[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zope/app/browser/services - configure.zcml: field.py: add_module.pt:NONE edit_module.pt:NONE module.py:NONE
Jim Fulton
Mon, 30 Jun 2003 07:16:19 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/src/zope/app/browser/services
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv6099/src/zope/app/browser/services
Modified Files:
Tag: fdrake-local-modules-branch
configure.zcml field.py
Removed Files:
Tag: fdrake-local-modules-branch
add_module.pt edit_module.pt module.py
Log Message:
Checkpointing to branch. Will make detailed comments in merge.
=== Zope3/src/zope/app/browser/services/configure.zcml 1.57 => ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/browser/services/configure.zcml:1.57 Thu Jun 26 10:51:03 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/browser/services/configure.zcml Mon Jun 30 07:15:48 2003
@@ -363,32 +363,7 @@
-<!-- Persistent Modules -->
- <page
- name="edit.html"
- for="zodb.code.interfaces.IPersistentModuleManager"
- menu="zmi_views" title="Edit"
- class="zope.app.browser.services.module.EditModule"
- template="edit_module.pt"
- permission="zope.ManageServices"
- />
- <view for="zope.app.interfaces.container.IAdding"
- name="Module"
- class="zope.app.browser.services.module.AddModule"
- permission="zope.ManageServices"
- >
- <page name="index.html" template="add_module.pt" />
- <page name="action.html" attribute="action" />
- </view>
- <menuItem
- menu="add_component"
- for="zope.app.interfaces.container.IAdding"
- action="Module"
- title="Module"
- />
+<!-- Persistent Modules --> <include package="./module" />
<!-- PageFolder -->
=== Zope3/src/zope/app/browser/services/field.py 1.10 => ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/browser/services/field.py:1.10 Wed Jun 25 17:18:53 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/browser/services/field.py Mon Jun 30 07:15:48 2003
@@ -55,154 +55,6 @@
url += "/@@SelectedManagementView.html"
return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, path)
-class ComponentLocationWidget(Widget, BrowserView):
- implements(IBrowserWidget)
- # Names used:
- #
- # name.p the value of the path
- # name.d the value of the dotted module name
- def haveData(self):
- # do I have name.p xor name.m ?
- form = self.request.form
- has_p = self.name+'.p' in form
- has_d = self.name+'.d' in form
- return bool((has_p or has_d) and not (has_p and has_d))
- def getData(self, optional=0):
- field = self.context
- form = self.request.form
- name_p = self.name+'.p'
- name_d = self.name+'.d'
- path = form.get(self.name+'.p', '').strip()
- dottedname = form.get(self.name+'.d', '').strip()
- if path and not path.startswith('/'):
- raise WidgetInputError(
- self.context.__name__, self.title,
- 'The component path must start with a "/"')
- if dottedname and '/' in dottedname:
- raise WidgetInputError(
- self.context.__name__, self.title,
- 'A dotted module name cannot contain a "/"')
- if path and dottedname:
- location = ''
- else:
- location = path or dottedname
- if not location:
- if path and dottedname:
- raise WidgetInputError(
- self.context.__name__, self.title,
- 'Either give a module or select a component')
- # No user input
- if field.required and not optional:
- raise MissingInputError(field.__name__, field.title,
- 'the field is required')
- return field.default
- location = unicode(location)
- if not optional:
- try:
- field.validate(location)
- except ValidationError, v:
- raise WidgetInputError(self.context.__name__,
- self.title, str(v))
- return location
- def __call__(self):
- 'See IBrowserWidget'
- field = self.context
- form = self.request.form
- name = self.name
- if self._data is None: # no data has been set with Widget.setData(),
- # so use the data in the form
- path = form.get(name+'.p', '').strip()
- dottedname = form.get(name+'.d', '').strip()
- if path or dottedname:
- location = path or dottedname
- # XXX is validation here really needed?
- #field.validate(location)
- else: # otherwise, use the default
- location = field.default or ''
- if location.startswith('/'):
- path = location
- dottedname = ''
- else:
- dottedname = location
- path = ''
- else:
- # data has been set with Widget.setData()
- location = self._data
- if location.startswith('/'):
- path = location
- dottedname = ''
- else:
- dottedname = location
- path = ''
- selectmarkup = renderPathSelect(field.context, field.type,
- name+'.p', path)
- inputmarkup = '<input type="text" name="%s.d" value="%s">' % (
- name, dottedname)
- HTML = 'path: %s<br />dotted name: %s' % (selectmarkup, inputmarkup)
- return HTML
- def hidden(self):
- 'See IBrowserWidget'
- if self._data is None:
- data = self.getData(1)
- else:
- data = self._data
- if not data:
- return ''
- if data.startswith('/'):
- name = self.name+'.p'
- else:
- name = self.name+'.d'
- return '<input type="hidden" name="%s" value=%s />' % (
- name, quoteattr(data))
- def label(self):
- return '<label for="%s">%s</label>' % (self.name, self.title)
- def row(self):
- return '<div class="label">%s</div><div class="field">%s</div>"' % (
- self.label(), self())
- # --- deprecated methods of IBrowserWidget
- def renderHidden(self, value):
- 'See IBrowserWidget'
- raise NotImplementedError
- def render(self, value):
- 'See IBrowserWidget'
- raise NotImplementedError
-class ComponentLocationDisplayWidget(ComponentLocationWidget):
- def __call__(self):
- if self._data is None:
- data = self.getData(1)
- else:
- data = self._data
- # location = data
- return data
def renderPathSelect(context, type, name, selected, empty_message=''):
service_manager = getServiceManager(context)
info = service_manager.queryComponent(type)
=== Removed File Zope3/src/zope/app/browser/services/add_module.pt ===
=== Removed File Zope3/src/zope/app/browser/services/edit_module.pt ===
=== Removed File Zope3/src/zope/app/browser/services/module.py ===