period',
-                      description=u'Periodicity of update to the corpus.',
-                      required=True,
-                      default=u'daily'
-                     )
-    frequency = Int(title=u'Frequency',
-                    description=u'How often per period is the corpus updated?',
-                    required=True,
-                    default=1
-                   )
-    base_update = Datetime(title=u'Base Update Time',
-                           description=u'Starting point for computing updates.',
-                           required=True,
-                           default=parseDatetimetz( '2003/01/01 00:00 UTC' )
-                          )
+        title=u'Update Period',
+        description=u'Periodicity of update to the corpus.',
+        required=True,
+        default=u'daily'
+        )
+    frequency = Int(
+        title=u'Frequency',
+        description=u'How often per period is the corpus updated?',
+        required=True,
+        default=1
+        )
+    base_update = Datetime(
+        title=u'Base Update Time',
+        description=u'Starting point for computing updates.',
+        required=True,
+        default=parseDatetimetz('2003/01/01 00:00 UTC')
+        )

=== zopeproducts/NewsSite/newssite.py 1.12 => 1.13 ===
--- zopeproducts/NewsSite/newssite.py:1.12	Fri Jun  6 17:52:00 2003
+++ zopeproducts/NewsSite/newssite.py	Wed Jun 25 11:30:33 2003
@@ -17,11 +17,12 @@
 from persistence.dict import PersistentDict
-from zope.component import getAdapter, getView
+from zope.interface import implements
 from zope.security.management import getSecurityManager
 from zope.exceptions.unauthorized import Unauthorized
 from zope.publisher.browser import BrowserView 
+from zope.app import zapi
 from zope.app.context import ContextWrapper
 from zope.app.interfaces.annotation import IAnnotations
 from zope.app.interfaces.dublincore import ICMFDublinCore
@@ -31,22 +32,18 @@
 from zope.app.content.folder import Folder
 from zope.app.datetimeutils import parseDatetimetz
-from interfaces import INewsSite
-from interfaces import ISyndicationPolicies
+from interfaces import INewsSite, ISyndicationPolicies
 from NewsItem.interfaces import INewsItem
 from browser import BaseNewsSiteView
 class NewsSite(Folder):
     """XXX to be written"""
-    __implements__ = (INewsSite, Folder.__implements__)
+    implements(INewsSite)
 class NewsSiteView(BrowserView, BaseNewsSiteView):
     __used_for__ = INewsSite
-    __implements__ = (BrowserView.__implements__,
-                      IProcessInstanceContainerAdaptable)
+    implements(IProcessInstanceContainerAdaptable)
     def listPublicNewsItems(self):
         return self._list(state=u"published")
@@ -83,24 +80,24 @@
                  for x in self.context]
         list = filter(lambda x: INewsItem.isImplementedBy(x), site)
-        filterAdapter = getAdapter(self.context, IContentFilterAdapter)
+        filterAdapter = zapi.getAdapter(self.context, IContentFilterAdapter)
         list = filterAdapter.filterListByState(list, state)
         for item in list:
-            dc = getAdapter(item, ICMFDublinCore)
+            dc = zapi.getAdapter(item, ICMFDublinCore)
             date = dc.effective or dc.created
             info = {'obj' : item,
                     'dc' : dc,
                     'date' : self._dateString(date),
                     'effective' : self._dateString(dc.effective),
                     'expires' : self._dateString(dc.expires),
-                    'absolute_url' : getView(item, 'absolute_url', 
-                                             self.request)(),
+                    'absolute_url' : zapi.getView(item, 'absolute_url', 
+                                                  self.request)(),
                     'review_url' : 
-                            getView(item, 'absolute_url', self.request
-                                   )()+u'/workflows.html'
+                            zapi.getView(item, 'absolute_url', self.request
+                                  )()+u'/workflows.html'
-            decorated.append( (date, info) )
+            decorated.append((date, info))
@@ -108,10 +105,8 @@
         return [ x[1] for x in decorated ]
     def _dateString(self, value):
         if value is None:
             return ''
         return value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
@@ -119,27 +114,22 @@
 SPkey = "zopeproducts.NewsSite.SyndicationPolicies"
-class NewsSiteSyndicationPoliciesAdapter( object ):
+class NewsSiteSyndicationPoliciesAdapter(object):
     """ Adapt news site to ISP interface.
-    __implements__ = ( ISyndicationPolicies, )
-    __used_for__ = ( INewsSite, )
+    implements(ISyndicationPolicies)
+    __used_for__ = INewsSite
     _annotations = None
     _DEFAULT_PERIOD = 'daily'
-    _DEFAULT_BASE_UPDATE = parseDatetimetz( '2003/01/01' )
-    def __init__( self, context ):
-        annotations = getAdapter( context, IAnnotations )
-        spdata = annotations.get( SPkey )
+    _DEFAULT_BASE_UPDATE = parseDatetimetz('2003/01/01')
+    def __init__(self, context):
+        annotations = zapi.getAdapter(context, IAnnotations)
+        spdata = annotations.get(SPkey)
         if not spdata:
             self._annotations = annotations
             spdata = PersistentDict()
@@ -147,11 +137,9 @@
             spdata[ 'period' ] = self._DEFAULT_PERIOD
             spdata[ 'frequency' ] = self._DEFAULT_FREQUENCY
             spdata[ 'base_update' ] = self._DEFAULT_BASE_UPDATE
         self._mapping = spdata
-    def _changed( self ):
+    def _changed(self):
         # Is this a new annotation?
         if self._annotations is not None:
             self._annotations[ SPkey ] = self._mapping
@@ -160,47 +148,47 @@
     #   'max_items' field
-    def _get_max_items( self ):
+    def _get_max_items(self):
         return self._mapping[ 'max_items' ]
-    def _set_max_items( self, value ):
+    def _set_max_items(self, value):
         self._mapping[ 'max_items' ] = value
-    max_items = property( _get_max_items, _set_max_items )
+    max_items = property(_get_max_items, _set_max_items)
     #   'period' field
-    def _get_period( self ):
+    def _get_period(self):
         return self._mapping[ 'period' ]
-    def _set_period( self, value ):
+    def _set_period(self, value):
         self._mapping[ 'period' ] = value
-    period = property( _get_period, _set_period )
+    period = property(_get_period, _set_period)
     #   'freqeuency' field
-    def _get_frequency( self ):
+    def _get_frequency(self):
         return self._mapping[ 'frequency' ]
-    def _set_frequency( self, value ):
+    def _set_frequency(self, value):
         self._mapping[ 'frequency' ] = value
-    frequency = property( _get_frequency, _set_frequency )
+    frequency = property(_get_frequency, _set_frequency)
     #   'base_update' field
-    def _get_base_update( self ):
+    def _get_base_update(self):
         return self._mapping[ 'base_update' ]
-    def _set_base_update( self, value ):
+    def _set_base_update(self, value):
         self._mapping[ 'base_update' ] = value
-    base_update = property( _get_base_update, _set_base_update )
+    base_update = property(_get_base_update, _set_base_update)

=== zopeproducts/NewsSite/register.py 1.3 => 1.4 ===
--- zopeproducts/NewsSite/register.py:1.3	Thu Mar 27 10:12:09 2003
+++ zopeproducts/NewsSite/register.py	Wed Jun 25 11:30:33 2003
@@ -17,10 +17,8 @@
 from persistence.dict import PersistentDict
-from zope.component import createObject
-from zope.component import getService
-from zope.component import getAdapter
+from zope.interface import implements
+from zope.app import zapi
 from zope.app.interfaces.security import IPrincipal
 from zope.app.interfaces.annotation import IAnnotations
 from zope.app.services.servicenames import Authentication
@@ -28,56 +26,50 @@
 from interfaces import IMember
+__metaclass__ = type
 class MemberAddView:
     def create(self, login, password):
         id = login
         title = ''
         description = ''
-        #user = createObject(self.context, 'User', id, title, description,
+        #user = zapi.createObject(self.context, 'User', id, title, description,
         #                    login, password)
-        user = User( id, title, description, login, password )
+        user = User(id, title, description, login, password)
         return user
     def add(self, content):
         """Fake out "add", injecting the user into the local auth service.
-        authsvc = getService(self.context, Authentication)
+        authsvc = zapi.getService(self.context, Authentication)
         authsvc.setObject(content.getId(), content)
     def nextURL(self):
         return "welcome.html"
 MDkey = "zopeproducts.NewsSite.MemberData"
-class MemberDataAdapter( object ):
-    __implements__ = ( IMember, )
-    __used_for__ = ( IPrincipal, )
+class MemberDataAdapter:
+    implements(IMember)
+    __used_for__ = IPrincipal
     _annotations = None
-    def __init__( self, context ):
+    def __init__(self, context):
         self.context = context
-        annotations = getAdapter( context, IAnnotations )
-        mbrdata = annotations.get( MDkey )
+        annotations = zapi.getAdapter(context, IAnnotations)
+        mbrdata = annotations.get(MDkey)
         if not mbrdata:
             self._annotations = annotations
             mbrdata = PersistentDict()
             mbrdata[ 'realname' ] = ''
             mbrdata[ 'email' ] = ''
         self._mapping = mbrdata
-    def _changed( self ):
+    def _changed(self):
         # Is this a new annotation?
         if self._annotations is not None:
             self._annotations[ MDkey ] = self._mapping
@@ -93,7 +85,7 @@
         pass # XXX
-    password = property( _getPassword, _setPassword )
+    password = property(_getPassword, _setPassword)
     def _getRealName(self):
         return self._mapping[ 'realname' ]
@@ -112,4 +104,3 @@
     email = property(_getEmail, _setEmail)

=== zopeproducts/NewsSite/sitesetup.py 1.4 => 1.5 ===
--- zopeproducts/NewsSite/sitesetup.py:1.4	Fri Mar 28 13:17:57 2003
+++ zopeproducts/NewsSite/sitesetup.py	Wed Jun 25 11:30:33 2003
@@ -19,30 +19,23 @@
 import os, sys
+from zope.app import zapi
 from zope.app.traversing import traverse, getPath
-from zope.app.services.service import ServiceManager
-from zope.app.services.service import ServiceConfiguration
-from zope.app.interfaces.services.configuration import Active
+from zope.app.services.service import ServiceManager, ServiceRegistration
+from zope.app.interfaces.services.registration import ActiveStatus
 from zope.app.services.servicenames \
      import Workflows, Authentication
-from zope.component import getUtility
 from zope.app.services.auth import AuthenticationService
 from zope.app.workflow.service import WorkflowService
+from zope.app.interfaces.workflow import IProcessDefinitionImportExport
 from zope.app.workflow.stateful.contentworkflow \
      import ContentWorkflowsUtility
-from zope.app.workflow.service import ProcessDefinitionConfiguration
+from zope.app.workflow.service import ProcessDefinitionRegistration
 from zope.app.workflow.stateful.definition \
      import StatefulProcessDefinition
-from zope.app.interfaces.workflow import IProcessDefinitionImportExport
 def load_file(filename, _prefix=None, mode='r'):
     if isinstance(_prefix, str):
         path = _prefix
@@ -53,33 +46,30 @@
     filename = os.path.join(path, filename)
     return open(filename, mode)
 def setupSite(site, data):
     # Add SiteManagementFolder
     sm = traverse(site, '++etc++site')
     default = traverse(sm, 'default')
-    cm = default.getConfigurationManager()
+    rm = default.getRegistrationManager()
     # Create Local Authentication Service
     auth_service_name = 'Authentication-1'
     default.setObject(auth_service_name, AuthenticationService())
     workflowservice = traverse(default, auth_service_name)
     auth_path = "%s/%s" % (getPath(default), auth_service_name)
-    configuration = ServiceConfiguration(Authentication, auth_path, site)
-    cm.setObject('', configuration)
-    traverse(cm, '1').status = Active
+    registration = ServiceRegistration(Authentication, auth_path, site)
+    rm.setObject('', registration)
+    traverse(rm, '1').status = ActiveStatus
     # Create Workflow Serivce
     workflow_service_name = 'Workflows-1'
     default.setObject(workflow_service_name, WorkflowService())
     workflowservice = traverse(default, workflow_service_name)
     workflow_path = "%s/%s" % (getPath(default), workflow_service_name)
-    configuration = ServiceConfiguration(Workflows, workflow_path, site)
-    cm.setObject('', configuration)
-    traverse(cm, '2').status = Active
+    registration = ServiceRegistration(Workflows, workflow_path, site)
+    rm.setObject('', registration)
+    traverse(rm, '2').status = ActiveStatus
     # Create Content Workflows Utility
     workflowsutility_name = 'ContentWorkflowsUtility-1'
@@ -92,11 +82,10 @@
     default.setObject(pd_name, StatefulProcessDefinition())
     pd = traverse(default, pd_name)
     pd_path = "%s/%s" % (getPath(default), pd_name)
-    configuration = ProcessDefinitionConfiguration('default', pd_path)
-    cm.setObject('', configuration)
-    traverse(cm, '3').status = Active
-    # Import Default ProcessReview Workflow
-    import_util = getUtility(default, IProcessDefinitionImportExport)
+    configuration = ProcessDefinitionRegistration('default', pd_path)
+    rm.setObject('', registration)
+    traverse(rm, '3').status = ActiveStatus
+    # Import Default ProcessReview Workflow    
+    import_util = zapi.getUtility(default, IProcessDefinitionImportExport)
     import_util.importProcessDefinition(pd, load_file('workflow.xml', mode='r'))